Bert H. Hill Papers


Collection Number: GR ASCSA BHH 004
Name(s) of Creator(s): Bert Hodge Hill (1874-1958)
Title: Bert H. Hill Papers
Date [bulk]: 1906-1958
Date [inclusive]:
Language(s): English, Greek
Summary:  Bert Hodge Hill was involved with the American School of Classical Studies throughout his career. He was a fellow of the School (1900 -1903), Director (1906 -1926), advisor to the publications of the Corinth excavations and other School projects, and Director Emeritus (1947-1958). The papers in the collection cover the period from the time he was a student at the University of Vermont and Columbia University (1895-1900) until his death in 1958. They comprise a mix of professional and personal papers and are divided into five series (Correspondence, ASCSA Directorship, Member of Committees and Organizations, Archaeological Notes, Personal Papers Other than Correspondence)
Quantity:  5 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Bert H. Hill (through the acquisition of the Blegen House on Ploutrachou 9), 1971.
Information about Access: The collection is available for research.
Notes: The collection was processed and catalogued by Evi Sikla in 1997 and has been revised many times since then. Rebecca Worsham catalogued the photos in 2013 and Leda Costaki the Nemea and Corinth material in 2021.
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Bert H. Hill Papers (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Bert H. Hill)

For more information, please contact the ARCHIVES at:
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Bert Hodge Hill was born on March 7, 1874, in Bristol, Vermont. He received his A. B. from the University of Vermont in 1895 and his M. A. from Columbia University in 1900. His association with the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) started when he attended the ASCSA as a Drisler Fellow of Columbia University in 1901. He remained at the ASCSA as a Fellow of the Archaeological Institute of America for the two following years (1902-1903). After a brief interval, during which he was Assistant Curator of Classical Antiquities at the Museum of Fine Arts and Lecturer in Greek Sculpture at Wellesley College, he returned to the ASCSA and served as its director for twenty years (1906-1926). Hill remained an active participant in the ASCSA’s affairs even after his official retirement from the directorship. He later served as director for the University of Pennsylvania Archaeological Expedition in Cyprus at the excavations in Lapithos and Kourion (1932 and from 1934 to 1952). In 1936-1937 he traveled widely in the United States as a Charles Eliot Norton Lecturer of the Archaeological Institute of America.

Hill’s academic interests were broad and diverse. As Director of the ASCSA he was in charge of the Corinth excavations where he concentrated on the study of the springs of Peirene, Glauke, and the Sacred Spring. He was also closely involved with the study of the monuments of the Athenian Akropolis, especially the Erechtheum and the Parthenon, as well as with the topography of Athens. In addition to architecture, sculpture, and topography, he was engaged in studies of epigraphy and worked on the publication of many inscriptions. His knowledge of Greek archaeology, in particular that of Athens, was widely recognized and, consequently, he was consulted by everyone publishing on these topics. 

His impact on the field of archaeology did not go unacknowledged. He received honorary degrees and memberships from many institutions, such as the University of Vermont, the University of Thessaloniki, the Archaeological Society of Athens, the German Archaeological Institute, the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and others. He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the American Philological Association and of the Archaeological Institute of America.

Hill married Ida Carleton Thallon in 1924. He lived in Athens almost continuously from 1900 until his death in 1958, and was always an active participant in the intellectual and social life of the city, offering his services to many humanitarian and educational agencies. Hill served with the American Red Cross during World War I and as an officer in the Greek Refugee Settlement Commission under the League of the Nations in the 1920s. Moreover, he was a member of the Board of Trustees of Athens College since its foundation in 1925 and, as an executive officer of the United States Educational Foundation in Greece helped promote the Fulbright program in Greece.

Bert Hodge Hill died on December 2, 1958. He is buried in the Protestant Section of the First Cemetery of Athens.


Bert Hodge Hill was involved with the American School of Classical Studies throughout his career. He was a fellow of the School (1900-1903), Director (1906-1926), advisor to the publications of the Corinth excavations and other School projects, and Director Emeritus (1947-1958). The papers in the collection cover the period from the time he was a student at the University of Vermont and Columbia University (1895-1900) up to his death in 1958. They comprise a mix of professional and personal papers and are organized into five series.

Series I: Correspondence. This series contains both professional and personal correspondence. Subseries I.1 contains the correspondence with individuals organized alphabetically according to correspondent’s name. Subseries I.2 contains correspondence with various institutions, such as universities, museums, government offices and companies, organized in alphabetical order.  Subseries I.3 consists of letters of introduction of people introduced to Hill from the time he served as the Director of the ASCSA and after. They are organized in chronological order. Subseries I.4 contains professional correspondence classified by subject, concerning the University of Pennsylvania excavations at Lapithos and Kourion in Cyprus (where Hill was the director), the publication of the Erechtheum by the ASCSA, the proposed revision of Ida Thallon Hill’s book The Ancient City of Athens, the publication of inscription IG I2 66, and telegraphs exchanged between various people and Hill about the excavations at Nemea. Subseries I.5 is comprised of Hill’s personal correspondence, with his wife Ida Thallon Hill, various members of the Hill family, his close friend Elisabeth Blegen, letters to his friends while he was a student at the ASCSA, invitations to social and professional events, visitor’s cards given to him as well as postcards sent to him by friends.

Series II: Directorship of the ASCSA (1906-1926). This series contains correspondence and documents relating to the administration of the ASCSA during the years Hill was the Director.  For correspondence between Hill and the Chairmen of the Managing Committee see above, Series I. The remaining documents concerning the ASCSA’s administration constitute Subseries II.1. Subseries II.2 contains documents concerning Hill’s termination of his directorship. These records are valuable not only for the termination issue, but because they contain much information about the administration of the ASCSA during Hill’s directorship. The documents pertaining to the termination of Hill’s directorship are a collection of mixed papers, including correspondence and documents from the papers of Edward Perry and Lacey Caskey. It is unclear whether this material was gathered by Hill or by someone else after his death.

Series III: Member of various committees and organizations. This series contains documents and correspondence pertaining to Hill’s activities in various committees and organizations of humanitarian and educational character. The documents in Subseries III.1 document Hill’s activities as member of the Refugee Settlement Commission, after the defeat of the Greeks in Asia Minor in 1922 and the subsequent exchange of population between the two countries. The papers of Subseries III.2 are concerned with Hill’s activity as a representative of the ASCSA to the American Red Cross Commission in Greece during the World War I, and as a member of the Red Cross during World War II. [During WW II Hill also served as an official of the American Repatriation Committee, but no relevant papers were found in his collection (see ADM REC)]. Subseries III.3 and Subseries III.4 contain papers related to Hill’s activities as a member of the Board of the Trustees of Athens College and as a member of the Board of Directors of the U. S. Educational Foundation in Greece (Fulbright) where he also served as an executive director.

Series IV: Archaeological notes and papers. This series contains notes, manuscripts, plans and drawings, photographs and some printed material relating to Hill’s archaeological work (most of HIll’s work never reached publication stage). Some related correspondence is included in these folders (if found mixed with the notes, it was retained within the same folder). The remainder is in Series I, Subseries I.4. Most of the photographs within this series belong to the original documentation of Hill’s archaeological work and accompany specific folders. Photos found scattered among unrelated papers have been placed within the folders thought appropriate and are noted after the description of the folder. Subseries IV.1 contains notes on the Peirene fountain, manuscripts of the excavation reports for 1896-1897, and studies concerning material from these excavations (terracotta figurines and reliefs, and a Corinthian vase.) and other Corinth related material. Subseries IV.2 contains papers concerning Hill’s detailed studies of the Erecththeum. Subseries IV.3 contains personal notes on various inscriptions. Subseries IV.4 contains papers concerning Hill’s work on the Athena Nike temple   Subseries IV.5 contains papers concerning Hill’s detailed studies on the Parthenon.  Subseries IV.6 includes his notes and plans from his work at Tegea and Subseries IV.7 contains his work on the temple of Hephaistos in the Athenian Agora.  Subseries IV.8 consists of Hill’s notes on the revision of the Ida Thallon Hill’s book The Ancient City of Athens. Subseries IV.9 contains archaeological notes on various projects, including Nemea (see Box 35).

Series V: Personal papers. This series contains Hill’s personal papers other than correspondence. Subseries V.1 is composed of various documents such as papers relating to his annuity arrangements, his residence permits for Greece during WW II, passports, identity cards and various passes, paperwork relating to his death, and various papers such as newspaper clippings, theater and cruise programs and various catalogs. A few papers that relate to Hill’s professional life but could not be included in any other series are placed here. These include a list of the ASCSA’s students from the foundation of the ASCSA up to the 1940s, a circular of information for prospective students of the ASCSA (postdating his directorship of the ASCSA), a proposal for the exploration of Asia Minor by R. S. Sterrett with corrections (possibly by Hill), a document referring to the American Journal of Archaeology’s (AJA) editorship, some pamphlets for the American Institute of Archaeology and a reprint of the 1925 excavation report for Corinth. Subseries V.2 contains his class notes on various subjects from his year as a graduate student at Columbia University. Subseries V.3 contains his personal diaries and agendas covering the years from 1888 to 1958; Subseries V.4 contains a few personal items. Subseries V.5 contains the honorary diplomas awarded to B. H. Hill. Subseries V.6 contains personal photographs.



Subseries I.1: Correspondence, general


Folder 1:1
Correspondence A-B (C. W. Blegen separate)

- Adossides, N.

- Allen, James T.

- Allinson, Francis, G.

- Anderson, George P.

- Andronikidis, A.

- Andronikidou, Elpida

- Archer, Laird

- Askew, N. E.

- Atchley, Ismene

- Babbitt, Frances

- Bacht, Charlote N.

- Barla, J. (?)

- Bassett, Samuel E.

- Battle, William J.

- Beach, Sallie S.

- Beazley, J. D.

- Bellinger, C. B.

- Bens, Howard W.

- Benson, Jack

- Berard, Jean

- Berenson, Mary

- Black, Henry W.

- Blackett, W. L. (?)

- Bonner, Campbell

- Bosworth, Grace M.

- Bosworth, Helen M.

- Bosworth, Phoebe M.

- Brom, Alice van V. (?)

- Broneer, Oscar

- Broneer, Verna

- Buck, Carl D.

- Bunker, Minnie

- Buschor, Ernst

Folder 1:2
Correspondence with Blegen, Carl W.

- 1911-1926

- 1930-1940, 1958

Folder 1:3
Correspondence C (E. Capps and A. Curtis filed separately)

- Capps, Priscilla

- Carratelli, Giovanni P.

- Carroll, Mitchell

- Carpenter, Marjorie

- Carpenter, Rhys

- Caskey, Lacey D.

- Catlin, Stanton L.

- Caverno, Julia

- Chase, George H.

- Clark, C. U.

- Clark, Henry W.

- Clark, Paul

- Cole, E. E.

- Coolidge

- Cooper-Prichard, A. H.

- Cox, Dorothy H.

- Crosby, Lamar H.

- Crane, C.

Folder 1:4
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1913-1920)

Folder 1:5
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1921-1923)


Folder 2:1
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1922-1923)

Folder 2:2
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1923-1924)

Folder 2:3
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1923-1924)

Folder 2:4
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1924-1925)

Folder 2:5
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1924-1925)

Folder 2:6
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1925-1926)

Folder 2:7
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1925-1926)


Folder 3:1
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1926-1927)

Folder 3:2
Correspondence with Capps, Edward (1926-1927, 1935-1937)

Folder 3:3
Correspondence with Curtis, Allen (1918-1927)

Folder 3:4
Correspondence D-F

- Davidson, G.

- Davis, Homer

- Davis, Phillip

- Day, John

- Della Seta, A.

- Delta, E.

- Demetrakopoulou, E.

- Devon, Homer W.

- Dewing, Henry B.

- Dickerman, Sherwood O.

- Dikaios, Porphyrios

- Dinsmoor, William B.

- Dinsmoor, William B., jr.

- Dinsmoor, Zillah

- Dixon, Ismene P.

- Dohan, Edith H.

- Doten, Carroll W.

- Douglas, Mary D.

- Dow, Elisabeth

- Dow, Sterling

- Dragoumis, Marie

- Drakidis, Gerasimos

- Droppers, Cora

- Droppers, Jean

- Duell, Prentice

- Edwards, G. Roger

- Elderkin, George W.

- Ellis, Alice W.

- Erhardt, Eleanor

- Evans, Helene R.

- Fairbanks, Arthur

- Fairelough, H. R. (?)

- Ferguson

- Finley, John, jr.

- Fougères, Gustave

- French, Lucy B.

- Fowler, Harold N.

- Fry, (Franklin C.?)

Folder 3:5
Correspondence G-H (Hetty Goldman filed separately)

- Galt, Caroline M.

- Ganett, Ethel

- Garland, Paul

- Gary, Elbert

- Gennadius, John

- George, Patricia

- Grace, Virginia

- Haas, J. H. (?)

- Haggard, P.

- Haight, Elisabeth H.

- Hall, Frederic

- Hallward, B. and L.

- Haley, J.

- Halsh, Kathleen(?)

- Hansen, Hazel D.

- Hapwood

- Harland, James P.

- Harrington, K. P.

- Hart, Charles R.

- Hart, H. B.

- Hatch, William H. P.

- Heilman, Charlotte

- Hibbard, D. O. (missing or transfered to Box 6, folder 2, under Young Men's Christian Association)

- Hill, Caroline Hodge

- Hill, Dorothy

- Hill, Harry (included are letters from Bert H. Hill to his niece Pauline Ward Hill and Elizabeth P. Blegen)

- Hiller, F. von

- Hirst, Gertrude

- Hodge, Trevor A.

- Holland, Leicester, B.

- Hone, H.

- Hood, Rachel

- House, C. L.

- Howes, G. E.

- Hutchinson, K. W.

- Hutting, W. D. (?)

Folder 3:6
Correspondence with Hetty Goldman, 1911-1936 (correspondence concerning the excavation permits for Eutresis is included here)


Folder 4:1
Correspondence J-K

- James, Alfred

- Jaquith, Mary (Near East Relief)

- Jayne (re: Curium Excavations)

- Jillyard, H. J. W.

- Johnson Allan C.

- Johnson, Franklin P.

- Jones, Francis F.

- Jones

- Kachros, George N.

- Kachros, Jim

- Kalopothakes, D.

- Karavokyri, E. (widow of George Karavokyris)

- Karo, Georg

- Karousatos, Athanasios

- Karousatos, John

- Kastanatras (?)

- Kehaya, Grace M. 

- Kelsey, Francis W.

- Kelly, Isabelle

- Kent, R.

- Key, Helen

- Kondylios, Elias

- Kosmopoulos, Angelis

- Kosmopoulos, George

- Kosmopoulos, Leslie W.

- Kourouniotis, K.

- Krikos, Alex

- Kyriakides, Aristides

Folder 4:2
Correspondence L-N

- Laird, Arthur Gordon

- Lands, Lewey

- Last, J. S.

- Law, Helen H.

- Laymer, Richmond (?)

- Lee, H.

- Lemers, Paul (?)

- Lentz, Johannes

- Lord, Louis E.

- Loring, Judge William C.

- Lowe, Clotilde

- Lowrie, W. L.  (and Mrs Amy Lowrie)

- Luce, Stephen B.

- Lunde, Anne

- McCarthy, Barbara

- McDaniell

- McFadden, George

- Macurdy, Grace

- MacVeagh, Lincoln and Margaret

- Magoffin, Ralph, V.D.

- Mangoletsi, Electra E.

- Mavrogordato, F.

- Mavrogordato, P.

- Mayer, Charles J.

- Megaw, A. H. S.

- Melas, Natalia

- Mendell, Clarence D.

- Meritt, Benjamin D.

- Meritt, P.

- Metcalf, , Mrs J. H.

- Miller, Walter

- Miller, C. N. E.

- Mills, J. A.

- Montegu, James D.

- Morgan, Charles H.

- Morgenthau, H.

- Moses

- Nazos, Edla

- Newhall, Agnes

- Noe, Ben W.

Folder 4:3
Correspondence O-R

- Oakley, Horace

- Offenberg, B. (?)

- Ogle, M. B.

- Oikonomos

- Palmer, Hazel

- Papadimitriou, John

- Papadopoulou, Anna

- Papaggylou, George

- Papaioannou, Nicholaos

- Papaioannou, Vasilios

- Parsons, Arthur W.

- Paton, James M.

- Patten, Henry J.

- Pavlides, G.

- Pendlebury, J.

- Perkins, H. F.

- Perry, Edward D.

- Pfledierer, Florizel A.

- Pharr, Clyde

- Philadelpheus, Alex

- Picard, L.

- Polland, W. C.

- Porter, Mary P.

- Prentice, William K.

- Portugal, Cara Cote

- Radeke, Elisa

- Raphtopoulos, K.

- Rawson, Marion

- Richardson, Gardner

- Richter, Gisela M. A.

- Robbins, L.G. 

- Robertson, C. M.

- Robinson, David M.

- Robinson, Edward

- Robinson, Henry

- Robuett, Jane

- Rossides

Folder 4:4
Correspondence S-T (R. Seager and G. P. Stevens separate)

- Sanborn, Ashton C. (a copy of a permit for excavation at Halae is included here)

- Savvidis, Christoforos

- Schliemann, Agamemnon

- Schliemann, Sophia

- Scranton, Robert

- Semple, W.

- Severis, D.

- Shear, Josephine

- Shear, Nora

- Shear, Theodore L.

- Shelley, Joseph

- Siegel, U.

- Slauphler, S.

- Smith, Alfred

- Smith, John, jr.

- Sophianos, M. N.

- Spaeth, John W. jr.

- Spaulding, C. W. (information on Hill’s family tree is included here)

- Spitzer, Carl B.

- Stillwell, Richard

- Swindler, Mary H.

- Talcott, Lucy

- Tanner, Robin

- Taylor, Henry O.

- Taylor, P.

- Thomas, M. Carey

- Thompson, George C.

- Thompson, Homer A.

- Thompson, Malcolm

- Thompson, W. Stuart

- Toynbee, A., (reporting on the situation in Sardis during the Greek-Turkish war of the early 1920s)

Folder 4:5
Correspondence with Seager Richard (1907-1920)

Folder 4:6
Correspondence with Stevens, Gorham P. (1920-1954)

Folder 4:7
Correspondence U-Z (J. R. Wheeler filed separately)

- Ure, P. N.

- Vallois, R.

- Van Buren, A. W.

- Van der Mynsbrugge

- Van Hook, La Rue

- Vanderpool, Eugene

- Vanderpool, Joan

- Wace, Alan

- Walter, Otto

- Walton, Alice

- Wasserman, Earl R.

- Waywood, Dorothy

- Weeks, Mabel F.

- Weld, A. Winsor

- Welda, L.

- Weller, C. H.

- Welter, Gabriel

- Wheeler, Amy W.

- Whiting, Marion

- Wilhelm, Adolf

- Wilson, John A.

- Young, Clarence

- Young, Suzanne



Folder 5:1
Correspondence with Wheeler James R. (1906-1911)

Folder 5:2
Correspondence with Wheeler James R. (1912-1913)

Folder 5:3
Correspondence with Wheeler James R. (1914-1917)

Folder 5:4
Letters not signed or with signatures that cannot be recognized and a few drafts of Hill’s letters, including a draft of a telegram to John Gennadius, dated 1926.

Subseries I.2: Correspondence with institutions, universities, museums, societies and associations, governmental agencies, the Royal family of Greece, various companies


Folder 6:1
- Adams and Peck (stock brokers)

- Alumni Council of the University of Vermont

- American Academy of Arts and Sciences

- American Academy in Rome

- The American Association of Museums

- American Commission to Negotiate Peace

- American Council of Learned Societies

- American Embassy (including American Legation)

- The American Express Company (see also Harry Hill)

- American Express travel and shipping, re: J. Karousatos

- American Legion: Athens Post (Dr. Anthony Blase)

- American School of Classical Studies in Athens (correspondence with the Managing Committee)

- Archaeological Institute of America (correspondence regarding Hill as the C. E. Norton AIA lecturer for 1936-1937 is included here)

- Anglo-Hellenic League

- Archaeological Society at Athens

Folder 6:2
- The Bank of Athens Trust Company

 - The Boston Globe

-  Bristol Mfg.Co

- The Byzantine Institute

- Cambridge University Press

- The Columbia University Club

- Connecticut General (life insurance company)

- Corn Exchange Bank Trust Company

- Delta Psi Fraternity

- Eleftheroudakis & Barth Librairie International

- Evangelismos Hospital

- Fogg Art Museum (re: agreement with ASCSA to excavate in Greece)

- Greek Governmental Offices including various ministries, the Archaeological Council

- Hill Memorial School

- Idryma Alexandrou Zachariou

- The Institute of Group Psycotherapy

- Ionian Bank

- Italian Archaeological School (Scuola Archeologica Italiana)

- Lyceum Club of Greek Women

- The A. N. Marquis Company ( publishers of Who’s Who in America)

- The Metropolitan Museum of Art (E. Robinson, director)

- Museum of Fine Arts

- Mutual Subscription Agency

- National Council of Greek Women

- Near East College Association

- Near Eastern Foundation

- Norwich Union Fire Insurance

- Phi Beta Kappa

- The Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago

- Phoenix Assurance Company

- Rockland High School

- The Royal Family of Greece

- The School of Religion

- Societe des Nations

- The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies

- Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association

- Thomas Cook and Son (Athens)

- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Association (re: visit of Governor Herbert Lehman in Greece, including three photographs of Lehman and Hill on the Akropolis)

- University of Vermont

- Walters Art Gallery

- Williams College

- Worcester Art Museum

- Young Men's Christian Association

Subseries I.3: Letters of Introduction

Folder 6:3
Letters of introduction of various people introduced to Hill both from the period he served as director of the ASCSA and the post-directorship period.

Subseries I.4: Correspondence about various professional issues

Folder 6:4
The Ancient City of Athens, by Ida Thallon Hill - correspondence regarding the proposed revision of the book with Methuen and Co. Publishers and R. M. Cook of the Museum of Classical Archaeology at Cambridge, 1955-1956. See also Subseries IV.8.

Folder 6:5
Cyprus - correspondence about the University Museum (University of Pennsylvania) excavations at Lapithos and Kourion under the directorship of B.H. Hill,1931-1953.

- Lapithos, 1931-1932

- Kourion, 1936-1940

Folder 6:6
Cyprus - continued

Kourion, 1947-1955

Folder 6:7
Erechtheum - correspondence regarding the publication of the Erechtheum, organized first by correspondent and then chronologically, 1908-1935. See also Subseries IV.2.

- with James M. Paton, appointed editor of the Erechtheum publication. Also included here is some correspondence between Paton, Holland and Fowler. For Hill’s notes and proofs see Series IV, Boxes 14 and 15.

Folder 6:8
Erechtheum - continued

- with Lacey D. Caskey

- with Harold N. Fowler and L. Pallat on the Erechtheum frieze (2 photographs of part of the frieze included).

- with Leicester B. Holland

- with Gorham P. Stevens

- varia: Paul Wolters and copy of notes by A. C. Orlandos on the Erechtheum.

Folder 6:9
Excavations at Nemea: a collection of telegraphs exchanged among Hill, Robinson, Dinsmoor, De Jong and others during the excavation at Nemea, 1924.

Folder 6:10
Inscription IG I 2 66 (the so-called G.P. Stevens inscription)

- correspondence with Benjamin Merritt, 1938-1940. See also Subseries IV.3

Subseries I.5: Personal Correspondence


Folder 7:1
Ida Thallon Hill, 1921-1929

Folder 7:2
Ida Thallon Hill, 1927

Folder 7:3
Ida Thallon Hill, 1930-1935

Folder 7:4
Ida Thallon Hill, 1936-1939


Folder 8:1
Ida Thallon Hill, 1940-1949

Folder 8:2
Ida Thallon Hill, 1950-1954 and undated letters

Folder 8:3
Elizabeth Blegen, 1924-1955

Folder 8:4
Correspondence with the Blegens and Ida Thallon Hill about the house at Ploutarchou 9, Athens.

Folder 8:5
Various family members: Perley R. Hill, (Hill’s brother), Ms. Raymond Morris (Hill’s sister-in-law), niece Pauline Ward, niece Ruth, Dave (Ruth’s brother?), nephew Harlan, and Grace L. Thallon.

Folder 8:6
Copies of Hill’s letters to various persons, 1900-1901


Folder 9:1
Various personal letters, thank you notes, various invitations

Folder 9:2

Folder 9:3
Visitor’s cards


Subseries II.1: Correspondence and documents concerning various issues of administration

BOX 10

Folder 10:1
B. H. Hill’s notes about the ASCSA’s trips, 1906-1910

Folder 10:2
Copies of Hill’s correspondence with Wheeler, Fowler, Bates and others about the administration of the ASCSA. Some correspondence with L. Caskey about the Erechtheum is included here, 1905-1912.

Folder 10:3
Drafts of B.H. Hill’s reports to the Managing Committee of the ASCSA for the years 1923-1924 and 1924-1925.

Folder 10:4
Reports of the annual and summer sessions professors and the ASCSA fellows to the Director for the years 1907, 1921, 1923, 1925. Also included reports by W. B. Dinsmoor on the progress of his work on the Akropolis, 1918, 1925.

Folder 10:5
- Edward Robinson’s letter to E. Capps about the endowment fund of the ASCSA,  January 4,1917.

-Edward Robinson’s letter to Henry Pritchett of the Carnegie Corporation concerning the endowment of the ASCSA, March 10, 1921.

- Report concerning the Sardis excavations during the Turkish-Greek war, 1921. See also the letter by A. Toynbee in Box 4, Folder 4.

- Negotiations between the ASCSA and the Greek government about the undertaking of the Agora excavations by the ASCSA, 1924.

- L. D. Caskey’s correspondence with the Managing Committee about the academic program of the ASCSA, 1925.

- ASCSA’s handbooks: draft for the handbook (1909), pamphlet about the ASCSA’s fellowships (1924-1925) and correspondence and documents about the modification of the ASCSA regulations (1925).

- Varia, 1921-1925

Folder 10:6
Hill’s notes pertaining to administration issues (included a drawing showing burial plots of American in the First Cemetery of Athens (1907) and a letter of the U.S. Ambassador in Athens for the same issue (1924).

Susberies II.2: Termination of B.H. Hill’s directorship of the ASCSA

BOX 11

Folder 11:1
Correspondence with various persons concerning the issue of the termination of Hill’s directorship, 1925, 1926.

Folder 11:2
Correspondence with various persons on the same issue, 1927.

Folder 11:3
B.H. Hill’s notes and drafts of letters concerning the issue of the termination of his directorship as well as his typed answers to various accusations against him.

BOX 12

L.D. Caskey’s correspondence, various notes and documents and drafts of the pamphlet addressed to the Managing Committtee about the same issue, 1925-1927.

E. Perrys’s correspondence on the issue of B.H. Hill’s termination of his directorship, 1926, 1927.

The pamphlets (and some drafts) circulated both by the Managing Committee and B.H. Hill’s friends on the issue of the termination of Hill’s directorship.


Subseries III.1: Chairman and member of the Refugee Settlement Commission, 1922-1929

BOX 13

Folder 13:1
Reports and correspondence on the condition of the refugees and evaluations of the situation in Greece by various relief organizations, including the Athens American Relief Committee, 1922.

Folder 13:2
Various documents about the activities of the Y.W.C.A. and other humanitarian organizations in Greece, including the following:
- "American Y.W.C.A Activities in Greece" (a three page report) [digitized]
- "Y.W.C.A. Emergency Hostel. 8 Ktena Street, Athens, Greece, March 1923 - March 1924" (a twelve-page report with small photos attached) [digitized]
- Two drafts (in Greek and English) of the By-Laws for the establishment of the Young Men's Christian Association (1921)
- Report on the Condition of Refugees in the Greek Islands and Ports (Oct. 24-31, Nov. 3-10, 1922)
- Second Annual Report of the Athens American Relief Committee (1923)
- Refugees in Macedonia (Oct. 21-22, 1923)
- Two (2) photographs of refugees sheltered at the Municipal Theater of Piraeus

Folder 13:3
Various Greek documents, 1924-1927.

Folder 13:4
Correspondence with Charles B. Eddy, President of the Refugee Settlement Committee, and Sir Hope Simpson, Vice-president of the RSC, during the negotiations among the Greek government, the Refugee Settlement Commission, and the League of Nations in Geneva, 1927.

Folder 13:5
Same as Folder 4.

Folders 13:6, 7, 8
Correspondence and documents regarding the negotiations among the RSC, the Greek government, and the League of Nations about the rehabilitation of the agrarian refugee population, 1927.

Folder 13:9, 10
Correspondence and documents regarding the rehabilitation of the urban refugee population, 1927.

BOX 14

Folder 14:1
Correspondence, documents and Hill’s notes about indemnities. Various studies evaluating the situation of the refugees are included, 1926-1927.

Folder 14:2
Reports on the situation of refugees on Lemnos, 1927.

Folder 14:3
Report on the situation of the refugees on Lesbos, 1928.

Folders 14:4, 5, 6
Correspondence, documents and Hill’s notes about indemnities. Various studies evaluating the situation of the refugees are included, 1927.

Folders 14:7, 8
Same as folders 4, 5, 6.

Folder 14:9
Correspondence, documents and Hill’s notes about indemnities, 1928.

BOX 15

Folder 15:1
Correspondence, documents and Hill’s notes about indemnities, 1928.

Folder 15:2, 3
Same as Folder 9.

Folder 15:4
Correspondence with Greek officials, 1928.

Folder 15:5
Report of the Refugee Settlement Commission to the League of Nations, 1928.

Folder 15:6
Correspondence, documents and Hill’s notes about indemnities, 1928-1929.

Folder 15:7
Report of the Refugee Settlement Commission, 1929.

Folder 15:8
Brainerd P. Salmon, Glimpses of Greece, Washington D.C. 1929; Κυρίλλου Γεωργ. Οπκινς [Cyrill G. Hopkins], Η Αμερικανική Αποστολή του Ερυθρού Σταυρού εις την Ελλάδα, Πως η Ελλάς ημπορεί να παράγη περισσοτέραν τροφήν, Athens 1919 [gift of Lefteris Zorzos, 2023]

Subseries III.2: B.H. Hill as a Chairman of the Repatriation Committee for American citizens in Greece, 1941-1942

BOX 16

Folder 16:1
Correspondence and documents relating to the Repatriation Committee.

Subseries III.3: B.H. Hill’s involvement with the American Red Cross, 1918-1920, 1941-1944

Folder 16:2
Correspondence and documents concerning the American Red Cross in Greece, including:
- American Red Cross Commission to Greece Report No. 27, Sanitary Project in Old Corinth – Major S. J. Walker, May 1st, 1919, attached is B. H. Hill’s report, March 20th, 1919.
- Report of Major H. B. Dewing (Acting Commissioner), October 3rd, 1919.
- B. H. Hill’s draft report on Sanitary Improvements in Old Corinth, February 14th, 1920 (pp. 1-6) and material for draft of report of February 1920 (pp. 3-11).

Subseries III.4: B.H. Hill as member of the Board of Directors of Athens College

Folder 16:3
Correspondence and documents about the foundation of Athens College in Greece, the regulations of the college, drafts on the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, pamphlets about other American colleges in the Near East, such as Roberts College in Constantinople and the American University in Beirut and a newspaper article on the merits of American-British education in Greece, 1925-1926.

Folder 16:4
The architectural proposal for the buildings of Athens College, 1927.

Folder 16:5
Correspondence and documents about various issues concerning the college, annual reports to the Board of Directors, correspondence with the President of the College (Homer Davis), programs of the college’s activities (1928).

Folder 16:6
Same as folder 5, 1927-1930

Folder 16:7
Same as folder 6, 1931-1933

Folder 16:8
Same as folder 7, 1934-1936

Folder 16:9
Same as folder 8, 1937-1958

Folder 16:10
Set of seven blueprints for the "Residence of Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Darbishire, Psychiko, May 26, 1931" by architect Konstantinos Sgoutas [Flat Storage #17]

Subseries III.5: B.H. Hill’s involvement with the U.S. Educational Foundation in Greece, 1949-1956

BOX 17

Folder 17:1
Notes and documents about Hill’s work at the U.S. Educational Foundation in Greece (USEFG), as executive director, 1949-1952.

Folder 17:2
Notes and documents about Hill’s work at the USEFG as executive director up to 1952 and then as member of the Board of Directors, 1952-1956. One photograph of the Board of the Directors in 1953 is included here.

Folder 17:3
Various documents and notes about Fulbright scholarships awarded to students at the American Farm School near Thessaloniki. Some printed material about the Farm School is included, 1951-1954.

Folder 17:4
Documents and notes about Fulbright scholarships awarded to students of Athens College, 1951-1954.

Folder 17:5
Documents and notes about Fulbright scholarships awarded to students of Anatolia College, 1950-1953


Subseries IV.1: Corinth

BOX 18

Folder 18:1
Manuscripts of studies on material from the Corinth excavations:
- Excavations at Corinth by R. B. Richardson, 1896.

- Excavation report on trench XIV by H.F. De Cou, 1897.

- An old Corinthian vase by R.B. Richardson, 1897.

- Terracotta figurines from Corinth by R.B. Richardson, 1897.

- Terracotta relief from the Argive Heraeum by C. Waldstein and J.E. Hoppin.

- Corinth Odeum: notes including references in ancient written sources, photos, measurements.

- Varia (Corinth related): sketches, notes, measurements; notes and letters reporting on thefts and destructions at Corinth during the time of the German Occupation, most written by Γ. Κάχρος (1943, 1944), also copies of two letters to G.P. Stevens reporting on packing of antiquities for safekeeping, inventories of excavation tools and general preparations due to the war, June 22 and 28, 1941, 3 tags (of keys?), small photo of office with things thrown on the floor.

Folder 18:2
B.H. Hill’s notes on Peirene:
- 1 photograph of Peirene found among unrelated papers was added in this folder; 8 negatives with general views of Corinth excavations (PhA, N# 0247-0254).

- Hill’s notes from the excavations at Corinth, ca. 1908.

- manuscript of Peirene: revised text and additions to text, galleys 15, 16, 17-19 [2 sets].

- first proofs of figures and colour plates without legends for Peirene publication, with few notes.

- notes, sketches and measurements (Peirene East, north end and ossuary).

- 2 letters of G. Chase to B.H. Hill, Aug. 18, 1938 and Nov. 2, 1938 [regarding the publication of Peirene and other news].

- letter of H. N. Fowler to B.H. Hill, Nov. 27, 1938 [pressing on publication of Peirene].

Subseries IV.2: Erechtheum

Folders 18:3, 4, 5, 6
B.H. Hill’s notes and plans on various issues concerning the Erechtheum, including his suggestions and corrections communicated to G. P. Stevens about Stevens’ work on the temple, 1903-1950s.  

BOX 19

Folder 19:1
Notebook titled "T. W. Heermance on the Erechtheum. Measurements on West wall. Notes c. 1903"; notebook titled "Erechtheum. B.H.H. 1903. North Porch and West Wall"; loose notes together titled "Erechtheum. Items from BHH's notes of 1901 and 1903 sent to T.W.H. 1904. North Porch and West Wall"; notebook "3" divided into two parts, the front is titled "3A The Erechtheum (1900-07)" and the back "3B 1900-1901"; notebook "Erechtheum 1907-08"; notebook divided into two parts, the front "-A- Erechtheum 1909" and the back "-B- Parthenon"; notebook "Notes on Erechtheum Frieze"; notebook "Erechtheum. Casual Notes. B.H.H." from 1923-1924; loose notes tied togeher with string from 1912, 1913, and 1914; and notebook "Holland. Excav[ation] N. of Erech[theum] below poros pavin 1923." Two snapshots of Erechtheum from 1909.

Folder 19:2
B.H. Hill’s proofreading of the manuscript for J. M. Paton.

Folder 19:3
B.H. Hill’s notes on Doerpfeld’s Erechtheum. An original plan of the temple by Doerpfeld (1904) and Heermance’s notes on Doerpfeld's Erechtheum are included here.

Subseries IV.3: Inscriptions

BOX 20

Folder 20:1
The Hekatompedon inscription: B. H. Hill’s notes, correspondence, one typescript, one photo and one oversize, fragile drawing of the inscription [kept separately in Flat Storage -2, Red Room.]

Folder 20:2
B.H. Hill’s notes on the G. P. Stevens inscription (IG I 2 66)- see also correspondence with B. Merritt in Box 8, Folder 7. Two photographs of the inscription are included (PhA, N# 0328, 0337).

Folder 20:3
B.H. Hill’s notes on various inscriptions including Erechtheum inscriptions, monetary inscriptions and the earlier tribute lists.

Folder 20:4
B.H. Hill’s notes on various inscriptions.

Subseries IV.4: The Nike Temple

BOX 21

Folder 21:1
Notes and plans on the architecture of the Nike temple - 40 photos dated to 1936 are included (one photograph depicts an unidentified individual, who is probably John Meliades, according to J. Binder’s identification).

Subseries IV.5: The Parthenon

Folders 21:2, 3, 4, 5
B.H. Hill’s notes and sketches on various problems relating to the stratigraphy and architecture of the Parthenon. Comments on other people’s articles and related correspondence are included. Folder 4 contains his notes and manuscripts about his article on the Older Parthenon; 47 pictures of the Parthenon with notes by Hill were left within the folder, instead of being incorporated in the general photographs folder (see below Box 23, Folder 1). A photograph depicting Hill and Stevens standing in the temple is included here. Folder 5 contains correspondence and notes about the statue of Athena Parthenos.

BOX 22

Folders 22:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The Parthenon - continued

BOX 23

Folder 23:1
The Parthenon - continued

This folder contains all the photographs of the Parthenon found among Hill’s papers. Some of them were located in the folders with Hill’s archaeological notes and others in a box that also contained many negatives. The negatives are catalogued and stored separately (PhA, N# 0323-0327, 0329-0336, 0338-0366). Seven envelopes with photographs are included here. The number of photos each envelope contains is noted next to the envelope number. Envelope 1: 15, envelope 2: 27, envelope 3: 25, envelope 4: 11, envelope 5: 19, envelope 6: 21, envelope 7: 15, envelope 8: 19, envelope 9: 15, envelope 10: 17 and 5 loose photos. Many photographs exist in duplicates and triplicates.

Subseries IV.6: Tegea

BOX 24

Folders 24:1, 2, 3
B.H. Hill’s notes, plans and drawings of architectural details, 1946-1953 - two photos of architectural details included (PhA, N# 0321, 0322).

Subseries IV.7: Theseion - Temple of Hephaistos

Folders 24:4, 5, 6, 7
B.H. Hill’s notes and plans constituting the basis for his article “The Interior Colonnade of Hephaisteion” in Hesperia, Suppl. VIII (T.L. Shear’s Festschrift) - A total of 146 pictures of the temple taken during its restoration in 1947 are included. Folder 7 is oversize and is located on the shelf, next to Box 24.

Subseries IV.8: Topography of Athens: notes on the revision of Ida Thallon Hill’s book, The Ancient City of Athens, 1954-1957

BOX 25

Folder 25:1
Various notes on the monuments of Athens, mostly of the Acropolis and the Athenian Agora.

Subseries IV.9: Various archaeological notes and Nemea [see Box 35]

Folder 25:2
Various archaeological notes on vase-painting, architecture, topography and inscriptions.

Folder 25:3
Various notes


Subseries V.1: Various personal papers

BOX 26

Folder 26:1
- recommendation letters for B. H. Hill from Newport Academy Graded School, where he was principal, 1898 and his professors at the University of Vermont, 1895.

- a typed list of Hill’s archaeological publications.

- two short stories written by O. Broneer and B.H. Hill based on Pausanias’ travels and Alice in Wonderland, 1933 or 1934.

- B.H. Hill in Who’s Who in America for 1920-1921, 1948-1949.

- B.H. Hill’s annuity arrangements, 1936-1939.

- papers and correspondence with the American, Greek, Italian and German authorities related to the issue of his residence in Greece, during the Second World War years, 1941-1943. Some notes about food supplies during the war are included.

- tax form for 1954

Folder 26:2
B.H. Hill’s passports (8), his ID as the chairman of the Refugee Settlement Commission, various passes for free entrance at the Greek Museums, etc., his alien registration certificate for Cyprus, travel passes for Italy and Bulgaria, membership cards.

Folder 26:3
Sympathy letters for Ida Thallon Hill’s death.

Folder 26:4
B.H.Hill's will, estate matters. Related correspondence. Greek newspaper clippings [2] about his death. Correspondence about the Bert Hodge Hill papers in Corinth.

Folder 26:5
Varia: a piece of papers with a prayer written in Greek, empty envelope of 15 pictorial postcards, a piece of paper with notes and phone numbers, program of the American Philological Association - Chicago 28-30, 1936, Publication to the memory of John Loyd Stephens, leaflet about the Mayan discoveries at Bonmpak, program of the Archaeological Institute of America - Ann Arbor, Mich December 28-30, 1921, various handwritten notes.

BOX 27

Folder 27:1
- circular of information for prospective members in the ASCSA list of the ASCSA’s students, 1902-1940.

- "Anonymous Report of Members of the School for the Month of December [1925] (lyrics of a song dedicated to Bert H. Hill and Carl W. Blegen).

- pamphlet in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of archaeological exploration in the Athenian Agora.

- report of the Agora excavations in 1946 and reports on the work of the ASCSA by the staff for the years 1952-1955.

- examination of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Trustees for 1948.

- reports of the Auxiliary Fund Association, 1930, 1937-1938.

- letter to the Friends of the ASCSA, 1940.

- American Academy in Rome: schedule of the 1929 trip in Greece.

- two pamphlets of the AIA and a 1954 AIA Newsletter.

- a reprint of A Tour in Sicily by R.B. Richardson in Scribner’s magazine, 1901.

- R.P.T. Coffin: Fulbright lectures.

- one proposal for the Exploration of the Asia Minor, Syria and Cyrenaica by R.S Sterrett

- reprint of the excavation report for Corinth, 1925.

- typescript of R.V.D. Magoffin about the editorship of the AJA.

Folder 27:2
- newspaper clippings with articles about excavation news, prominent archaeologists and classicists and a collection of articles and manifestos pertaining to the political situation in Greece during the Second World War, 1940-1944.

Folder 27:3
- notes about the national elections in Greece, 1950, 1951.

- a report on the agreement for economic cooperation between the governments of Greece and the United States, 1951.

- the Bulletin of the University of Vermont, October 1956 issue, where Hill published an article about modern Greece.

- a report to all alumni by the Alumni Committee to study UVM charter change proposals and a lecture on Academic Heritage given at UV.

- 1 program for the Alumni of Phi Beta Kappa.

- membership form and list of St. Andrew’s American Church, 1953-1954.

- documents about the English Church of St. Paul, Athens, 1934-1941.

- invitation to and program of the celebration of the Centennial of the Archaeological Society at Athens, 1938.

- annual report of the Near East College Association, 1928-1929.

- leaflets about the Propeller Club of the United States.

- a booklet about the Gymnasium at Columbia University.

- a cruise in Greece pamphlet.

- a pamphlet advertising the publication of G. Welter’s “Aigina”.

- various receipts and library tickets.

- New York-Montreal railroad timetable and information on transatlantic boat trips.

- pamphlet for tours in Manhattan.

- programs for various cultural events, such as a theater program, events organized by Athens College, Lykeio Hellenidon, etc.

- a women’s garments catalog.

- brochures of the Electricity and Water Companies of Athens.

- souvenirs from a trip in the U.S. in 1953-1954.

- Boston map 

Folder 27:4
Hill’s notes on a variety of subjects.

Folder 27:5
13 copies of a photograph of B. H. Hill and a photocopy of an unidentified family photograph, probably dated in late 19th or early 20th century.

Subseries V.2: B.H. Hill’s class notes from Columbia University, 1898-1899

BOX 28

Folders 28:1, 2, 3
Notebooks and notes on vase-painting, epigraphy and classical philology.

Subseries V.3: B.H. Hill’s diaries and personal agendas

BOX 29

B.H. Hill’s diaries and personal agendas, 1888-1917 (19)
- 1916 (digitized)

BOX 30

B.H. Hill’s diaries and personal agendas, 1918-1941 (25)

BOX 31

B.H. Hill’s diaries and personal agendas, 1942-1958 (25) - among the diaries, a few include descriptions of the ASCSA’s trips and some of his personal trips.

Subseries V.4: Personal belongings

BOX 32

- souvenirs left with Hill by K. Zeileissen (German consul in Athens during the Second World War years?).

- a booklet offered to him as a gift.

- 3 books: Le Sanctuaire d’ Alea Athena Tegee par C. Dugas, J. Berchmans and M. Clemmensen, the Poetical works of John Milton and The Boston Cooking School Book.

- a small box with borings taken from below the base of the Parthenos statue on the Akropolis in 1936.

- a small box with points of mechanical pencils.

- an envelope with mounting corners.

- a few Greek banknotes of the early 20s with depictions of ancient monuments.

- 2 x-rays of Hill’s arm.

BOX 33

- Hill’s personal checks, vouchers and notes on various accounts

Subseries V.5: B.H. Hill’s honorary diplomas

[The diplomas are located in an oversize folder on top of the boxes. One red case was found empty and is located next to the boxes.]

Honorary diplomas offered to Hill by:

- the Athens Archaeological Society, 1912

- the German Archaeological Institute, 1914 (photo of Theodore Wiegand and Martin Schede, 1929)

- the Archaeological Institute of America, 1917

- King Alexander of Greece, Order of the Redeemer, 1919

- the community of Corinth, 1919

- King Paul of Greece, 1956

- the Archaeological Society of Athens, 1956

Subseries V.6: Personal Photographs and Postcards

Box 34


P1. Sketch of B. H. Hill by Huybers (1 sketch)

P2. “B. H. H. ??” (child) portrait (1 daguerreotype)

P3. “B. H. Hill?” (child) portrait (1 daguerreotype)
(The two above photos are of two different children. The second is more likely to be Hill. The first perhaps a brother?)

P4. Hill (youth) portrait 16 June 1894 Gauvin’s (?) Studio Burlington, VT (1 photo)

P5-9. Hill (youth) portraits (3 photos)

P5. B. H. H. Portrait from Menns Studio Burlington, VT (1 photo)

P6-P7. Hill (youth) portrait 16 June 1894 Burnham Studio Burlington, VT (2 photos, different poses)

P8. Hill (youth) portrait, W. H. Jenks Studio, Newport, VT (1 photo)

P9. Hill (youth) portrait, Sol Young Studio, NY (1 photo)

P10. B. H. Hill portrait February 1916 (envelope labeled 1915, matted, 1 photo)

P11-13. “Hill Portrait” (3 photos total, 2 matted in booklets (P11-12), 1 that seems to have been matted in the past (P13), same as Feb. 1916 photo above)

P14. B. H. Hill portrait photo copy (“1920s” – same as portrait above from February 1916, 1 photo)

P15-20. “B. H. Hill” passport-sized portraits in small envelope (middle-aged, “1420” (?)) (1 photo, 6 copies)

P21-24. Large unlabeled envelope of portraits by Alison Frantz  1955 (4 total)

P21-23. #1-3, slightly different poses, head and upper torso (Negatives C63-C65) (3 photos)
  P24. #4, smiling (Negative C66) (1 photo)

P25. Hill (older man) large portrait, similar to Alison Frantz images above (1 photo)

P26-28. “B. H. Hill” photos for Athens College 1957 (1 photo with 2 copies, 1 letter)

P26-27. Hill in office with book 1957 (AN 7-3) (“Copyright Photographic Agency D. A. Harissiadis”) (1 photo, 2 copies in different sizes, small P26, large P27)

P28. Letter to Hill from Roxane A. Pappa (of Athens College)
“Dear Dr. Hill:     February 12, 1957

Thank you for having been so kind as to have given your time and to have gone into all the trouble of posing for our photographer. I know Dr. Davis will be delighted to find your picture in his office on his return.

Enclosed are a large and three small copies of the photo you chose which I send you for your personal use.

Should you wish more copies, would you kindly let me know. I’ll be happy to have them made for you.

        Sincerely yours,
        Roxane A. Pappa”

P29-33. “B. H. Hill” additional photos for Athens College (4 photos total, with film)

P29. B. H. Hill in office, portrait of Sophia Schliemann in background (AN-7-1) (“Copyright Photographic Agency D. A. Harissiadis”)

P30. B. H. Hill in office with table (AN-7-3) (“Copyright Photographic Agency D. A. Harissiadis”)

P31. B. H. Hill in office (AN-7-4) (“Copyright Photographic Agency D. A. Harissiadis”)

P32. B. H. Hill  in office with bookshelf (AN-7-5) (“Copyright Photographic Agency D. A. Harissiadis”)

P33. Film

P34-44. Hill (older) portrait series and passport photos

P34. B. H. Hill (older) portrait (labeled in Greek concerning margins and size; c.f. another photo from same session below) (1 photo)

P35. Hill (older) portrait (c.f. another photo from same session labeled in Greek above) (1 photo)

P36-44. Hill (older man) passport-sized portrait (1 photo, 9 copies)

P45. Hill (older man) portrait (J. Albert Jones Studio, Cincinnati, from Marion Held (?) (1 photo)

P46-56. “B. H. H.” envelope with miscellaneous portrait photos (11 total)

P46. Hill (older) portrait (1 photo)

P47. Hill (older) passport photo (1 photo)

P48-51. Hill (older) portrait 1 December 1948 (1 photo, 4 copies)

P52-56. Hill (younger) passport photos 1920 (1 photo, 5 copies)

Student Life

S1. Unlabeled envelope with Bristol High School (?) class photo, 16 June 1888, including Mr. G. R. Wales (principal), Annah Sheldon, B. D. Colby, F. D. Fan, Frank Nelson, E. H. Farr, B. H. Hill, Edith Huntingh, Mary Dunshee (1 photo)

S2. “B. H. Hill 1895,” graduation portrait, Burnham, Burlington VT, June 1895 (1 photo)

-Slip from Sol Young Photographer, New York, included

S3. Hill as a student and other students (unidentified), ca.1900 (1 photo)

S4. B. H. Hill, Old Corinth, 22 May 1901 “Andreanos Papandreanou” (117) (1 photo)

S5-6. B. H. Hill, Corinth Railroad, 1902 (172) (1 photo, 2 copies)

S7-8. B. H. Hill, Railroad, Corinth, 1902 (171) (1 photo, 2 copies)

S9-10. B. H. H., Nemea 1902 (177) (1 photo, 2 copies)

S11-12. B. H. H. School Trip (boat) 1902 (185) (1 photo, 2 copies) (c.f. below, “B. H. Hill, School Trip, 1902 (186)”)

S13. B. H. Hill, School Trip, 1902 (186) (1 photo) (c.f. above, “B. H. H. School Trip (boat) 1902 (185)”)

S14-15. Hill, Merlin Garden, 1902 (2 photos total)

S14. “Merlin Garden, Athens, Feb 1902, by Miss Ball [Bale?]” (164) (1 photo)

S15. “Merlin Garden, Mar 14 1902, by Miss B” (162) (1 photo)

S16. B. H. Hill, School Trip, 1902 “Bouliasmene [Vouliagmeni?], Mar 10 1902” (159) (1 photo)

S17. B. H. Hill, S. End of Palace, Athens, 13 April 1902 (184) (1 photo)

S18-31. Turkey 1902 B. H. Hill (14 photos total)

S18. “Dancer at a Fair near Troy, May 1902” (215) (1 photo)

S19. “The Sublime Porte” (256) (1 photo)

S20. “Constantinople, War Ministry, Seraski[e]r’s Tower” (277) (1 photo)

S21. “Constantinople. From Galata Tower. Turkish fleet at anchor in ‘Golden Horn’” (243) (1 photo)

S22. “Cemetery at Skutari” (289) (1 photo)

S23. “Constantinople, Cemetery at Skutari” (291) (1 photo)

S24. “Starting for home from Fair near Troy. May 1902” (217) (1 photo)

S25. “Court of Dove Mosque” 18 June 1902 (279) (1 photo)

S26. “Palace of Dolmabaghchek [Dolmabahçe]” 17 June 1902 (257) (1 photo)

S27. “Beylerbey” 17 June 1902 (268) (1 photo)

S28. “A Constantinople fire company en route to a fire. Near New Bridge Stamboul (just after leaving Railway Station)” 19 June 1902 (288) (1 photo)

S29. “Constantinople, ‘Serpent column’ of Delphi and Mosque of Achmet [Ahmed]” (247) (1 photo)

S30. “Abydos” 22 June 1902 (303) (1 photo)

S31. “A Fair near Troy, May 1902” (213) (1 photo)


C1. B. H. H. Acrop. 1920 (1 photo)

C2. C. W. Blegen and B. H. Hill and Visitors at Corinth, 1922, “Group at Old Corinth” (1 photo)

C3. Hellenistic Theater and Tomb of Clytemnestra, Mycenae, 1923 (c. April), with Elizabeth Pierce, Alan Wace, B. H. Hill, and Carl Blegen (1 photo)

C4. Hill and Wace, Delos, 1923 (1 photo)

C5. Hill and Wace with Replat, Delos, 1924, “Island Trip 1923” (1 photo)

C6. Hill with eight other men on steps of Athens College, 5 December 1930, Front Row: Athenagoras, Archbishop of N and S America; Second step (flanking Athenagoras): S. Delta and B. H. Hill; Third step: Priest attending Archbishop, H. Davis; Fourth step: N. Kyriakides, D. Georgakakis . . . Eleopoulos (?); Fifth step: S. Papadakis (1 photo)

C7. B. H. H.’s Class on Acropolis, Jan. 1938 (1 photo)

C8-12. B. H. H. and I. Thallon, Acropolis (5 photos total, 1 a copy)

C8-9. Group W of Erechtheion (1 photo, 2 copies)

C10. Standing Alone (1 photo)

C11. Group before Parthenon (1 photo)

C12. Group on steps of Parthenon (1 photo)

C13-14. Hill and MacVeagh (2 copies of 1 photo)

C15. B. H. Hill (c.f. “Hill and MacVeagh” above) (1 photo)

C16-17. Hill and men associated with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (2 photos)

C16. B. H. Hill with three other men (?) by foundations (ca. 1943-1947 and assoc. with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), “U.N.R.R.A. Office of Public Information, Photo by Mr. C. Emmanuel” (1 photo)

C17. Hill with two of the same men as above photo at temple, (ca. 1943-1947 and assoc. with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), “U.N.R.R.A. Office of Public Information, Photo by Mr. C. Emmanuel” (1 photo)

C18-19. B. H. Hill, on roof of Hephaisteion, Oct. 1946 (1 photo, 2 copies)

C20-31. B. H. Hill Lecturing, 1948 (12 photos total)

C20-23. 14 January 1948, Acropolis, mainly the Parthenon (4 photos)

C24-25. 14 January 1948, Acropolis, Parthenon, photo by S.Weinberg (2 photos – 1 small (C24), 1 larger (C25))

C26-31. Unclear date, Acropolis, Parthenon and Propylaia, “Copyright V. Papaioannou, Athenes, Patriar. Ioakim 6, Teleph: 71741” (6 photos, 1 of these a duplicate)
- Numbered:  C26-27.  3363 (2)
   C28.   3392
   C29.   3405
   C30.  3410
   C31.  Not numbered

C32-33. B. H. Hill (older) with Doric entablature at Corinth (CN-11-0039) (1 photo, 2 copies, one on card stock)

C34-35. “Mr. Hill, standing at the Custom’s House in Piraeus, watching the British troop transport entering the harbor and waiting for Mrs. Hill, and Dr. and Mrs. Blegen to disembark” 4 November 1945 [1 photo (C34), 1 negative (C35) and envelope “Mr. Hill, Πλουτάρχου 9, Athenes”]

C 36. Hill and a second man 20 September 1956 (“from Peter Topping”) (1 slide)

C37. "Mr. Hill American School | Col. Haskell | Major Daley | Mrs. Haskell | Dr. Finley | Athens, June 25th 1923" (1 photo)

C38. "A Happy Birthday to Mr. Hill from Dorothy H. Richardson March 7, 1903 Athens" (1 portait of Dorothy by "C. Böhringer KGL. HOFPHOTOGRAF ATHEN")

C39. Kendall Kerfoot Smith, [1908]. Photo by Charles E. Whitmore.

C40. Charles e. Whitmore, Kendall Kerfoot Smith, George W. Elderkin, 1908. Photo by Dunn Wood.

C41. Dunn Wood, George W. Elderkin, Kendall Kerfoot Smith, 1908. Photo by Charles E. Whitmore.

C42. Elizabeth Manning Gardiner, Kendall Kerfoot Smith?, [1908]. Photo by C[harles] E. W[hitmore].

C43. Elizabeth Manning Gardiner and others in Eleusis [1908]. Photo by C[harles] E. W[hitmore].

C44. Elizabeth Manning Gardiner [1908]. Photo by C[harles] E. W[hitmore].

C45. Village woman with boy and animals. [Corinth?] ca. 1908.

C46. Village boy, [Corinth?] ca. 1908.

C47. Temple of Apollo, Corinth, ca. 1908.

Home Life and Miscellaneous

H1. B. H. H. (Family, friends, or students? – one of the boys could be Clark, fellow student, in another photo below (H2-3), another likely to be E. H. Farr from 1888 class photo above (S1)) “Fredrick R. Menns, Burlington, VT” (1 photo, face from another photo on back)

H2-11.  Hill Family (3 photos, 1 Business Card, 6 Postcards)

H2-3. U.V.M. No. 5 South College, June 1895, Hill (’95), Anderson (’96), and Clark (’97) (1 photo, 2 copies)

H4. Business Card, “Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Blegen, 9, Plutarch Street, Athens,” labeled “B. H. Hill Bio” (1 card)

H5. Postcard with view of Bristol, Vermont, Manufacturing Co. (unused) (1 postcard)

H6. Postcard with view of Bristol, Vermont, Bartletts Falls (unused) (1 postcard)

H7. Postcard with Railroad Station in Bristol, Vermont (unused) (1 postcard)

H8. Postcard with view of Bristol, Vermont, Park (unused) (1 postcard)

H9. Postcard with view of Bristol, Vermont, Manufacturing Co. (color, unused) (1 postcard)

H10. Postcard with view of Bristol, Vermont, “Bird’s-Eye View” (unused) (1 postcard)

H11. “Faculty of Newport School, May 22, 1897, Rear Row: Mrs. Raimey, Grade 6; Miss Wood, Grade 7; Miss Dearborn, Grade 3; Middle Row: B. H. Hill, Grade 8; Miss Corley, Grade 5; Miss Grimer (?), Grade 1; Front Row: Mrs. Blodgett, Grade 4; Miss West, Grade 2”

Smart and Hodge family, fall 1891: Calista K. Hodge (1818, Jan. 26); Ezra K. Smart (1823, Aug. 1 - 1901, Nov. 17); Rebecca Pullman (1827, July 17 - 1904); A? R. Smart (1832, May 30 - 1902); Eliza Jane Ross (1834 Jan. 29 - 1901, Aug. 31)

H12-17. Unlabeled envelope of miscellaneous photos (6 total: 3 photos, 2 postcards, 1 legal document with photo)

H12. Hill (young man) in tent (on a boat?) 1909 (1 used postcard from Munich)
“Munchen Nov 4th.-09
  Friendly greetings from the Haberkorns.
  We are comfortable [sic] situated and much pleased with the place.
       F.H. Schraudolphstrasse #11”

H 13. Two photos of Hill's father at a young age, and another realtive (?)

H14. Hill with two other men and a woman in an ancient theater (“S H (?) and Bucan (?) Acr (?) Yanni Matthew for. . .” (? - illegible)) (1 postcard)

H15. B. H. Hill (older) writing at desk (“This photo released by United States Information Service Athens”) (1 photo)

H16. Hill (older) at a dinner (1 photo)

H17. Hill and Nick Spitzer, Thursday June 12, 1958, “you are standing on the evidence!” (1 photo)


BOX 35

Subseries IV.9: Various archaeological notes and Nemea [continued from Box 25]


Folder 35:1
[The documents in this folder were sent by S.G. Miller (ASCSA Accession #2017_01)]

Bert Hodge Hill’s notebooks with notes, sketches and diary entries (1937-1952), including some notes and measurements at Tegea, Epidaurus and Aigina:
- loose pages with notes, sketches and measurements 1934-1935, 1938.

- loose pages with notes, sketches and measurements Nov. 1937-Aug. 1938, pp. 55-69.

- notepad 1938-1948, pp. 70-79.

- loose pages 1949, pp. 80- 90 attached to small notepad 1938 pp. 91-98, 1948 pp. 99-104, 1949 p. 105.

- notepad 1950, pp. 1-18.

- notepad 1950, pp. 19-35.

- small notepad 1952, pp. 36-43.

- notebook with spiral binding 1954 (including some non-Nemea notes on Kourion etc), two loose pages with notes.

Nick Thireos’ 1955 notebooks:

- Nemea notebook Nick Thireos 1955 (pp. 1-98), with one loose page: drawings, sketches, measurements and notes on architectural members.

- Nemea notebook Nick Thireos 1955 (pp. 101-198): drawings, sketches, measurements and notes on architectural members.

- two loose pages with notes on slides and location of drawings.

Folder 35:2
Nemea documents:

- diary entries and notes on loose pages, 1926, 1935.

- documents relevant to the purchase of land around the temple, 1925-1926 (temporary contracts, notes, sketches).

- Nemea excavation permits 1935, 1936.

- copy of C.W. Blegen’s typewritten report for April 1924 (Nemea, May 4, 1924) preceded by a brief report of the excavation on Mt. Hymettus.

- copy of typewritten letter of C.W. Blegen to E. Capps with a report on operations at Nemea, June 1, 1924.

- Nemea Accounts 1935-1936-1937 (notebook with a few loose notes).

- Nemea Accounts 1938 (small notebook with loose notes).

- Nemea temple notes (BHH).

- various notes, sketches, measurements and a clipping on the Temple of Zeus at Nemea (Time Star, Jan. 8, 1937), including a letter by C. Blegen (1925) and a letter by C.K. Williams (1956); drawings of architectural details.

- notes on Nemea films 1930s, 1950s (photos, slides etc).

Folder 35:3

Folder 35:4
- Negatives

- Nemea film #29 or #15-29 [frames 9-23]

Folder 35:5
Drawings/plans (Blegen, Davis, Duell) [kept separately, very fragile]:

1. blueprint Long Altar (D. H. Cox).

2. blueprint Byzantine Church, 1:100 (American Excavations 1924).

3. Byzantine Church draft drawing with measurements on tracing paper.

4. Gymnasium, 1:100 (American Excavations 1924).

5. General plan, 1:500, showing boundaries of property lines, of road and brook (?)  (Pr. Duell, 1924).

6. draft sketches on hard paper.


The history of the Bert Hodge Hill papers is a complex one. Originally stored at the Blegen house (Ploutarchou 9), the Hill papers were transferred to the American School building when the Blegen house was sold, after the death of Carl Blegen.

In the 1970’s and 1980’s, Jerome Sperling processed Hill’s papers organizing part of the papers by subject. Sperling’s handwriting was identified by various notes clipped on the folders describing their content. All these notes were left where found. Sperling also noted that three folders with Hill’s papers were acquired from the collector Manos Haritatos, Director of E.L.I.A (Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive), in 1988, and was confirmed by related correspondence between Haritatos and the then ASCSA director Stephen Miller. Two of these folders contained Hill’s notes from his classes at Columbia University while the third one had personal and professional correspondence from 1924. The papers were purchased by Haritatos at the Monastiraki market and were given to the American School on permanent loan.

In 1996, Natalia Vogeikoff started organizing Hill’s scattered correspondence alphabetically, by correspondent’s name. In 1997, Working Fellow Evi Sikla undertook the final processing of Hill’s papers. It should be noted that part of the Hill papers were found mixed in with documents belonging to other collections, such as the papers of Edward Perry, Rhys Carpenter, and Richard Stillwell.

The original order of the Hill papers is unclear. Some of the folders carry Hill’s handwriting, while Sperling created others. Therefore, the organization of the Hill papers has been partly based on the already pre-arranged topics (by Hill or Sperling) and partly on what were considered to be the main themes running through the papers. Any special arrangement of material pertaining to certain series are explained in the Scope and Content. The main goal of the present processing of the Hill papers has been to organize it in such a way so that it can be user-friendly, preserving at the same time the traces of the organizational attempts that preceded the current one.

In 2013, Rebecca Worsham catalogued the photographs (Sub-series V.6).

In 2021, Leda Costaki catalogued the “Nemea Box” (acquired from C.K. Williams), which contained B.H. Hill’s Nemea notebooks and relevant material (notes, sketches, measurements), Nemea drawings in very fragile condition, photos and negatives (now Box 35). There was also B.H. Hill’s correspondence (the letters were filed in his papers according to the name of the correspondent, for example, Alex. Philadelpheus, G. Kachros, locals of ancient Corinth and others), and documents re. the American Red Cross (especially American Red Cross Commission to Greece Reports), which were filed under the relevant series in Hill’s Papers (Box 16, folder 2). Corinth material, about Peirene including correspondence about Hill’s publication and about the Odeum, was filed under Hill’s Corinth papers (Box 18, folders 1-2). Also, Hill's documents sent by S.G. Miller in 2017 were catalogued with the Nemea material in Box 35. These were mostly notebooks of Hill's work at Nemea in the 1950s.