
Deme Theaters in Attica and the Trittys System

by Jessica Paga

Hesperia, Volume 79, Issue 3
Page(s): 351-384
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40981054
Year: 2010


Analysis of the physical form and geographic distribution of deme theaters in Attica demonstrates their multiplicity of functions during the Classical period. A pattern of one theatral area per trittys per phyle is identified, pointing to the use of the trittyes as nodes of communication within the broader framework of Athenian society and democratic organization. The author argues that the multifunctional nature of the theaters is integrally linked to their relationship with the trittyes, and posits that the theatral areas facilitated both deme and trittyes gatherings. The precise role of the trittyes in organizational and administrative functions is further considered.