Petros Themelis 1936 - 2023
Petros Themelis, one of the most prominent Greek archaeologists, professor and colleague, passed away on Friday, October 27th, at the age of 87.
In 1986 the Archaeological Society of Athens, assigned Themelis with the excavation and restoration of the site of Ancient Messene, a site to which he decided his life. As the Greek Minister of Culture stated, “Themelis once said to me: The stones in Messene talk to me and tell me where to put them, and I have to do this”
Our academic program included Messene as one of its featured destinations while visiting the Peloponnese, and many students of the American School remember Professor Themelis guiding them through the site, lecturing at the School and participating in conferences in Athens.
The American School of Classical Studies offers its condolences to his friends and family.