Dimitry Levidis Papers

Collection Number: GR ASCSA GL DL 088
Name(s) of Creator(s): Dimitry Levidis (1886-1951)
Title: Dimitry Levidis Papers
Date [bulk]: 1904-1941
Date [inclusive]:
Language(s): Greek, French
Summary: The collection consists of musical scores of published and unpublished works of Dimitry Levidis
Quantity: 3.6 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift of Rita Thompson Bouboulidi, 2010
Information about Access: The papers are catalogued and available for consultation
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Dimitry Levidis Papers (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Τμήμα Αρχείων, Αρχείο Δημητρίου Λεβίδη)
Notes: The collection was processed and catalogued by Eleftheria Daleziou
For more information, please contact the Archives:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
phone: 213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
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Σημείωση για το ψηφιοποιημένο υλικό
--Το υλικό είναι διαθέσιμο σε χαμηλή ανάλυση
--Για ἀδεια δημοσίευσης και δημιουργίας έργων παραγώγων του πρωτοτύπου σε κάθε είδος υλικού υποστρώματος ή για διασκευές ή άλλες μετατροπές (άρθρο 3, Νόμος 2121/1993), όπως και για κάθε άλλη πληροφορία σε σχέση με το Αρχείο Δημήτρη Λεβίδη, οι ενδιαφερόμενοι θα πρέπει να απευθύνονται στο Τμήμα Αρχείων της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα.
Note concerning the digitized material
-- The material is available in low resolution
-- Permission to publish, exhibit, perform, reproduce, prepare derivative works from, sell or otherwise distribute the item, as well as for any other information concerning the Dimitry Levidis Papers, must be obtained by the researcher(s) from the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Dimitry Levidis was a Greek composer of the first half of the twentieth century. He studied music at the Athens Conservatory, the Lausanne Conservatoire, and the Music Academy in Munich. Levidis composed a number of works for piano, songs, and works for orchestra. He was one of the first to compose for the Ondes Martenot. His Poème Symphonique was conducted on the occasion of the first public appearance of the Ondes Martenot in 1928 at the Paris Opera. The collection includes handwritten sheet music of his work and printed editions of his work.
Ο Δημήτριος Λεβίδης ήταν συνθέτης που έζησε και εργάστηκε στην Ελλάδα και στην Γαλλία. Σπούδασε μουσική στα Ωδεία Λόττνερ και Αθηνών, στη Λωζάννη και στη Μουσική Ακαδημία του Μονάχου. Το 1910 εγκαταστάθηκε στη Γαλλία. Επέστρεψε στην Ελλάδα το 1932. Το 1934 ίδρυσε το Φαληρικό Ωδείο και διετέλεσε πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Μουσουργών την περίοδο 1945-1947. Το Αρχείο Λεβίδη αποτελείται από χειρόγραφες παρτιτούρες έργων του συνθέτη, αρκετά από τα οποία θεωρούνταν χαμένα, καθώς και από έντυπες εκδόσεις έργων του. Συμπεριλαμβάνονται επίσης έργα άλλων.
The scores have been arranged chronologically in the following order:
Composer; Opus Number; Title; Additional Title; Date of creation (if known); Place (if known);* Type of score;** Pages; Physical description; Publisher and Date of Publisher (if known); Additional description (if necessary); [Notes]
*Date and Place of Creation: The information has been derived from the following three sources: (a) the Levidis manuscripts, (b) Φαίδωνος Μπουμπουλίδη, Νεοέλληνες Μουσουργοί. Α’ Δημήτριος Λεβίδης. Συμβολή εις την Ιστορίαν της Νεοελληνικής Μουσικής. Αθήνα, 1949, (c) Γιώργου Λεωτσάκου, Ο Δημήτριος Λεβίδης και το αίνιγμα της ‘Μικρής Φαντασίας,’ Μουσικολογία, Τ. 4, 1986, σ. 8-25.
**About performance scores: first, the musical instrument and then in brackets the number of pages i.e. Cor Anglais [1p].
Τα χειρόγραφα έχουν ταξινομηθεί χρονολογικά και περιγράφονται ως εξής: Συνθέτης. Αριθμός έργου. Τίτλος. Δευτερεύων Τίτλος. Ημερομηνία (αν είναι γνωστή). Τόπος (αν είναι γνωστός). Είδος παρτιτούρας. Φυσική περιγραφή (αριθμός σελίδων και σε εκατοστά η οριζόντια διάσταση). Ημερομηνία και Εκδότης (όταν πρόκειται για έντυπη έκδοση). [Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες]
Τα όργανα της ορχήστρας ακολουθεί ο αριθμός των σελίδων σε αγκύλες, όπως Cor Anglais [1p].
Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες για την ημερομηνία και τον τόπο έχουν αντληθεί : (α) από τα χειρόγραφα Λεβίδη και από τις εξής πηγές που περιέχουν καταλόγους των έργων του Λεβίδη : (β) Φαίδωνος Μπουμπουλίδη, Νεοέλληνες Μουσουργοί. Α’ Δημήτριος Λεβίδης. Συμβολή εις την Ιστορίαν της Νεοελληνικής Μουσικής. Αθήνα, 1949. (γ) Γιώργου Λεωτσάκου, ‘Ο Δημήτριος Λεβίδης και το αίνιγμα της ‘Μικρής Φαντασίας,’ Μουσικολογία, Τ. 4, 1986, σ. 8-25.
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.2 and Op.10. Deux Petites Pieces pour Piano. Prèlude en La mineur- Gauloiserie:
Op.2. Prèlude en La mineur [Étude en La mineur]. 1898, Athens. Autograph MS. Full score. For Piano. (3p); 35 cm.
Op.10. Gauloiserie. 1904, Athens. Autograph MS. Full score. For Piano.(3p); 35 cm.
Folder 2
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.9,10,11,12. Petite Suite en Ré Majeur pour Orchestre à Cordes [Prelude en Ré Majeur, Gauloiserie en Sol Majeur, Aria en Ré Mineur, Fugue Humoristique].[1904-1905]. Autograph MS. For Orchestra. [Bound volume]. 1 score (35 p); 25cm. Orchestra Scores: Strings: First Violins [6p] six copies; Second Violins [11p] four copies; Altos [11p] five copies; Violoncelles [11p] three copies; Woodwinds: Contrabasses [8p] four copies.
Folder 3
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 9. Prèlude en La mineur [Étude en La mineur]. 1904, Athens. Autograph MS. Full Score. For Piano. (4p); 32cm.
Folder 4
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 9,10,11, et 12. Petite Suite en Re Majeur pour Orchestre á Cordes. Autograph MS. For Orchestra.(6p); 33cm. Scores: Strings: First Violins [6p]; Second Violins [6p].
Op. 9. Prelude en Ré Majeur. 1904, Athens.
Op. 10. Gauloiserie en Sol Majeur. 1904, Athens.
Op. 11. Aria en Ré Mineur.1905, Lefkada.
Op. 12. Fugue Humoristique. 1905, Athens.
Fodler 5
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.12. Aria en Ré Mineur. 1905, Athens. Autograph MS. 1 Score (2p); 35cm.
Folder 6
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 12. Aria en Rè Mineur pour Quatuor d’ Ondiolines. 1905, Athens. Autograph MS. For Strings Orchestra. (title page+6p); 35cm. Performance Scores: First Violin (1p); Second Violin (1p); Alto(1p); Violoncello(1p); Piano (2p).
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.13. L’ amour de l’amour (L’ Amor de l’Amor). Sérénade sur un theme de Tango. 1906, Lausanne. [Printed edition. (5p); 35cm. Ricordi, 1920. Poem by Pierre d’ Amor.]
Folder 2 (digitized)
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.14. Eolienne. Danse Grecque. 1906, Lausanne. Autograph MS. For piano, voice and orchestra. Conductor’s scores (also attached the first page of the printed edition Editions Philippo+6p); 35cm. Alto score (2p); 35 cm.
Folder 3
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.15. Fugue en Mi Mineur. 1907, Munich. For quartet. (4p); 35cm. Performance Scores: Violino I [2p]; Violino II [2p]; Violoncello [2p]; Viola [2p]. [Printed version. Hayet, 1911.]
Folder 4
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.18. Αιολική. Autograph MS. Study scores. (title page+3p); 26cm.[Score and Lyrics].
Folder 5
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 20. A Hilda. Melodie avec accompagnement d’ Orchestre. 1910, Paris. (title page+6p);35cm.
Folder 6 (digitized)
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 25. Divertissement. 1911, Paris. Autograph MS. For Orchestra. (7p); 32cm.
Folder 7 (digitized)
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 25. Divertissement. Dixtuor- (Eolien) – d’ Orchestre et Cor Anglais. For Orchestra. [Printed Edition. Hayet, 1928]
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Dimitry Levidis Papers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.27. Variations pour Polycorde. 1911, Paris. Autograph MS. Full score. (2p); 35 cm.
Folder 2 [digitized]
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.31, No 4. Roubaÿ Persan. Pour Solo d’ Ondes Musicales (avec ou sans Résonnances) et Dixtuor Eolien d’ Orchestre. 1912, Paris. Voice and Orchestra. Printed Edition. (1p); 35 cm. Hayet, 1924. [The Rubáiyát is a Persian form of several quatrains. Its name derives from the Arabic plural of the word for “quatrain,” Rubá’íyah. This, in turn, comes from the Arabic Rubá, meaning “four.”]
Folder 3
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.32. Impromptu-Lyrique. Pour Violon de Concert et Orchestre. n.d. Autograph MS. Conductor’s Score (title page+43p); 35cm.
Folder 4
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.37. Chant Paien. Pour Solo-Hautbois et Orchestre à Cordes. 1921, Paris. Autograph MS. Conductor’s scores (title page+4p); 28cm. Partition and Orchestra Scores: Partition [4p]; Woodwinds: Contrabasses [1p] two copies; Percussion: Batterie [1p]; Strings: Harpe [2p]; First Violins [1p] three copies; Second Violins [1p] four copies; Alto [1p] three copies; Violoncelles [1p] three copies
Folder 5 [digitized]
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.43 A. Poème Symphonique. Pour Solo d’ Ondes Musicales & Orchestre. For Orchestra. Printed Edition.1929, Jean Darimont.
Folder 6
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 43. Poème Symphonique. Pour Violon de Concert et Orchestre. Reduction Violon et Piano. 1926, Paris. Autograph MS. (title page+23p +2p unnumbered attached in between pp 16-17); 35 cm.
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Dimitry Levidis Papers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.43. Poéme Symphonique. Pour Ondes et Orchestre. 1926, Paris. Autograph MS. For Orchestra. Performance scores: Woodwinds: Contrebasses à 4 et 5 cordes-1[5p]; Contrebasses à 4 et 5 cordes-2[8p]; Contrebasses à 4 et 5 cordes-3[7p]; First and Second Flutes[6p]; Third Flute or Picolo[3p]; First and Second Hautbois [6p]; Third Hautbois or Cor Anglais[3p]; First and Second Clarinettes Si b [6p]; Clarinette-Basse Si b [4p]; 2 Bassons [5p]; Controfagotto [1p]; Contrebasse [5p] 2o Oboe; 3o Oboe; 2o Clarinetto in Sib; 2o Corno in Fa; 4o Corno in Fa; 2o Flauto; Brass: First and Second Horns en Fa [4p]; First and Second Horns en Fa [5p]; 3rd et 4th Horns en Fa [4p]; 3rd et 4th Horns en Fa [5p]; First and Second Trumpets en Ut(Sib) [4p]; Third and Fourth Trumpets en Ut(Sib) [4p]; First and Second Trombone Tenor [3p]; Trombone Basse /Trombone Contre-Basse [3p]; Timbales [2]; Tamburo and Tamburello Basco [4p]; Batterie and Horns [6p]; Second Tromba in Do[4p]; Fourth Tromba in Do; Trombone Contrabasso[3p.]; Second Trombone[3p.]; Percussion: Timbales [2p]; [Tamburo e Tamburello Basco [4p] Harp: First Harp [5p]; Second Harp [4p]. Strings: First Violins-3[10p];First Violins-4 [10p]; First Violins-6 [10p]; First Violins-7[10p]; Second Violins-2[11p]; Second Violins-3[11p]; Second Violins-4[11p]; Second Violins-5[11p]; Second Violins- 6[11p]; Altos-1[5p]; Altos-2[9p]; Altos-3[8p]; Altos-4[9p]; Altos-5[6p]; Violoncelles-1[6]; Violoncelles-2[8]; Violoncelles-3[8]; Violoncelles-4[8];
Poème Symphonique pour Solo d’Ondes musicales et Orchestré [8p.]; 35cm. (Athens 25-3-1932)
[Note. It appears that the scores for the following are missing: First Violins 1,2 and 5.]
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Dimitry Levidis Papers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.46. De Profundis. Pour Une Voix, Deux, Soli d’ Ondes et Orchestre. 1929, Cap Breton. Autograph MS. For Voice and Orchestra. Scores unbound (44 parts); 35cm. Performance Scores: Woodwinds: First and Second Flûtes [4p], First and Second Oboes [3p]; English Horn [2p]; First and Second Clarinettes Si b [4p]; First and Second Bassoons [3p]; First and Second Horns in F [3p]; Third and Fourth Horns in F [3p]; Contrabasses I [3p]; Contrabasses II [3p]; Contrabasses III [3p]; Contrabasses IV [3p]; Brass: First and Second Trumpets [2p]; Third and Fourth Trumpets [2p]; First and Second Trombones –Tenors [2p]; Trombones Basse and Contrabasse [2p]; Percussion: Timbales[2p]; Batterie (Cymbal solo; Tam-Tam; Pair of Cymbals, Drum) [3p]; Keyboards: Piano [4p]; Celesta [2p]; Strings: Harpe [4p]; First Violins I [4p] two copies; First Violins II [4p]; First Violins III [4p]; First Violins IV [4p]; First Violins V [4p]; First Violins VI [4p]; First Violins VII [4p]; Second Violins I [3p]; Second Violins II [3p]; Second Violins III [3p]; Second Violins IV [3p]; Second Violins V [3p]; Altos I [3p]; Altos II [3p]; Altos III [3p]; Altos IV [3p]; Altos V [3p]; Violoncelles I [3p]; Violoncelles II [3p]; Violoncelles III [3p]; Violoncelles IV [3p]; Cloches [3p]; 16 Cloches [3p]; 16 Cloches [3p];
Folder 2 [digitized]
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 46. De Profundis. Pour une voix, Cloches, Deux Soli d’ ondes musicales et orchestre. 1929, Cap Breton. Autograph MS. Scores bound. Conductor’s scores. (title page+21p); 39cm. [Lyrics by K. Velmyras].
Folder 3 [digitized]
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.47. Το Κυπαρίσσι. [Cypress]. For Voice and Orchestra. Printed Edition. Copyright MCML by Phedon C. Bouboulidis, Athens. (4p); 24cm. [Poetry by k. Palamas]
Folder 4 [digitized]
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.47. Το Κυπαρίσσι. [Cypress]. 1935, Palaio Faliro. Autograph MS (3p); 30cm. Poetry by K. Palamas.
Folder 5
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.48. Offrande. Pour voix grave et orchestra. For Orchestra. Printed Edition. (3p); 35cm. Durand, 1933. [Lyrics and Music by D. Levidis].
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Dimitry Levidis Papers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.49. Stances Symphoniques. 1927, Paris. Autograph MS. ( title page + 110p); 35 cm. For Orchestra. Performance scores: Woodwinds: Flute 1[4p], Flute 2[4p], Oboe 1-2[6], English Horn [4p], Clarinet 1[4p], Clarinet 2[4p], Bass Clarinet [4p], Bassoon 1-2[5p], Double Bass[4p], Double Basses [1p]. Brass: Horns 1-2[5p], Horns 3-4[5p]. Percussion: Trumpet 1[3p], Trumpets 2-3[4p], Trombone 1-2[4p],Trombone 3-Tuba[4p], Timpani [3p], Batterie (Piatti, Tam-Tam)[4p], Batterie (Triaugolo, Tambouron de Basque)[4p], Batterie[3p], Piano and Harp: Piano-Forte[5p], Harp 1[3p], Harp 2[5p], Strings: Violino I[5p], Violino II[5p], Viola[4p], V.Cello[4p].
Folder 2
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.49. Stances Symphoniques. [Pour cèlèbrer l’ amour de la vierge de Pèlion] . 1932, Athens. Autograph MS. (title page + notice +36p); 28cm.Partition. [Bound Volume].
Folder 3
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.56. Procession funebre aux héros tombés pour la Patrie. Νεκρική πομπή πεσόντων αγωνιστών 1940-41. 1941, Palaio Faliro. Autograph MS. Score ( 10p); 35cm.
Folder 4
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.59. Τα Παλληκάρια της Πίνδου. Pour Grande Harmonie Militaire. [Εμβατήριον]. 1941, Palaio Faliro. Autograph MS. Full score. (title page+2p); 35cm.
Folder 5
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.59. Τα Παλληκάρια της Πίνδου. Θούριον δι’ άσμα και κλειδοκύμβαλον. 1941, Palaio Faliro. Αutograph MS. (title page+3p); 35cm.
Folder 6
Levidis, Dimitry, Op. 60. Τα Ελληνικά τα Πέλαγα. Πατριωτικό Τραγούδι για μια φωνή και κλειδοκύμβαλα. 1941, Palaio Faliro. Autograph MS. For Voice and Orchestra. 1 Score (3p); 35cm. [Poetry by Giannis Oekonomides.]
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.61. Ο Γυρισμός στο Αργυρόκαστρο. Συμφωνικό ποίημα για τραγούδι και μεγάλη ορχήστρα. 1941, Palaio Faliro. Autograph MS. Score (10p); 35cm. Score with lyrics +( 1p); 35cm. [Poetry by Ioannes Polemis]
Folder 2 [digitized]
Levidis, Dimitri, Op.62. L’ Iliade. Oratorio Antique pour Recitants, Soli, Choeurs et Orchestre. 1942-43, Palaio Faliro. Autograph MS. For Voice and Orchestra. Conductor’s Score. (152p); 32cm. Bound volume. [144 parts].
DL_Box_07_F2_Pt_1 (pages 1-85)
DL_Box_07_F2_Pt_2 (pages 86- end)
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Dimitry Levidis Papers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Folder 3
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.64. Ο Λεβέντης και ο Χάρος. Λαϊκή Μουσική Εικόνα για μια Υψίφωνο, έναν Οξύφωνο, έναν Αφηγητή και Ορχήστρα. [Le Gars et la Mort. Legende popularaire grecque pour un Recitant, une Soprano, un Tenor et Orchestre. 1944, Palaio Faliro. Autograph MS. For Voice and Orchestra. Bound volume. Conductor’s Score. (54p); 40cm.
Folder 4
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.64. Ο Λεβέντης κι ο Χάρος. Λαϊκή Μουσική Εικόνα [Le Gars et la Mort] (19p); 35cm. Score and Lyrics.
Folder 5
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.65. Berceuse pour un Gendarme. Burlesque pour Orchestre. [1949, Paris]. Autograph MS. For Orchestra. Conductor’s score and Performance Scores. 35cm; Conductor’s Scores: 15p; Performance Scores: Woodwinds: Petite Flûte [1p]; First and Second Flûtes [2p]; First and Second Oboe [2p]; English Horn[1p]; First Clarinet Sib [2p]; Second Clarinet Si b [1p]; First and Second Bassoons [2p]; Contrabassoon [2p]; Brass: First and Second Horns in F [2p]; Third and Fourth Horns in F [2p]; First Trumpet [1p]; Second and Third Trumpet [1p]; First and Second Trombones –Tenor [1p]; Trombone- Basse and Tuba-Contrebasse [2p]; Percussion: Timbales [1p]; Cymbal (solo) and a Tam-Tam [1p]; 1st Triangle, Tambourine, Cymbals, Drum, Side drum [2p]; 2nd Triangle, Tambourine, Cymbals, Drum, Side drum [2p]; Xylophone[1p]; Glockenspiel (Timbres) [1p]; Strings: Harp [2p]; First Violins[2p] eight copies; Second Violins [2p] seven copies; Altos [2p] six copies; Violoncelles [2p] six copies; Contrebasses [2p] five copies.
Folder 6
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.68. Je voudrais mourir. Pour Une Voix et Orchestre. 1949, Paris. Autograph MS. (4p); 35cm.
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Dimitry Levidis Papers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Folder 1
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.? Ode à la Muse. En Un Acte et un Tableau. Partition Piano-Chant. (title page+16p); 35cm.
Folder 2
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.? Ode à la Mûse. En un acte et un tableau. Autograph MS. Conductor’s scores. (title page+24p); 35cm. [Incomplete?]
Folder 3
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.? Δελφικός Ύμνος. Αρμονία.[ Hymne Delphique] n.d. Autograph MS.(1p); 16cm.
Folder 4
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.? Hymne Delphique I. n.d. Autograph MS. (2p); 35 cm. [Note: Attached Lyrics 1p]
Folder 5
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.? Èlegie antique (d’ après Phocilides). Autograph MS. (1p); 30cm.
Folder 6
Levidis, Dimitry, Op.? Les clochettes. Autograph MS. n.d. Full score. (2p); 35cm.
Folder 7
Levidis, Dimitry, Polycorde. Exercises? Autograph MS.(9p); 17cm.
Folder 8
Levidis, Dimitry, Etudes sur l’ emploi simultané des deux Pedales.Autograph MS.(2p); 35cm.
Folder 9
Levidis, Dimitry, No title-[Cadences]. Autograph MS. (4p); 35cm.
Folder 10
Levidis, Dimitry, No title. Autograph MS. (1p); 35cm. Page Folded.
Folder 11
Levidis, Dimitry, No title.(5p); 17cm. Score and lyrics.
Folder 12
Levidis, Dimitry, No title. (6p); 35cm.
Folder 13
Levidis, Dimitry, No title. (5p); 35cm.
Folder 14
Levidis, Dimitry, L’ École du Jeune Pianiste. Basèe sur les principles de la technique moderne de Dimitry Levidis. [Σχολή Πιάνου των Νέων επί τη βάσει των αρχών της συγχρόνου τεχνικής] ( 13p); 34cm.
Folder 15
Front cover of the edition of dance Eolienne. Danse Grecque de Salon. Editions Philippo. Paris.
Folder 16
Front cover of the printed edition of Opus 3. Menuetto by Dimitry Levidis
Folder 17
Front cover of the edition of Γ. Β. Καζασόγλου, Impromptu, Piano Solo.
Folder 18
Poem under the title ‘ Η Ελλάδα μας’. [Our Greece] Κλέριος [Klerios] Palaio Faliro, December 1944. [Note with pencil by D. Levidy: Georgios Katiforis, Oikia Giatlaki, Amphitheas 188].
Folder 19
Arvanitakis Georgios. Η ξανθούλα [I Xanthoula], Autograph MS. Score with lyrics. (4p); 17cm. [Poetry by Dionysios Solomos]
Folder 20
Papaioannou, G., Κοντσέρτο για πιάνο και ορχήστρα. [Concerto pour piano et orchestra] 1951, Athens. Three Parts (First Part: title page+41p.; Part Two: title page+ 7p.; Part Three: title page+24 p.)
Folder 21
Papaioannou, G. Οδαλίσκη [Odaliske] Printed Edition. Copyright MCML by Phedon C. Bouboulidis, Athens. (3p); 24cm.