Excavations at Pylos in Elis

by John E. Coleman
Hesperia Supplement 21
192 pp, 22 ills, 4 maps, 5 figs, 54 pls
8.5" x 11"
Paper, ISBN: 978-0-87661-521-8
Publication Date: Nov 1986
Status: Active
Retail Price $50
When the site of Elean Pylos was threatened by the construction of a dam in 1968, a team from the University of Colorado moved in to salvage as much information as possible about the ancient town before it was submerged. This report is divided chronologically: Middle Helladic, Geometric, Archaic, Classical, Roman, Byzantine, and Frankish. Each chapter consists of a brief description of the remains in the field, followed by a catalogue of the finds. While earlier finds are mainly of wells, the Classical settlement was the size of a large village providing everyday finds of bronze, lead, iron, and pottery. Some fragments of terracotta figurines and amber suggest a certain amount of wealth, but the primary character of the whole site is agricultural. Roman and Frankish remains are primarily funerary.