<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit Response.Buffer = True 'Turn buffering on Response.Expires = -1 'Page expires immediately 'Constants Const MIN_PAGESIZE = 3 'Minimum pagesize Const MAX_PAGESIZE = 30 'Maximum pagesize Const DEF_PAGESIZE = 5 'Default pagesize 'Variables Dim objCn 'ADO DB connection object Dim objRs 'ADO DB recordset object Dim blnWhere 'True/False for have WHERE in sql already Dim intRecord 'Current record for paging recordset Dim intPage 'Requested page Dim intPageSize 'Requested pagesize Dim sql 'Dynamic sql query string Dim ID ID = Request.QueryString("ID") 'ID matches the Entry_ID for the news item in the database 'The following lines of code connect to the database and create the recordset. 'Create objects Set objCn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set objRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'Set/initialize variables intRecord = 1 blnWhere = False '-Get/set requested page intPage = MakeLong(Request("page")) If intPage < 1 Then intPage = 1 '-Get/set requested pagesize If IsEmpty(Request("pagesize")) Then 'Set to default intPageSize = DEF_PAGESIZE Else intPageSize = MakeLong(Request("pagesize")) 'Make sure it fits our min/max requirements If intPageSize < MIN_PAGESIZE Then intPageSize = MIN_PAGESIZE ElseIf intPageSize > MAX_PAGESIZE Then intPageSize = MAX_PAGESIZE End If End If '-Build dynamic sql sql = "SELECT Picture, Location, Site, Description, Museum, ImageName, ImageName2, PhotoID FROM Afpc " '--Site (partial and exact search) If Not IsEmpty(Request("ID")) Then Dim strSku strSku = (Trim(Request("ID"))) If strSku <> "" Then 'Test for WHERE If blnWhere Then sql = sql & "AND " Else sql = sql & "WHERE " : blnWhere = True If (Left(strSku, 1) = "*" And Len(strSku) > 1) Then 'Partial search sql = sql & "(Site LIKE '%" & Replace(Mid(strSku, 2), "'", "''") & "%') " ElseIf (Right(strSku, 1) = "*" And Len(strSku) > 1) Then 'Partial search sql = sql & "(Site LIKE '%" & Replace(Mid(strSku, 1, Len(strSku)-1), "'", "''") & "%') " Else 'Exact match sql = sql & "(Site = '" & Replace(strSku, "'", "''") & "') " End If End If End If '--Sort By Field sql = sql & "ORDER BY " sql = sql & "PhotoID " '--Sort Order Select Case Trim(LCase(Request("sortorder"))) Case "desc": sql = sql & "DESC" Case Else: sql = sql & "ASC" End Select '--Dynamic sql finished 'Create and open connection object With objCn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .ConnectionTimeout = 15 .CommandTimeout = 30 .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("./Afc.mdb") & ";" .Open End With 'Create and open recordset object With objRs .ActiveConnection = objCn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly .LockType = adLockReadOnly .Source = sql .PageSize = intPageSize .Open Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing 'Disconnect the recordset End With 'Creates a long value from a variant, invalid always set to zero Function MakeLong(ByVal varValue) If IsNumeric(varValue) Then MakeLong = CLng(varValue) Else MakeLong = 0 End If End Function 'Returns a neatly made paging string, automatically configuring for request 'variables, regardless of in querystring or from form, adjust output to your needs. Function Paging(ByVal intPage, ByVal intPageCount, ByVal intRecordCount) Dim strQueryString Dim strScript Dim intStart Dim intEnd Dim strRet Dim i If intPage > intPageCount Then intPage = intPageCount ElseIf intPage < 1 Then intPage = 1 End If If intRecordCount = 0 Then strRet = "No Records Found" ElseIf intPageCount = 1 Then strRet = "End Of Hits" Else For i = 1 To Request.QueryString.Count If LCase(Request.QueryString.Key(i)) <> "page" Then strQueryString = strQueryString & "&" strQueryString = strQueryString & Server.URLEncode(Request.QueryString.Key(i)) & "=" strQueryString = strQueryString & Server.URLEncode(Request.QueryString.Item(i)) End If Next For i = 1 To Request.Form.Count If LCase(Request.Form.Key(i)) <> "page" Then strQueryString = strQueryString & "&" strQueryString = strQueryString & Server.URLEncode(Request.Form.Key(i)) & "=" strQueryString = strQueryString & Server.URLEncode(Request.Form.Item(i)) End If Next If Len(strQueryString) <> 0 Then strQueryString = "?" & Mid(strQueryString, 2) & "&" Else strQueryString = "?" End If strScript = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & strQueryString If intPage <= 10 Then intStart = 1 Else If (intPage Mod 10) = 0 Then intStart = intPage - 9 Else intStart = intPage - (intPage Mod 10) + 1 End If End If intEnd = intStart + 9 If intEnd > intPageCount Then intEnd = intPageCount strRet = "Page " & intPage & " of " & intPageCount & ": " If intPage <> 1 Then strRet = strRet & "<<Prev " End If For i = intStart To intEnd If i = intPage Then strRet = strRet & "" & i & " " Else strRet = strRet & "" & i & "" If i <> intEnd Then strRet = strRet & " " End If Next If intPage <> intPageCount Then strRet = strRet & " Next>> " End If End If Paging = strRet End Function %> The American School of Classical Studies at Athens: The Alison Frantz Photographic Collection
<% 'Object cleanup If IsObject(objRs) Then If Not objRs Is Nothing Then If objRs.State = adStateOpen Then objRs.Close Set objRs = Nothing End If End If If IsObject(objCn) Then If Not objCn Is Nothing Then If objCn.State = adStateOpen Then objCn.Close Set objCn = Nothing End If End If %>