Ehsan Behbahani-Nia
Lucy Shoe Meritt Fellowship
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Topic: Ashlar Masonry and the Mobility of Greeks and Anatolians in Persia

Ehsan Behbahani-Nia is a PhD candidate in Art History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, specializing in ancient Greek architecture, construction techniques, and stone-carving. His research investigates the diffusion of building technologies and the movement of stonemasons across the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Near Eastern regions during the Archaic and Classical periods. In the field, he works with the Harvard–Cornell excavation team at Sardis, the Chicago excavation team at Isthmia in Greece, and the French-Turkish mission at Labraunda. He has also previously contributed to other archaeological projects in Iran, Serbia, Greece, Italy, and France, including sites such as Pasargadae, Portus of Rome, Delos, Onchestos, Caričin Grad, Mandeure, Arles, and Argentomagus.