Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy

edited by Ada Cohen and Jeremy B. Rutter
Hesperia Supplement 41
456 pp, 11 col and 167 b/w figs
8.5" x 11"
Paper, ISBN: 978-0-87661-541-6
Publication Date: Dec 2007
Status: Active
Retail Price $75
These 20 papers explore ancient notions and experiences of childhood around the Mediterranean, from prehistory to late antiquity. They are grouped into sections on Families; Socialization and Enculturation; Rituals and Life Transitions; Gender and Representation; Burial; Commemoration; and Childhood and the Classical Tradition. The contributors come from a range of different disciplines, including art history, archaeology, classical philology, and physical anthropology.
About the Author: Ada Cohen is Associate Professor of Art History at Dartmouth College. Jeremy B. Rutter is Sherman Fairchild Professor of the Humanities at Dartmouth College.
"This beautifully-produced volume collects papers originally presented at a conference at Dartmouth College in 2003 organized in conjunction with the exhibition 'Coming of Age in Ancient Greece' at the Hood Art Museum. The contributors to this volume successfully address multiple aspects of ancient Mediterranean childhood with very little of the repetitive overlap or loss of thematic focus that can sometimes weaken edited collections. This volume represents the state of the art in Greco-Roman childhood studies and offers valuable resources to scholars of the ancient family, household, and lifecycle." Neil Bernstein, BMCR 2008.08.23