Nicholas Hudson
Joan and Euguene Vanderpool Fellowship
University of North Caroline, Wilmington
Research Topic: The Roman Plain and Local Pottery From the Athenian Agora

Dr. Nicholas Hudson is a Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He is a member of the Athenian Agora excavation team, where he oversees the study of Roman-period pottery. At the Stoa of Attalos Research Center, Nick is preparing an exhaustive study of the Roman-period local and plainware pottery from the Athenian Agora.
His broader research interests engage in the topics of ancient foodways and Roman social dining practices. In Athens, in addition to his work with local pottery production, he is developing research agendas related to Athenian wine culture during the Roman era and collaborative works investigating local culinary traditions spanning from the Early Iron Age to Late Antiquity.