Introduction, Topography, Architecture

by Harold North Fowler and Richard Stillwell, with contributions by Carl William Blegen, Benjamin Powell, and Charles Alexander Robinson
Corinth I.1
258 pp, 154 figs, 21 pls in a folio
9" x 12"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-011-4
Publication Date: Nov 1932
Status: Out of Print
The aim of this volume, the first in the Corinth series although not the first to be published, is to describe the surroundings of the ancient site and then document the main buildings identified during the first 30 years of ASCSA excavations. The authors start with a general review of the place of Corinth in its surroundings illustrated with contemporary photographs. They then proceed to describe the Temple of Apollo, the Lechaion Road, the Market North of the Basilica, the Colonnades and Shops along the Lechaion Road, the Propylaea, the Basilica, and the North Building.