
The reputation of ASCSA Publications for scholarly and editorial excellence attracts submissions from many foreign as well as North American scholars. We publish the work of the School in our award-winning quarterly journal, Hesperia, in the extensive Corinth and Agora monograph series, and in various other volumes devoted to Hellenic studies. These works are essential reference tools for anyone interested in the archaeology and history of the Mediterranean world.

Praise for Our Titles

The Monuments of the Eastern Hill
Samothrace 9
Bonna D. Wescoat

Samothrace 9 demonstrates how extraordinarily much can still be accomplished in an intelligently conceived, elegantly written, and meticulously executed traditional printed volume.”

Votive Reliefs
Carol L. Lawton

“This is, quite simply, a model publication.”

The Julian Basilica: Architecture, Sculpture, Epigraphy
Corinth XXII
Paul D. Scotton, Catherine de Grazia Vanderpool, and Carolynn Roncaglia

“This book represents a milestone in the study of the Roman basilica in the East…”

Potters at Work in Ancient Corinth: Industry, Religion, and Penteskouphia Pinakes
Hesperia Supplement 51
Eleni Hasaki

“…this is probably the best and most complete overview of ancient Greek pottery production available…”

The Historical Greek Village
Lerna VIII
Brice L. Erickson

"Brice Erickson's The Historical Greek Village is an excellent new addition to the Lerna series and significantly furthers our understanding of the nature and character of the site from circa 970 to 175 B.C."

The Mycenaean Settlement on Tsoungiza Hill
Nemea Valley Archaeological Project III
James C. Wright and Mary K. Dabney

“...essential reading for Aegean prehistorians...”

Dogs in the Athenian Agora
Colin M. Whiting

“This charming and informative little book is an excellent contribution to understanding the dog’s role in a flourishing urban setting such as the ancient city state of Athens.”

Kenneth Kitchell, The Classical Outlook 98.2 (2023)

Publications News

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September 27, 2024

Hesperia 93.3 Now Online!

We are pleased to announce the publication of Hesperia 93.3! Topics in this issue include the publication of terracotta figurines from Corinth, a look at the development of lead-glazed pottery in the Mediterranean, and a study detailing events at the American excavations at Sardis during the Greek-Turkish War.

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August 26, 2024

A Work for the (Middle Bronze) Ages

Lindsay C. Spencer discusses her new book, The Middle Helladic Pottery (Lerna IX).

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August 8, 2024

New Publication: The Middle Helladic Pottery

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of The Middle Helladic Pottery (Lerna IX), by Lindsay C. Spencer.

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