VIDEOCAST - Honouring Odysseus: celebrating the work of Robert Laffineur

Prof. R. Laffineur
Honouring Odysseus: celebrating the work of Robert Laffineur from ASCSA on Vimeo.
Welcome by H.E. Mr. L. Liebaut, Ambassador of Belgium in Greece and Cyprus
J. Driessen (Director EBSA), Honouring Odysseus: celebrating the work of Robert Laffineur
E. Kountouri (Director Prehistoric & Classical Antiquities): Ερευνώτας τη μυκηναϊκή βόρεια Κωπαΐδα: επιφανειακές και ανασκαφικές έρευνες κατά την περίοδο 2011-2016 / Investigating the Mycenaean Northern Kopais: surface survey and excavation research during the period 2011-2016
J. Wright (Director ASCSA), Revolutionizing the social order and the creation of a Mycenaean visual culture
J. Bennet (Director BSA), ko-wi-ro-wo-ko (and other specialists in theMycenaean documents)
R. Laffineur, Travelling the World. Thirty Years of Rencontres égéennes internationales/International Aegean Conferences