The Molyvoti, Thrace, Archaeological Project 1: Landscape, Architecture, and Material Culture

edited by Nathan T. Arrington, Domna Terzopoulou, Marina Tasaklaki, and Thomas F. Tartaron
Hesperia Supplement 54
792 pp, 475 b/w and color figs, 21 tables
8.5" x 11"
Paper, ISBN: 978-0-87661-556-0
Publication Date: 2025
Status: Not Yet Published
Retail Price $75
This volume publishes the final results of the 2013-2015 seasons of the Molyvoti, Thrace, Archaeological Project (MTAP), a Greek-American expedition in northwestern Greece. This first volume presents the history and finds from the archaeological site often referred to as “Ancient Stryme,” which ancient sources identified as an emporion (trading post) and polis settled by Thasians. The volume provides a new chronology for the site, including its 4th-century BCE reoccupation after destruction possibly associated with Philip of Macedon, and traces diachronic change through the Early Byzantine period. A significant discovery is a complete Classical house at the site, one of the few from Aegean Thrace, which features informative architecture and domestic assemblages. Intensive urban survey clarifies the city’s 4th-century walls and harbors, expanding notions of the scale, function, and daily life in coastal settlements. In the surrounding chora, the area’s first geomorphological study evaluates landscape use and the changing coastline. Contributions from over 20 authors discuss the excavation, survey, geomorphology, and finds from MTAP, shedding new light on Greek-Thracian interaction, settlement, trade, and the environment from prehistory through the Early Byzantine period in an understudied region of the Aegean.
About the Author: Nathan T. Arrington is Professor of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University. Domna Terzopoulou is the director of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Evros. Marina Tasaklaki is an archaeologist in the Ephorate of Antiquities of Rhodope. Thomas F. Tartaron is Associate Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.