George Huxley Papers - Series III Subseries IIId

SERIES III: Academic Activities

Subseries IIId: Lectures, Introductory Speeches, Talks, Seminars

BOX 70

Folder 1
Address delivered on Sunday 21 March 1971.
“Mental Illness and Abnormality in Greek Medical Writers”, paper read to the Hellenic Society, 7 June 1973.
“Homer’s Dorians”, Liverpool Classical Monthly 7.7, July 1982.
Lecture given at the Osterreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft in Vienna, 16 November 1982.
“Greek Myths”, Michaelmas Term, 1984.
“Kythera and the Minoan Maritime Economy”, Summary, 17 February 1985.
Introductory Speech at the Gennadius Library, 14 September 1986.
Introductory Speech at Meeting of “Philoi of the Gennadius Library”,19 December 1986.
“Newton and the Greeks”, Lecture given at the Loverdos Library, 20 October 1987.
“The Sense of Place in Sophokles”, UCSD Burnett Lecture, 14 April 1988.
Byzantine Seminar, given at Loring Hall, 30 November 1988.
Byzantine Seminar, given at Loring Hall, 7 December 1988.

Folder 2
Words spoken in the ASCSA, 27 June 1989.
“East Rome and the Evangelization of Russia”, Lecture given at Gennadius Library, 1989.
“Herodotos and the Epic”, Lecture given at Athens, 1989.
“ΕΠΙΧΩΡΙΚΑ”, Lecture given at TCD, Spring 1990.

Folder 3
“Songs from the Sands: Some Greek Lyric Papyri”, Lecture given at Santa Barbara, 9 November 1993.
“Knossos and its Neighbours”, Lecture given at University College , Dublin, 1993.
“The Proto-Indo-European Heartland and Early Indo-European Migrations”, RIA, National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies, 13-14 October 1994.
“The Coming and the Coming-to-be of the Greeks”, Lecture given at University of California, San Diego, 23 November 1994.
“Eustace Dockray Phillips”, Short Laudation given at the Queen’s University of Belfast, 9 September 1995.

BOX 71

Folder 1
“Byzantine Studies in Ireland”, Lecture given at Belfast, 14 September 1995.
“Stesichorus and his World”, Byzantine Seminar at University of California, November 1995.
“Alcmanand Sparta”, Byzantine Seminar at University of California, November 1995.
“Alcaeus and Lesbos”, Seminar at University of Dublin, Classical Society, 24 January 1996.
“Sophoclea. The Origins of Tragedy. Some Testimonies”, TCD, January-February 1996.
Mycenaean Seminar at London, 8 May 1996.
“Aspects of the Modern Greek Historiography of Byzantium”, Lecture given at Ranco Santa Fe, 11 November 1996.

Folder 2
“Some Papyri of Greek Lyric Poetry”, Graduate Seminar at Trinity College, Dublin, 8 April 1997.
Introductory words at RIA, 15 May 1997.
“Minding the Knossian Gap. Some Testimonies”, (with N. Coldstream), ICS, 4 February 1998.
“A Journey in Georgia”, Summary of a lecture given at Oxford Byzantine Society, 10 March 1998.
“The Antiquarian Scholarship of J.J. Tierney”, Lecture, 18-20 June 1999.
Words spoken at Knocklofty, Clonmel, 4 December 1999.
Words spoken at Maynooth, 16 February 2001.
Report on Ceremonies Honoring the Memory of Sir John Macneill, London, 20 July 2001.
Words spoken at the Launch of Do Penance or Perish, Waterford, 18 September 2001.
Words spoken at Rancho Santa Fe, 17 October 2001.
Words spoken at Newman House, Dublin, 29 December 2001.

Folder 3
“A Memorial at Tokat”, 9 May 2002.
Words spoken at a farewell party given by the Department of Greek and Latin in the Haldane Room, UCL, 11 June 2002.
Comments upon Consultation Document, Capacity Utilization, S.R.A., 5 September 2002.
Words spoken in the Classical Museum of University College Dublin to mark the retirement of Dr. Patrick Cronin from the Directorship of the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies, Athens, 9 December 2002.
“A College for Learning: Trinity & the Irish Nation down the Centuries”, Talk given at Girton College, 26 July 2003.
“Poetry and Politics in Early Sparta”, Texts for Discussion, Hibernian Hellenists-40th Anniversary, 10 October 2003.
“Simonides and the Persians”, Galway and Kilkenny Lectures, 19-20 November 2003.

BOX 72

Folder 1
“Simonides and the Persians”, Cork Lecture, Classical Association of Ireland, 2 February 2004.
“Aristotle’s Politics. A Text for our Time”, Lecture given at Copley Library, 27 October 2004.
“On the Supplices of Aeschylus”, Seminar at UCSD, November 2005.
“Some Topics in the Geometry and Geometrical Astronomy of the Greeks”, Waterford Lecture, 22 February 2006.

Folder 2
“Archaic Greece in Hellenistic Chronography”, Lecture given at University of Milan, 23 March 2006.
Words spoken at the Inauguration of the Huxley-Whitaker Collection of Old Irish Texts and Editions in University College Dublin, 27 November 2007.
Words spoken at a Thanksgiving Service for the Life of John Nicolas Coldstream at St. Mary’s, Bourne Street, Belgravia, London, 17 April 2008.
“A laudation of Nicolas Coldstream”. Words spoken at the Hellenic Centre, Paddington Street, London, 18 February 2009.
“Aristotle, Ioannes Genadios, and the idea of a scholarly Library”. Lectures to the Friends of the Gennadius Library, Cotsen Hall of the ASCSA, 26 March 2009.
Commencement Speech (Celtic Studies Program and Scandinavian Dept), Berkeley, 24 May.
“Aeolian Bathers in Alkaios”
“Persians in Thucydides”
“Hellas and Byzantium: Aspects of Linguistic and Political Continuity”
“A Lydian Problem in Herodotos”
“Cato in Lucan”
“A Special from Skipton”
“Pausanias and the Historical Geography of Early Spartan Conquests”
“Notes on Greek in ‘O’Mulchrony’s Glossary’”

Folder 3
“La Geografia Storica in Constantino Porfirogenito”
"Aristotle and the Oligarchs: The Plight of Contmplative Scholarship in Marker-Driven Universities," Irish Federation of University Teachers, April 12, 2012.
"Memories of Kythera," Kythera, June 5, 2012 (included a pamphlet entitled "George leonard Huxley - Επιστροφή στα Κύθηρα").