The Encheiridion Methodikon is the very rare first edition of a Confession book written by Nikiphoros Paschaleus; it was printed in Venice by Antonio Pinelli in 1622. According to Émile Legand it is an edition of exceptional rarity and in the Greek bibliographies only the copy of Joannes Gennadius is recorded. The excellent new edition of the work, based primarily on the copy of the Gennadius Library, was published by Dr. George Vlachakis at the editing house of Armos.

The copy, in 16mo format, bound in leather with the Horologion (Pinelli, 1623) bears a coat of arms, the initials SE and gilded edges.

The typewritten catalog of the personal library of Joannes Gennadius (Theology, approximately 6000 editions), contains a category of liturgical texts, including some editions of Confessions. The Encheiridion Methodikon holds a prominent place among them.


The Pinelli printing house was one of the most important Italian printing houses specializing in the publication of Greek books in Venice in the 17th century. The founder of the printing house was Antonio Pinelli, a "philhellene" according to Nikiphoros Paschaleus. It remained active for two centuries, until the end of the Venetian Republic. In the period from 1600 to 1676, the printing house published over 244 Greek titles.

To ensure the superior quality of the books and to facilitate their sale, Antonio Pinelli worked closely with editors and publishers of the Greek Community of Venice. In addition to the former publisher of the Zanetti publishing house Maximos Margounios, he worked with the authors Neophytos Rodinos, Matthaios Galatianos, Matthaios Polytzidis, Nathanael Emporos, and mainly Theophanis Xenakis, Theofylaktos Tzanfournaris and Nikiphoros Paschaleus

The new modern edition of the rare Encheiridion of 1622 by George Vlachakis contains a rich and informative introduction as well as theological and philological analysis of the text, which make it a particularly important study tool for the researcher.