Hesperia 79.4 Now Online
The ASCSA’s Office of Publications is pleased to announce the arrival of Hesperia 79.4. The issue contains four stimulating articles: an excavation report on Late Minoan Chrysokamino-Chomatas; an essay on the location of the Athenian public cemetery and its role in the new democracy; a fresh interpretation of a vase by Douris; and a look at the functions and occasionally whimsical forms of mortaria from ancient Corinth. The Excavation of Chrysokamino-Chomatas: A Preliminary Report, by Cheryl R. Floyd and Philip P. Betancourt, describes a site excavated in 1996–1997 near the Chrysokamino metallurgy workshop in East Crete. Superimposed Late Minoan IB and IIIA–B architectural remains invite comparison of building techniques in the region over time. Read more. Topographic Semantics: The Location of the Athenian Public Cemetery and Its Significance for the Nascent Democracy, by Nathan T. Arrington, explores the place of the demosion sema within the Athenian physical and cognitive landscape. Determining the precise location of the public cemetery has important consequences for understanding its function within the emerging democracy. Read more. Greek Verse on a Vase by Douris, by David Sider, reexamines a schoolroom scene on an Attic red-figure kylix painted by Douris to explore and explain several issues: is the text on the scroll held up by the teacher in hexameters or lyric; is it part of a preexisting poem or an ad hoc composition by the painter; and how is the viewer to interpret the action on the vase? The answers might surprise you. Read more. Mortaria from Ancient Corinth: Form and Function, by Alexandra Villing and Elizabeth G. Pemberton, details the relationship at Corinth between terracotta grinding bowls and the development of culinary customs and their social setting. The authors trace morphological changes and trading patterns, and suggest functions for mortaria on the basis of archaeological evidence, literary sources, and iconography. The cover of this issue features one of the more playful examples discussed. Read more. Current subscribers can view the issue online now. The printed version will be mailed shortly. Access to the online edition is available through universities around the world. Individual subscribers receive password access to current issues and to an archive of over 40,000 pages of the journal hosted by JSTOR. Hesperia subscribers also receive complimentary online access to Hesperia Supplements, and Agora and Corinth volumes. Click here to subscribe to Hesperia. Hesperia welcomes submissions from scholars working in all fields of Greek studies. Further information about how to submit an article can be found on our website.