Flint Dibbe, Post Doctroral Fellow - Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Sciences
Megan Dennison, Research Asscociates - Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Sciences
"Goats and Other Animals at Azoria: Public Feasting and Domestic Dining in Context"
Flint Dibble - Wiener Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellow
"The Genetic History of Plague: On the Doorstep to the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean"
Johannes Krause, Max-Planck Institute
“Geo-ethnoarchaeology: Ethnography and microscopic study of modern sites as an interpretative tool for archaeological research”
Dr. David Friesem, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge
“Why are Scientists Afraid of ED-XRF Analysis in Art and Archaeology?”
Prof. Sariel Shalev, University of Haifa
"The Prospect for Ancient Proteins in Archaeology"
Matthew Collins, University of York - University of Copenhagen
"Tales from the Wiener Lab: Contributions of the Archaeological Sciences to Classical Studies"
Dr. Melinda Zeder, Smithsonian Institution
"Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana and the botanical exploration of Greece"
Arne Strid, Professor emeritus, former Director of the Göteborg Botanical Garden
“Harvesting the Sea: Aegean Societies and Marine Animals in Context”
Tatiana Theodoropoulou, Wiener Laboratory Post-Doctoral Fellow
“Ötzi and Modern Mummy Research-The Life and Death of the 5300-year-old Tyrolean Iceman”
Albert Zink, European Academy of Bolzano, Italy
“Chemistry and Provenance: Production and Exchange of Ceramics from Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean”
Michael D. Glascock, University of Missouri-Columbia
"The Flora Graeca before Sibthorp"
Dr. Alain Touwaide, Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions