The Sanctuary of Athena Nike in Athens: Architectural Stages and Chronology

by Ira S. Mark
Hesperia Supplement 26
180 pp, 17 figs, 22 pls, 1 plan
8.5" x 11"
Paper, ISBN: 978-0-87661-526-3
Publication Date: Nov 1993
Status: Active
Retail Price $50
Based on records from Nikolaos Balanos’ dismantling and reerection of the temple of Athena Nike on the Athenian Acropolis (between 1935 and 1939), this volume presents a detailed architectural study of the building’s chronology and history.
"This is an impeccable study. The presentation of the evidence is meticulous, with the result that we now have an understanding, as complete as the surviving evidence allows, of the transformation of a Mycenaean defensive bastion into a religious site that eventually carried one of the most delicate and delightful of Greek temples." Richard A. Tomlinson, JHS 115 (1995), p. 238