Marbleworkers in the Athenian Agora

by Carol Lawton
Agora Picture Book 27
52 pp, 58 col & b/w figs
5.5" x 8.5"
Paper, ISBN: 978-0-87661-645-1
Publication Date: Nov 2006
Status: Active
Retail Price $6.95
The 5th-century B.C. poet Pindar remarked on the rich sculptural decoration of the Athenian Agora, and, indeed, over 3,500 pieces of various types of sculpture have been uncovered during its excavation. This full-color guide sheds new light on the marble industry in and around the Agora, including rich evidence for sculptors’ workshops, their tools, and techniques. The text discusses the works of both famous and anonymous artists.
About the Author: Carol Lawton is Professor of Art History at Lawrence University.
"Voilà un petit livre agréable pour guider une visite et donner à réfléchire par la suite." Mary-Anne Zagdoun, Revue des Études Grecques 120.1 (2007), p. 320