Joannes Gennadius Papers

Aρχείο Ιωάννου Γενναδίου
Collection Number: GR ASCSA GL JG 002
Name (s) of Creator(s): Joannes Gennadius (1844-1932)
Title: Joannes Gennadius Papers
Date [bulk]: 1890-1930
Date [inclusive]:
Language(s): Greek, English, French
Summary: The collection consists of personal correspondence, documents, scholarly papers of Joannes Gennadius, and photos
Quantity: 3 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift of Joannes Gennadius, 1926
Information about Access: The papers are catalogued and available for research.
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Joannes Gennadius Papers (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Τμήμα Αρχείων, Αρχείο Ιωάννη Γενναδίου)
Notes: The present catalogue was revised by Alexis Malliaris in 2011, based on older processings by Evi Sikla (1996), Christina Vardas, and Evridiki Dimitrakopoulou. Read note by Alexis Malliaris here: Εισαγωγικό σημείωμα
For more information, please contact the Archives:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
phone: +30 213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
Contact via E-mail
1844: Born in Athens, son of George Gennadius and Artemis Gennadiou
1862: Starts working for the Greek firm of Ralli Brothers in London
1870: Writes the pamphlet on the Dilessi murders. Appointed as attaché to the Greek Legation in Washington, but never takes up the appointment.
1873: Appointed as Second Secretary to the Greek Legation in Constantinople
1875: Appointed as First Secretary to the Greek Legation in London. Soon raised to the rank of Charge d’ Affaires
1881: Recalled to Athens, but sent back to London in May as Charge d’ Affaires.
1882: Transferred to the Greek Legation in Vienna
1885: Appointed to the post of Charge d’Affaires in London for the third time
1886: Raised to the rank of Minister Resident in London
1887: Appointed as representative of Greece to the court of Hague
1888: Appointed as an accredited Minister in Washington D.C.
1892: Forced to resign
1895-1902: Writes and publishes numerous studies that promote the cause of Greece in Britain, as well as other scholarly papers
1902: Marries Florence Elisabeth Laing Kennedy
1910: Appointed as a Greek ambassador to the Court of St. James in London. Accredited as ambassador to the Netherlands
1915-1918: Assists to the creation of the Koraes Professorship of Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies at King’s College, London
1917: Resigns but resumes his position after a few months
1918: Retired
1921: Represents Greece at the naval disarmament conference in Washington D.C.
1922: Donates his library to the American School of Classical Studies in Athens
1926: Opening ceremony of the Gennadeion
1932: Dies at the age of eighty-eight
Selected Bibliography:
A. A. Pallis, Ξενιτεμένοι Έλληνες. Αυτοβιογραφικό Χρονικό, Athens 1954.
P. Topping, “La bibliotèque Gennadeion: son histoire et ses collections”, L’ Hellénisme Contemporain IX, 1955, pp.121-148.
F. B. Walton, "Portrait of a bibliophile XII. Joannes Gennadius (1844-1932)," The Book Collector, Autumn 1964, pp. 305-306
For more titles check the bibliography of the short biography of Joannes Gennadius by D. M. Nicol, Joannes Gennadius-The Man, Athens: ASCSA 1990.
An eminent diplomat, scholar, and bibliophile, Joannes Gennadius is also the founder of the Gennadeion. The bulk of the material dates from the 1880s up to the year of his death 1932. The archive is divided into nine series: Series I. Correspondence; Series II: Scholarly Papers by J. Gennadius; Series III: Personal papers and documents; Series IV: War Relief; Series V: Greek communities abroad; Series VI: The Gennadius Library; Series VII: Photographs; Series VIII: The Konstantinos Magakis Collection; Series IX: Miscellaneous.
Series I. Correspondence. It has been organized folowing the initial division of the material in two parts: a) thematically; and b) alphabetically, by the correspondent’s last name. Often various documents pertaining to the subject of the letters are attached to them. Boxes 1 and 2 contain collections pertaining to a variety of subjects, including donations of paintings by J.G. to the National Gallery, the Koraes Chair at the University of London, J.G.‘s book on Lord Elgin, and other correspondence; Box 3 contains his correspondence with church and state officials, the Royal Family of Greece, as well as with various institutions and societies; Box 4 contains correspondence about political issues, especially the Balkan Wars, the First World War, the Asia Minor Disaster and Greek foreign policy. The bulk of the letters date from the time he served as ambassador of Greece abroad, ca. 1875-1922. Boxes 5 and 6 contain his correspondence with individuals; Box 5 contains the letters A to L, while Box 6 the letters M to Z.
Series II. Scholarly papers by J. Gennadius. This series contains published and unpubished essays by Joannes Gennadius, including his work on the manuscript of The History of Athens (Παλαιά Ιστορία της πόλεως των Αθηνών) by Ioannis Benizelos; extended biographical essays on George Gennadius and Panagiotes Gennadius; articles on the archaeological excavations in Greece; the Greek studies in England; the murders at Dilesi; the revival of the Olympic Games; on the waterworks of Athens (Περί Υδρεύσεως Αθηνών και Πειραιώς); and the English translation and publication of Loukis Laras.
Series III: Personal papers and documents. The papers are subdivided in smaller collections according to subject. They include autobiogarphical notes from 1894 up to 1918, notes about Prokopios Venizelos and G. Gennadius’ village Doliana, the diplomas and medals Gennadius received from universities, societies, etc. , documents related to the period he served in Washington, D.C., documents relevant to his marriage, retirement, and his will, as well as that of Florence Gennadius, advertisements and leaflets from printing, publishing and art houses he was collaborating with, invitations, programs, etc. from societies she was associated with, photo albums, cards and photos from his travels, some research notes and newspaper clippings on various topics of interest to him, various personal papers such as tickets from the library of the British Museum and visitor cards and a variety of personal belongings, such as a scrapbook-gift of his mother for his birthday, a cane and a sword. Located in Box 11, folders 1-8 and Box 12, folders 1-2.
Series IV. War Relief. Papers and documents about campaigns for the relief of Greece during the Balkan Wars, the First World War, and the Asia Minor Disaster. Located in Box 12, folder 3.
Series V. Greek communities abroad. Papers with information Gennadius was gathering about the Greek communities outside the borders of the Greek State. Gennadius had collected information about Anatoliki Romylia, Monastiri Servias, Chios, Crete, Cyprus, Dodecanese, Epeiros, Pontos and Greek communities in England, New York and India. Located in Box 13, folders 1-8.
Series VI. The Gennadeion. The series contains correspondence with solicitors and the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens concerning the donation of his library to the ASCSA, with the architects Stuart Thompson and John Van Pelt about the building of the Library, his speech at the inauguration ceremony in 1926, a card catologue of his library, a list of books prepared for shipping to the Library in Athens from London, and honorary medals offered to the Gennadeion. Located in Box 14, folders 1-5; and four handwritten catalogues of his father's library.
Series VII. Photographs. The series contains a variety of photographs of J. Gennadius in moments from his personal and professional life, including some of his wife and relatives, and an album with photographs of his house at Vere Gardens in London. Located in Box 15, folders 1-3.
Series VIII. Secondary Material. It contains short biographies of J. Gennadius by Donald M. Nicol, and Francis R. Walton; and an older finding-aid for the J. Gennadius papers, which served as a basis for the creation of the present text.
Series IX. Personal Objects. The series contains personal objects of J. Gennadius: medals, works of art, containers, furniture pieces, etc. They are items that adorned his London house, bought or commissioned by him or presented as gift to him. The items were rehoused and their catalogue was updated in January 2020 by Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan and Eleftheria Daleziou.
Notes: a) For the original form of the Greek names see Index of Greek Names
b) Bold letters (bold) in the titles of the folders indicate titles given by the Archivist, while italics indicate titles given by Johannes Gennadius
Σημειώσεις: α) Για τα ελληνικά ονόματα, βλ. και Κατάλογο Ελληνικών Ονομάτων
β) Τα έντονα στοιχεία (bold) στους τίτλους των υποφακέλων χρησιμοποιούνται για τίτλους δοσμένους από τον αρχειονόμο. Τα πλάγια στοιχεία (italics) αποδίδουν τίτλους όπως εμφανίζονται στο υλικό, συνήθως δοσμένους από τον Ι. Γεννάδιο
BOX 1: Collections (by subject)
Folder 1.1: Αίτησις Αποδόσεως Κιονοκράνου Παρθενώνος (Appeal for the return of the Parthenon capital): correspondence with N. Balanos (3 letters, 1 magazine clipping-“The Architect and Building News” and 2 of J.G.); the British Museum-Sir Frederic Kenyon (3 letters, 1 telegram and 2 of J.G.); 1 letter of J.G. to Alexandros Philadelpheus, 1927
Folder 1.2: Benizelos, History of Athens, with comments and notes by J.G.: correspondence with Spyros Merkouris concerning the publication of the work (1 letter of Sp. Merkouris, 1932, 1 of J.G.). Also included correspondence on the same subject between Sp. Merkouris and Florence Gennadius (1 letter of S. Merkouris and 1 letter of Florence Gennadius, 1934), A. Moschonas and Florence Gennadius (1 letter of A. Moschonas, 1 letter of Florence Gennadius, 1934), Stamatis Merkouris and Peter Topping (2 letters, 1957), Sp. Merkouris and Clarence G. Lowe (2 letters, 1935), and between C. G. Lowe and Shirley Weber (3 letters, 1938, 1942, 1946)
Folder 1.3: Αλληλογραφία μετά Σ. Παρασυράκη και D. Nutt περί της Βιογραφίας του Πατρός (The biography of George Gennadius): correspondence with D. Nutt (6 letters of D. Nutt and 2 of J.G., 1901-1902); G. Tachmindji, E. Melides (7 letters, 1927-1928, 1930)
Folder 1.4: The British Museum Printed Catalogue: correspondence with the British Museum (Frederick Kenyon, 1 letter, 1929, attached a circular and a specimen of the British Museum Printed Catalogue) and the University of Athens (1 letter, 1929, 1 of J.G.)
Folder 1.5: Ευχαριστήρια επί δωρήσει (thank you letters upon the donation of J.G. works): “Logos Panigyrikos”, “Biography of George Gennadius”, “Dr. Johnson and Homer”, “Selected Bindings from the Gennadius Library”), 116 letters, 1924-1927, 2 letters of J.G.
Folder 1.6: Δωρήματα: Πινακοθήκη, Λέσχη Αθηνών: Donation of paintings by J. G. to the National Gallery, 1 letter of Zacharias Papantoniou, 1923-1924, 1 letter of J.G., and the Athens Club, 3 letters, 1923- 1924 and 1 of J.G., 1923
Folder 1.7: The affair of Edward Atkin: correspondence with E. Atkin and Wilford Lloyd (on behalf of the Duke of Westminster) about the Committee of the Cretan Distress Fund (1897-1912), letters of George Macmillan and Emmanouel Rodocanachi (1912), 26 letters, 1 telegram, 1 newspaper clipping, 15 letters of J.G.
Folder 1.8: Ελλήνων Λογίων και Φιλοβίβλων (Greek men of letters and book collectors): correspondence with Greek men of letters and bibliophiles, among them: Leonidas Zoes, Spyridon Lambros, Manolis Chatzidakis, Nikolaos Politis, 24 letters, 1898-1920, 2 letters of J.G; Άγγλων Λογίων (English men of letters): William Barry, F. N. Byron, Richard M. Dawkins, T. H. S. Escot, Lilly Frazer, Mary Gardner, Frederic Harrison, F. Hasluck, Margaret Hasluck, Leonard Magnus, R. B. Mowat, Francis Pember, Sir J. E. Sandys, W.H. Scott, Sir Charles Walston, 37 letters, 1900-1924, 1 letter of J.G.
Folder 1.9: Historical documents relevant to the Greek War of Independence: correspondence with L. D. Raftopoulos, Eleni Kriara and M. Drakoulis, 12 letters, 1926-1929, about the sale of the documents to J.G. including a translation of the document “Traité d’alliance entre la cour de Prusse et la cour Ottoman signé a Constantinople le 31 Janvier 1790” and “Armistice de Giurgevo 8/19 Sept. 1790”, 1 letter of J.G.
Folder 1.10: Santarosa and Italian School Propaganda in Greece: it includes a paper by J.G. about Santarosa (1925), 7 letters of D. Petrokokkinos, N. Marketis and H. Nicolson, notes of the propagandist activities of the Italians at Corfu and the Italians schools at Corfu and a newspaper clipping, 1924-1925, 2 letters of J.G.
Folder 1.11: Κωνσταντινίδης-Ράλλης υπόθεσις (The Konstantinidis-Rallis case): correspondence with Marietta Kephala, D. Constantinidi, L. Ralli, 4 letters, 1921
Folders 1.12, 13, 14: The Koraes Chair at the University of London: correspondence with the Committee of Subscribers to the Koraes Chair, the London University, the Anglo-Hellenic League, N. Eumorfopoulos, Sir Cooper Perry, W. P. Reeves, G. Marchetti, A. C. Ioanides, Helena Venizelos, J. M. Metaxas, M. A. Mitaranga, M. Embiricos, Chourmouzios, H. Spenser, Ernest Barker; report of Arnold Toynbee to the Committee on the first three years’work of the Chair (1923); applications for the Koraes Chair at King’s College (1926) after the resignation of Arnold Toynbee: Stavros Emmanuel, Archibald N. MacAlpine, Frederic Henry Marshall, Lysimachos Oeconomos, H. J. W. Tillyard, Albert William Van Buren, professor Alexander A. Vasiliev, Reverend William Ainger Wigram, ca. 270 letters the vast majority copies and attached related material, 1923-1932, 20 letters of J.G.
BOX 2: Collections (continued)
Folder 2.1: Lord Byron Centenary Celebration: correspondence relating to the commemoration of the Centenary of Lord Byron’s death: Byron Commemoration Committee, Edward Atkin, W. Courtney, D.R. Fotheringham, John Murray, N. Eumorfopoulos, Demetrios Caclamanos, The Anglo-Hellenic League, the Poetry Society, 22 letters, 1 telegram, 1924, 10 letters of J.G.
Folder 2.2: Του περί Έλγιν βιβλίου μου: correspondence with D. Pappoulias, president of the Archaeological Society at Athens and Demetrios Apostolidis, curator and editor,concerning the publication of J.G.’s book about Lord Elgin on behalf of the Society, 29 letters, 1929-1930, 26 letters of J.G.
Folder 2.3: Κατά Μαλλιαρών, Μαρασλειακά κ.ά. («Marasleiaka»): 1 letter of Panagiotis Theodoropoulos about the use and teaching of demotic Greek with a Report of the Committee about the activities of malliaroi at the Marasleion, 1926, a volume of the weekly journal of education Ερμής (Athens, April 23, 1927), 1 letter of J.G.
Folder 2.4: Publishing Houses. Correspondence with:
1) “The Bookman’s Journal”(1 letter, 2 attachm., London, 1927)
2) “The Central Library” (1 letter, Spiros Grivas, Alexandria, 1932)
3) “Editions Albert Morance”( 2 letters, Paris, 1926)
4) “Eleutheroudaki Encyclopedic Dictionary”: correspondence about the contribution of J.G. in the Dictionary (11 letters, Athens, 1927-1928, 1 letter from the National Portrait Gallery at London, 9 letters of J.G.)
5) “Leclerc et Cornuau” (2 letters, Paris, 1891)
6) “Les Belles Lettres” (3 letters, 3 attachm., Paris, 1929-1930)
7) Fisher Unwin (19 letters, London, 1888-1893, 1 Memorandum of Agreement for the book of J.G., Story of Modern Greece, 6 letters of J.G.)
8) G.P. Putnam and Sons (6 letters, London, 1890-1893,1 Memorandum of Agreement for the Story of Modern Greece, 1 letter of J.G.)
Folder 2.5: “Recent change of regime in Greece”: J.G’s article in the Advocate of Peace (1922): correspondence with M. Cambouri from the U.S. Department of Commerce
(1 letter, Washington, 1922), Alex Devine from the Clayesmore School of Winchester (1 letter, London, 1922), Nestor Veniopoulos from the Greek American National Union, 1 letter, Springfield Massachusetts, 1922 and 2 letters from USA, 1922
Folder 2.6: Correspondence with Schools, Universities, Libraries about requests for lectures, contributions, library enquiries, etc.: R. Burrows from King’s College-University of London (3 letters, London, 1917-1918), League of Nations Society (3 letters, Cambridge, 1920), The Faith House (3 letters, London, 1919), British Sports and Sportsmen (1 letter, London, 1916), Franklin Menges from Gentlemen’s Organization of the First Presbyterian Church of York (3 letters, York Pennsylvania, 1922), Anglo-French Society (1 letter, London, 1919), Groupe inter-universitaire franco-britannique (2 letters, London, 1919), archimandrite Iezechiel Velanidiotes (1 letter, Athens, 1908), A. Konstas director of the Marasleios Library in Odessa (1 letter, Odessa, 1897), Zisis Kotiones president of the Hellenic Literary Society “Athena” at the Robert College of Constantinople (1 letter, Constantinople, 1908), E. Constantinides, ed. of The Greek Student’s Series of English educational books (1 letter, Athens, 1909), Christ’s College Lodge (4 letters, Cambridge, 1918), Emmanuel College Lodge (1 letter, Cambridge, 1920), W. Ridgeway (2 letters, Cambridge, 1920), Christ Church Oxford ( 2 letters, Oxford, 1920), M. Embiricos (1 letter, London, 1918), Ph. Eumorfopoulos (1 letter, London, 1920), A.J.B. Wace -director of British School at Athens (1 letter, St. Albans-London, 1920), 4 letters of J.G.
Folder 2.7: The D. M. Spartali case: The reaction of the Greek community of London against J.G., 1881. The folder contains a typescript copy of correspondence and the resolution of the Greek Community against J.G.
The material is not original and the source is unidentified. [Gift of Kyriakos Metaxas Sept. 1993]
Folder 2.8: Correspondence with trading houses: “Attica Limited” ( 1 letter, London 1926, about Greek carpets’ trade) , “Elliot and Fry Ltd” (2 letters, London, 1931-1932), “Hellenic products Ltd.” (1 letter, London, 1931, about Greek carpets trade, 1 letter of J.G.), “Macniven and Cameron”(1 letter, London, 1930), ”Hicklenton and Sydal” (1 letter, London, 1931)
Folder 2.9: Correspondence with:
1) Αγγλικανών (with Anglicans): bishop of Cairo-U.S., Rev. Duckwerth, Rev. Folhoringham, Rev. J.S. Dawes, Archbishop of York, 10 letters, 1898-1931, 1 letter of J.G.
2) Άγγλων κοινωνικώς (with English), 11 letters, 1917-1925
3) Ελλήνων εν Αγγλία (with Greeks in England): Cassavetti, G. Embedokles, Maria Magkou, G. Marketis, A. Maurokordatos, Solon Pelekases, Theodoros Rallis, Hellen Ralli, Katty Soulidi, 16 letters, 1898-1922
4) Διαφόρων Αιτήσεις και ευχαριστίαι δι’ υποθέσεις των (Various requests and thank you notes addressed to J.G.): Efrosyni Karapanou, Emilia Zicaliotti, P. Drakoulis, N. Vlassis, Viktor Akylas, N. Argiriades, G. Zochonis, 19 letters, 1915-1921
5) Συγχαρητήρια προς διαφόρους (thank you letters to J.G. upon the receipt of congratulation letters): L. Ralli, H. Jessel, Sir Gordon Nairne, Lord Chalmers, P. Lazlo, Lord Edward Russell, J. Emett, Sir Francis H. Deut, Sir B. Cokayne, Rev. H. White, Rev. K. A. Bell and others, 19 letters, 1912-1924, 1 letter of J.G.
6) Συλλυπητήρια προς διαφόρους (Thank you letters to J.G. upon the receipt of condolence letters to various individuals): N. Marketis, Emmanuel Lambrynides, Stephanos Dragoumis, D. Crosfield, Danae Kallerges and others, 17 letters, 1913-1930, 3 letters of J.G.
Folder 2.10: Correspondence with the printers Whittingham and Griggs regarding the bindings of J.G.’s books, 29 letters, 1922-1924, (among them 1 letter of the Department for the sale of casts of Victoria and Albert Museum, 1922), 3 letters of J.G.
Folder 2.11: World Conference of Education Associations in Edinburg, 1925: correspondence concerning the representation of the University of Athens at the conference by J. G., 21 letters, 1925-1927, 12 letters of J.G.; attached material on public education in Greece
BOX 3: Church and State officials, Institutions, Societies
Folder 3.1: Church: correspondence with church officials about various subjects:
Archimandrite Iakovos, Moscow, 1 letter, 1915. Archimandrite Isaiah Vergopoulos, 1 letter, London, 1918. Bishop Antonios Parasches (ex Bishop of Patras), Neo Faliro, 1 letter, 1919. Pachomios, abbot of Saint John’s monastery in the Jordanian desert, 1 letter, 1899, seeking financial assistance
Archbishop of Cyprus, 3 letters, 1928-1930, regarding the unification of Cyprus with Greece, 1928, and the Armenian immigrants in Cyprus, 1930
Archbishop of Syros, 1870-1872: Greek translation by J.G. in form of booklet of the theological conversations between the Archbishop of Syros and Tenos, and the Anglicans Churches of the USA
Metropolitan of Athens Meletios (Metaxakes), 1 letter, 1918
Metropolitan of Dyrraxeion Iakovos, 1 letter, 1921
1 letter of J.G. to the Archbishop of Trapezounta Chrysanthos (Philippides), 1921, and another to the same as Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, 1932
Archbishop of York, 1 letter, York, 1931, on funding for schools
Archimandrite Michael Konstantinides, 5 letters, London, 1928 on the life of Patriarch Photios of Constantinople (IX c.), 1 letter of J.G.
Archimandrite K. Pagones, 1 letter, London, 1917
Archimandrite D. Vasdekas, 1 letter, 1922, about the London Greek Community School
Archbishop of Athens, Chrysostomos Papadopoulos, 1 letter, Athens, 1929, 3 letters of J.G. on Catholic Bishop in Athens, 1927, on the monastery of Saint Philothee the Athenian, 1929, on the Propaganda of the Catholics in Greece and relations with Italy, 1929
Metropolitan ex Leontopoleos Sofronios Eustratiades, 6 letters, France, 1930, 2 letters of J.G.
The Bishop of London’s visit to Greece, November 1918. Addresses from the Synod: copies of the addresses to the Bishop of London Arthur F. Winnington from the clergy and state officials and the reply of the Bishop; address to the Archbishop of Athens Meletios (Metaxakes) from the Bishop of London; 1 letter of John Mavrogordato (Anglo-Hellenic League, 1919) regarding the documents of the visit, 1 letter of J.G. to the Bishop, 1926
The Patriarch of Jerusalem Damianos, 3 letters, Jerusalem, 1925-1928, 2 letters of J.G.; correspondence between J.G. and the Colonial Office (minister Amery) for the support of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 3 letters and attachments, 1925
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople: Anthimos VI, Patriarch of Constantinople, 6 letters, 1895-1896, seeking financial assistance from Vallianos family and others Greeks of London, 2 letters from the office of the Patriarch, 1896, 5 letters of J.G; thank you letter to J.G. from the administrator (τοποτηρητής) of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Nikolaos bishop of Kaisareia, 1921
Folder 3.2: Ministries, State offices, etc.
-Commissioner for Cyprus, 1 letter, London, 1927, thank you letter about the donation of books by J.G. to the Library of Nicosia, 1 letter of J.G. with the list of books
-Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1 letter, Salonica, 1917 on the fire of Salonica
-Greek Ministry of Education, 1 letter, Athens, 1897, about a proposed program for the Hellenic Commercial School, 1 letter of J.G., 1898
-Foreign Office, 68 letters, 4 telegrams, 1910-1928, private and semi-private correspondence on various subjects, 63 letters of J.G.
[A list of the files (number and brief description of file content) in the British Public Record Office with the correspondence between J.G. and the Foreign Office is included here. The list is gift of K. Metaxas, Sept. 1993]
Folder 3.3: Royal Family of Greece
Correspondence with the Royal Household about the arrival and sojourn of the family in London for the coronation, June 1911
Α. Adjutants (Υπασπισταί)
K. Levides, major, adjutant of the Crown Prince Constantine, 9 letters, 4 telegrams, Paris, 1911, 4 letters of J.G.
Prince George (the II, son of Constantine I, king of Greece), 1 letter, 2 telegrams, 1 telephone message, London, 1911, 1 letter of J.G.
Angelique Contostaulos for the Crown Princess Sophia, 1 letter to Florence Gennadius, 1 telegram, 1 telephone message, London, 1911
K. Lembeses, captain, adjutant of the Prince George (brother of Constantine I), 3 letters, 3 telegrams, Paris, 1911, 2 letters of J.G.
Crown Princess Helen, 1 letter, n.d. (=1911)
English special adjutants (Άγγλοι υπασπισταί ειδικοί), 14 letters, 6 telegrams, London, 1911, 3 letters of J.G.
Princess Helen (wife of Prince Nicolas, son of King George I), 1 letter, Athens, 1907 to Annette Notara Stevens
Β. Letters to the members of the Greek Royal Family (Βασιλικαί επιστολαί)
A great amount of copies of letters from J.G. to the King of Greece George I, the Crown Prince Constantine I, Prince Nicolas, Princess Helene (wife of Prince Nicolas), Queen Sophia (wife of the King Constantine) , Queen Olga (wife of the King George I), 1910-1923. Telegrams of Prince George II, the Crown Prince Constantine, letters of Prince Nicolas, Princess Alice, as well as from the adjutant K. Levidis, and Marie Dragoumis to J.G.
Folder 3.4: Societies, Associations, Institutions
American Peace Society, 1 letter, Washington, 1922, about the newspaper “Advocate of Peace”, 1 letter of J.G.
-Association of the Greek Students in Europe, 1 letter, Paris, 1927, 1 newspaper clipping, 1927
-Association of the North Epirotes in Athens and Piraeus, 1 letter, Athens, 1930, on the North Epirotes in Albania
-“Atlantis” (daily Greek paper published in the U.S.A), Demetrius Vlastos and Adamantios Polyzoides, 11 letters, New York, 1922, 6 letters of J.G and 1 letter from British Museum-Department of printed books, 1922
-Archaeological Society, 2 letters of J.G., London, 1929-1930, on the Society for the Promotion of the Greek Studies and the private archaeological collection known as Lansdown marbles
-British School of Archaeology in Athens, 1 letter, London, 1930, on the fundraising of the Perachora excavations
-Hellenic Society of Agriculture, 1 letter, Athens, 1926, 1 letter of J.G.
-Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece, 9 letters, Athens, 1919-1927, thank you letters for donations of books and engravings, 3 letters of J.G.
-Newspaper Press Fund (for the relief of necessitous journalists), 3 letters, London, 1931
-Philological Society “Parnassos”, 1 letter, Athens, 1930, thank you letter for the donation of books
-Universal Negro Improvement Association, 1 letter, London, 1928, 1 letter of J.G.
-The University of Athens, 2 letters, Athens, 1926-1929, on the honorary diploma to J.G., 3 letters of J.G., 1927
-Greek Society ‘‘The Hellenism’’, 19 letters, Athens, 1927-1932, 8 letters of J.G.
BOX 4: Political correspondence
Folder 4.1:
1) With foreign colleagues, ambassadors (French, Turkish, Belgian, Rumanian, American Embassy at London), 26 letters, 1 telegram, 3 newspaper clippings, 1900-1924, 8 letters of J.G.
2) With Greek colleagues, secretaries (Alexandres, Athanasiades, Philip Argenti, E. Apostolides, Spyros Vallianos, A.Vouros, Alec Gripaios, Depastas, D. Eulambios, L. Kautanzoglou, E. Kapsambeles, Theodoros Casdagli, Foreign Office, Kollas, A. Krieze, S. Constantinides (Constantinidi), D. Logothetis, Leon Melas, Chr. Nicolaides, I. Papas, K. Rangavees, Rentis, G. Roussos, Alex Ralli, Ch. Simopoulos, Sachtoures, Panos Triggetas, Ion Dragoumis) 63 letters, 6 telegrams, 1909-1920 (the letter of Ion Dragoumis, 1916), 3 letters of J.G.
Folder 4.2: Anglo-Hellenic League, 11 letters, 1914-1915; circulars of the Anglo-Hellenic League, newspaper clippings (among them interviews of J.G. to “The Observer”), invitations for public lectures and annual meetings of the Anglo-Hellenic League, 1918-1923, regarding the Balkans, World War I, and the Asia Minor Disaster
Folder 4.3: Anonymous letters to J.G. during World War I, 1912-1916, 20 letters, (“many more destroyed” as J.G. noted), newspaper clippings
Folder 4.4: Andern and Glasmacher, 2 letters, New York, 1921, about a proposed Greek loan, 1 letter of J.G.
Folder 4.5: With British, 19 letters, 1913-1923, about political issues and the “anathema” against Eleutherios Venizelos
Folder 4.6: British Ministry of Information, 6 letters, 1918, about the history of World War I.
Folder 4.7: Ronald. M. Burrows (Principal of King’s College, chairman of The Anglo-Hellenic League, and John Mavrogordato) 87 letters, 1916-1924, on World War I, the Balkans, the Greek cause, the biography of R. Burrows from George G. Glasgow, 2 leaves from “The National Weekly” with 2 articles of G. Abbot (1917), 1 newspaper clipping, 8 letters of J.G.
Folder 4.8: Alex Devine, 17 letters, 1920-1926, on the Balkans, 1 letter of J.G.
Folder 4.9: Foreign journalists (from The Times, The Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, The Manchester Guardian, The Daily News, The Evening Times, The World, The Church Times, The New York Times), 43 letters, 1 newspaper clipping (The Manchester Guardian, 1921), 1910-1923, on World War I, the Greek cause, the Asia Minor Disaster, 6 letters of J.G.
Folder 4.10: Foreign newspapers: copies of J.G.’s letters in the form of a booklet to “The Daily News” on the case of the Marathon (Dilessi) murders, 1870; to “The Evening Post” on Charilaos Trikoupes and the Greek debt, 1894; to “The Times”, on the proposals of the Greek government on the debt, 1894; and to “The Times” on the settlement of the Greek debt, 1894-1895 (outgoing correspondence)
Folder 4.11: With Greeks in England: Theodoros Burlumes, N. Eumorfopoulos, Marketis, Pallis, E. M. Rodocanachi, Nicolas Androutzos, 7 letters, 1 attach., 1917-1918, on political issues
Folder 4.12: with Greek politicians: J.Valaoritis, A. Michalakopoulos (?), Emmanuel Tsouderos, General Danglis, Paraskeuopoulos, Jean Tsirimokos, Philaretos, C.Spirides, A.Papanastasiou, N.Broumes, Andreas Andreades, 32 letters, 1910-1923, 3 letters of J.G.
Folder 4.13: League of Nations Union: Andreas Michalopoulos, 3 letters, 1921 on Arnold Toynbee’s report on Greek atrocities in Asia Minor; Anglo- Hellenic League (N. Eumorfopoulos, John Mavrogordato and others), 15 letters, 1924, against Bulgarophile article, 3 letters of J.G.; minutes of the 15th meeting of the League of Nations, Geneva, Sept. 29th, 1924 (M. Politis’s unauthorized convention with Bulgaria for minorities)
Folder 4.14: Ioannis Metaxas, 1 letter, Athens 1927, on Greek foreign policy, 1 letter of J.G., about the appointment of Greek ambassador in London (general A. Frantzes)
Folder 4.15: A. Moschonas, D. Maximos, Demetrios Gounaris, Foreign Office, 14 letters, 17 telegrams, 1 page from “The Chronicle”, 1921-1922, confidential correspondence, 12 letters of J.G.
Folder 4.16: Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Eleutherios Venizelos, Demetrios Politis), 6 telegrams, April-July 1918, 1 telegram from J.G.
BOX 5: Individuals (classified alphabetically)
Note: The outgoing correspondence is indicated by italics
Folder 5.1: A
- Abbott, G. F. [3 letters, 5 attachments (letters to Metaxas), 1 letter of J.G., 1907-1910]
- Adcoch, F. [2 letters, 1 attach, 1 letter of J.G., 1924]
- Agnides, Thanasis [2 letters, 1919]
- Antoniades, E. A. [1 letter, 1919]
- Agrenti, Philip [13 letters, 3 telegrams, 4 attach., 1 letter of J.G., 1921-1925]
- Athenogenes, I. [3 letters, 1 attach. (Bodleian Library), 1926-1927]
Folder 5.2: B
- Barker, Ernest [1letter, 1920]
- Bonner, Campbell [4 letters, 1931]
- Bourbon, Don Louis de [5 letters, 2 attach., 1 letter of J.G., 1922]
- Boissonas, Fred. [41 letters, 4 attach., 12 letters of J.G., 1920-1926, on the Makriyiannis plates]
- Broemer, F. [1 letter, n.d.]
- Boukouvala, Pan. [1 letter, 1899]
- Brown, Carroll N. [1 letter, 1919]
- Burch, V. [1 letter, n.d.]
Folder 5.3: C
- Capps, E. [1 letter of J.G. to E. C., 1926]
- Casanges, C. [1 letter, 1 attach., 1914]
- Casdagli, Alexandre [10 letters, 1 attach., 1 letter of J.G, 1932]
- Chalas, Antony [ 2 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1920]
- Chalkokondyles, I. [1 letter, 1900]
- Haggibasilio, A. [2 letters, 1 attach., 1919]
- Chatzidakis, Georgios [2 letters, 2 letters of J.G., 1929-1932]
- Chesson, W. H. [1 letter, 6 letters of J.G., 3 attach. (L.Sergeant to Chesson), 1880-1922]
- Chester, S. B. [5 letters, 1 attach., 1920-1921]
- Chourmouzios [3 letters, 1920-1921]
- Chrysanthopoulos [1 letter, 1929]
- Chrysaphides, K. [1 letter, 1921]
- Chrissovelonis, C. [2 letters, 2 letters of J.G., 1917]
- Colladay, Edward [2 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1922-1923]
- Couchoud, P. L. [1 letter, 1921]
Folder 5.4: D
- Diamantopoulos, D. [1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1923]
- Diomedes, A. [2 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1932]
- Dossios, N.G. [7 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 3 attach., 1918-1921]
- Dragatses, Iakovos [ 12 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1930-1932]
- Drakoules, Platon [8 letters, 1918]
- Dulles, Allen [1 letter, 1922]
Folder 5.5: E, F
- Edgecumbe, R. [1 letter, 1908]
- Embirikos, Andreas [8 letters, 3 attach., 1 letter of J.G., 1917-1918]
- Embirikos, M. [44 letters, 3 telegrams, 3 attach., 5 letters of J.G., 1917-1923]
- Erlanger, E. [2 letters, 1918]
- Eumorfopoulos, Ph. [6 letters, 1918-1919]
- Eversley, Lord [7 letters, 1920-1924]
- Ferriman, Z. D. [25 letters, 3 attach.(1 letter of N. Eumorfopoulos), 1918-1923]
- Frazer, J. [1 letter, 1919]
Folder 5.6: G, H, I
- Gardikas, G. [1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1928-1929]
- Gaselee, Stephen [5 letters, 3 letters of J.G., 1931-1932]
- Gabrieledes, Vlasis [8 letters from J.G. to V.G., 1896-1906]
- Gennadius, Artemis [1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1883]
- Georgopoulos, Ioannis [ 1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1931-1932]
- Giannacopulo, N. [4 letters, 3 attach., 1912]
- Gibbons, Herbert Adams [5 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1922-1923]
- Gollancz, I. [1 letter, 1918]
- Gregory (Gregorakes), Efthymius [2 letters, 1922]
- Harrison, F. [5 letters of J.G. to F.H., 1886-1915]. The material is not original. The originals are in the F. Harrison Collection, British Library of Political and Economic Science, London School of Economics. Gift of California State University, Fullerton, 1974
- Heurtley. W. [2 letters, 1930]
- Hill, B. H. [3 letters of J.G. to B.H., 1923-1925]
- Hund, Virginia [2 letters, 1929]
- Jassonides, Alexandre [2 letters, 1917]
Folder 5.7: K
- Kalliaphas, Spyr. [1 letter, 1927]
- Kallinikos, Konstantinos [1 letter, 1929]
- Kapsopoulos, A. [1 letter, 1922]
- Kartales, Georgios [1 letter, 1931]
- Kassavetes, N. I. [1 letter, 1922]
- Kazazes, N. [1 letter of J.G to N.K., 1929]
- Kazoules [1 letter of J.G to K., 1927, 18 pages]
- Kenyon, Frederic [1 letter, 1 attach., 2 letters of J.G., 1929]
- Kepetzes, M. [3 letters, 2 letters of J.G., 1930]
- Kirk, W. [1 letter, 1903]
- Koundouriote, Helen [1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1928]
- Koundouriotes, P. [1 letter of J.G. to P.K., 1924]
Folder 5.8: L
- Lanites [1 letter of J.G. to L., 1929]
- Laskares, S. Th. [4 letters, 3 letters of J.G. to S.L., 1927-1929]
- Laslo, Philip de [1 letter of J.G. to P.L., 1925]
- Leles, N. G. [2 letters, 1931]
- Le Roy Crummur [1 letter of J.G., 1930]
- Logios, K. [5 letters, 1915-1916]
- Loverdos, Spyridon [3 letters, 1 attach., 3 letters of J.G, 1929-1930]
- Lytsikas, Eustathios[ 1 letter, 1918]
BOX 6: Individuals (continued)
Folder 6.1: M
- Mac Millan, George [7 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1924-1925]
- Magos, J. [1 letter, 1 attach., 1 letter of J.G., 1920]
- Makkas, Leon [7 letters, 1917-1921]
- Malcolm, D. O. [2 letters, 1925]
- Marshall, J. H. [1 letter, 1929]
- Martin, Persy [7 letters, 1 attach., 4 letters of J.G, 1912]
- Matsoukis, G. [1 letter, 1921]
- Mavrogordato, John [7 letters, 1918-1925]
- Melas, Georgios [3 letters, 4 attach., 2 letters of J.G., 1920]
- Meritt, Benjamin [ 1 letter, 1931]
- Merkatis [1 letter of M., 2 attach., 1914]. Gift of Ms. Stavridi, Nov. 1992
- Messer, G. B. [1 letter, 1922]
- Messinezes, Philippos [2 letters, 1 attach., 1932]
- Metaxas, Ioannis [1 letter of J.G. to I.M., 1928]
- Miller, John [1 letter, 1 attach., 1931-1932]
- Miller, William [12 letters, 1 attach., 2 letters of J.G., 1915-1928]
- Millingen, Hope van [6 letters, 2 letters of J.G., 1919]
- Monkswell, Lady Katherine Edith [1 letter of J.G., n.d.]. Gift of Curtis Runnels, June 2022.
- Morison, E. [3 letters, n.d.]
- Morison, Margaret [2 letters, 1919]
- Morison, T. [1 letter, 1919]
- Moschovakes, Agathangelos, archimandrite [1 letter, 1920]
- Moschonas, A. [6 letters, 1 attach., 1 letter of J.G., 1919-1932]
- Moschonas, Theodoros [ 2 letters, 5 letters of J.G., 1921]. The J.G.’s original letters were donated from Th. Moschonas, June 1966
Folder 6.2: N, O
- Noble, Layton [4 letters, 1917-1920]
- Nordau, Max [2 letters, 1920]
- Oikonomos, G. [1letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1929]
- Orford, Albert [2 letters, 1918]
- Ostorog [1 letter, 1918]
Folder 6.3: P
- Pallis, Alexandros [27 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1916-1919]
- Pallis, A. A. [ 9 letters, 1 attach.(Vellianitis), 1917-1920]
- Palmer, William (on behalf of the Greek American National Union) [4 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1922-1926]
-Veniopoulos, Nestor (on behalf of the Greek American National Union) [2 letters, 3 letters of J.G., 1922]
- Pantou, Antonitsa [1 letter, 1931]
- Pappadiamantopoulos, K. I. [2 letters, 1917]
- Papamanolis, Hr. [3 letters, 1922]
- Pappoulias, D. [3 letters, 1 attach., 4 letters of J.G., 1929-1930]. Connected with the Dean of University of Athens [1 letter, 1 attach., 1 letter of J.G., 1929]
- Parasyrakis, S. [5 letters, 1901]
- Pesmazoglou, Hector [2 letters, 1922]
- Paton, James [1 letter, 1926]
- Patricchio, Marietta [6 letters, 1916-1921]
- Pember, Francis [2 letters, 1919]
- Pernot, Hubert [55 letters, 1 telegram, 3 attach., 3 letters of J.G., 1910-1930]
- Petrakakos, Demetrios [ 28 letters, 13 attach., 3 letters of J.G., 1930-1932]
- Petrides, Petros [4 letters, 1919]
- Petrokokkinos, Demetrios [32 letters, 4 letters of J.G., 2 letters of Ph. Chryssovelones-1 letter of J.G., 1912-1932]
- Philadelpheus, Alexandros [3 letters, 2 letters of J.G., 1926]
- Phrantzes, A. [2 letters, 1930]
- Police of the Metropolis [New Scotland Yard] [1 letter, 1913]
- Politis, Nikolaos [7 letters, 1 telegram, 1 visiting card, 10 letters and 1 telegram of J.G., 1917-1918]
- Polyzoides, Adamantios [ 1 letter, 1922]
- Prentice, William [2 letters, 1922-1923]
- Psachos, K. A. [1 letter, 1931]
- Psemmenou, Ioanna [1 letter, 1918]
- Psychas, Ioannis [2 letters, 1 attach., 1915-1918]
- Pyrrhus, Luc [2 letters, 1 letter of J.G, 1917-1921]
Folder 6.4: R
- Rados, Konstantinos [9 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1919-1925]
- Ralli, Lucas [5 letters, 1 attach. (1 letter of Stephen Schilizzi), 3 letters of J.G., 1910-1930]
- Ralli, Marietta [5 letters, 2 letters of J.G., 1889-1921]
- Ralli, Strati [1 letter, 1932]
- Reeves, W. P. [10 letters, 4 letters of J.G., 1917-1926] (Anglo-Hellenic League)
- Reeves, M.S. [1 letter, n.d.]
- Eumorfopoulos, N. [6 letters, 2 attach., 2 letters of J.G., 1925] (Anglo-Hellenic League)
- Repington, L. [1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1922]
- Riencourt, Louiza, de [2 letters, 1 attach., 1915-1918]
- Ross, Alex, Gordon [4 letters, 1912]
- Roussos, Demetrios [9 letters, 3 attach., 3 letters of J.G., 1930-1932]
- Russis, William [5 letters, 2 letters of J.G., 1922]
Folder 6.5: S
- Samartzopoulos. Antony [1letter, 1 visiting card, 1 attach., 1923]
- Semeriotes, Aggelos [1 letter, 1923]
- Scanavi, Nikolaus, Ritter von [7 letters, 1 attach., 3 letters of J.G., 1920-1923]
- Seton, Walter [1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1918]
- Stephanopoli, J. [2 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1930]
- Salmon, B. P. [13 letters, 7 attach., 3 letters of J.G., 1922-1923]
- Stamoules, An. [1 letter, 1930]
- Smith – Hartley, C.W. [3 letters, 1880-1881]
Folder 6.6: T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Temperley, Harold [5 letters, 1918-1919]
- Themeles, Gennadios, archimandrite [4 letters, 1918]
- Toynbee, Arnold [1 letter, 1920]
- Trevelyan, G. [2 letters, 1917]
- Triantaphyllides [1 letter, 1922]
- Upward, Allen [6 letters, 1910]
- Vallianos, Athanasios [22 letters, 4 telegrams, 4 letters of J.G., 1917-1919]
- Valsas, M. [2 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1932]
- Vees, Nikolaos [3 letters, 1 attach., 1 letter of J.G., 1922-1929]
- Veniopoulos, Nestor [1 letter of J.G. to N.V., 1928]
- Voeux, H. [ 1 letter, 1932]
- Vouros, Alexandros [2 letters, 1913, 1922]
- Vouros – Dekazes, Konstantinos [1letter(original) of J.G., 1911]
- Vousolinos, Spyridon [1 letter, 1871]
- Vlastos, [1 letter of J.G. to V., 1922]
- Wolf, Lucien [1 letter, 1920]
- Women’s Social and Political Union, [4 letters, 1 attach., 1916-1918]
- Scatcherd, Felicia [2 letters, Women’s Union, 1921]
- Zaharoff, Basil [9 letters, 1 telegram, 1 attach., 2 letters of .J.G., 1917-1924]
-[Photocopies of two J.G.’s letters to the Greek Prime Minister Charilaos Trikoupis (1892, 1894). The originals at E.L.I.A., C. Trikoupis Papers, documents 13/048/02, 16/135/04]
Folder 6.7: Miscellaneous unidentified
- To J.G. from unidentified individuals [10 letters, 1902, 1913, 1919, 1920, 1931]
- From J. G. to unidentified individuals [5 letters, 1 attach., 1890, 1910, 1919, 1932]
-1 copy of telegram sent from the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Greek Legation at London, 1909.
-1 letter of Pavlos Giannelias to René Puaux, 1920.
BOX 7: “Ιωάννου Μπενιζέλου Τα Σωζόμενα, Εφημερίδες, Παλαιά Ιστορία, Νέα Ιστορία”: typescript of Ioannis Benizelos’s work on the history of Athens as prepared by J.G. for publication, including his notes, handwritten corrections, extensive comments and some proofs and also the narration about the fortune of these manuscripts [copy 1 MSS 224.2], n.d.
Folder 7.1: Ιωάννου Μπενιζέλου τα Σωζόμενα (Front-page), Βιβλιογραφία (Bibliography)
Folder 7.2: Εισαγωγή (Introduction):
Α. Η περί του χειρογράφου έρις
Β. Ανεύρεσις των χειρογράφων
Γ. Αντιβολή
Δ. Η ιστορική αξία του έργου
Ε. Ο γλωσσικός χαρακτήρ της συγγραφής
ΣΤ. Συγκεφαλαίωσις του περιεχομένου εκάστης των τριών συγγραφών
(α. Εφημερίδες, β. Παλαιά Ιστορία, γ. Ιστορία Νέα)
Folder 7.3:
A. Εφημερίδες (Ephimerides-Calendar of important events)
B. Σημειώσεις εις Εφημερίδας (Notes on Ephimerides)
Folder 7.4:
[Α.] Παλαιά Ιστορία (Ancient and Medieval History)
Β. Σημειώσεις εις Παλαιάν Ιστορίαν (Notes on Ancient and Medieval History)
Folder 7.5: Α. Δοκίμια (Proofs of the Ioannis Benizelos’s History of Athens)
Folder 7.6: Α. Ιστορία Νέα (Modern History)
Folder 7.7: Σημειώσεις εις Νέαν Ιστορίαν (Notes on Modern History)
Folder 7.8: Παρεκβολαί Α. (n. 2 and 5-14) (original historical works of J.G. as supplement to Ioannis Benizelos’s History):
2. Τρεις Αθηναίαι Αυτοκράτειραι
5. Πειρατεία
6. Πρόξενοι και αλλοδαποί εν Αθήναις
7. Ιησουίται και Καπουκίνοι
8. L.F.S. Fauvel
9. Η Relation de l’Attique του Jean Giraud
10. Το κλίμα
11. Σχέδια και τείχη της πόλεως
12. Το ωρολόγιον της αγοράς
13. Πληθυσμός της πόλεως
14. Νομίσματα και σταθμά
For related correspondence see also Box 1, folder 2 and letters of Oct. 8, 1930, Oct. 21, 1930, May 28, 1931 and Sept. 24, 1931; and J.G.- E. Capps correspondence in Box 14, folder 2
For information about the work of Ioannis Benizelos and the related work of J.G., see Ιωάννου Μπενιζέλου, Ιστορία των Αθηνών, with preface by J.G., ed. by J. Kokkonas, G. Bokos, 2 vol., Ekdotiki Athinon, Athens 1986; a note about MSS 224.2 on page 18 (Introduction), footnote 15.
BOX 8: “Ιωάννου Μπενιζέλου Εφημερίδες, Παλαιά Ιστορία και Νέα Ιστορία των εν Αθήναις συμβεβηκότων”
Typescript of the Ioannis Benizelos’s work on the history of Athens as prepared by J. G. for publication by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens with his extensive notes along with the original historical works of J.G. (=Παρεκβολαί) [copy 2 MSS 224.3], 1927
Folder 8.1: Front page of Ioannis Benizelos’s History as prepared for publication by J.G. and handwritten copy by J.G. of the Παλαιά Ιστορία της πόλεως Αθηνών
Folder 8.2: [a] Ιστορία Νέα των εν Αθήναις συμβεβηκότων
Ιστορία Νέα-Σημειώσεις
Folder 8.3: Κατηγορητήριον κατά Χριστοφόρου Περραιβού Α and Γ
Folder 8.4: Παρεκβολαί Β (n. 2 and 5-11) by J.G.:
2. Τρεις Αθηναίαι Αυτοκράτειραι
5. Η πειρατεία
6. Πρόξενοι και αλλοδαποί εν Αθήναις
7. Ιησουίται και Καπουκίνοι
8. L.F.S. Fauvel
9. Η Relation de l’Attique του Jean Giraud
10. Το κλίμα
11. Σχέδια και τείχη της πόλεως
Folder 8.5: [Παρεκβολαί] (n. 12-21 and 24-25) by J.G.:
12. Το ωρολόγιον της αγοράς13. Πληθυσμός της πόλεως
14. Νομίσματα και σταθμά
15. Βοϊβόδες και Βεκκιάρδοι (duplicate)
16. Ήθος και χαρακτήρ (duplicate)
17. Εγχώριοι έριδες
18. Η γλώσσα (duplicate)
19. Αθηναίοι Μουσικοί
20. Εκκλησιαστικά (duplicate)
21. Δεισιδαιμονίαι και τέρατα (duplicate)
24. Απολογία των Ελλήνων (duplicate)
25. Της Επαναστάσεως πρώται εν Αθήναις ημέραι (duplicate)
Folder 8.6: Παρεκβολαί Β. Φραγκοκρατία εν Αθήναις (The Frankish rule in Athens): typescript and handwritten notes as well as newspaper clippings on bibliographical and other issues about the historical period of the Frankish rule in Athens by J.G.
Folder 8.7: Bibliographical notes and comments about the Frankish rule in Greece by J.G.
Folder 8.8: Τοπωνυμικά Α and Β: notes and comments on place names in Greece during the Frankish rule by J.G.
Folder 8.9: Περί Αγίας Φιλοθέης: 2 letters of Chr. Vlassopoulos from the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece to J.G., 1928
-27 handwritten pages by Chr. Vlassopoulos with official copies of historical documents from 17th to 19th c. concerning the monastery of Saint Philothee the Athenian from the originals kept at the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece, 1928. See also Box 9, folder 1 and Box 10 folder 6.
-4 reproductions of Saint Philothee’s icon
Folder 8.10: Biographical texts of English and French travelers during the Ottoman rule in Greece written by J.G. for the Elefteroudakis Dictionary.
-Extended biographical essay on Anastasios Gennadius (1838-1911) by J.G.
Folder 8.11: Extended biographical essays on George Gennadius (1786-1854) and Panagiotis Gennadius (1848-1917) by J.G.
A note about MSS 224.3, on Ιωάννου Μπενιζέλου, Ιστορία των Αθηνών, with preface by J.G., ed. by J. Kokkonas, G. Bokos, 2 vol., Ekdotiki Athinon, Athens 1986, page 18 (Introduction), footnote 15
BOX 9: J.G. work on Ioannis Benizelos’s History of Athens [copy 3 (MSS 224.4)]
Folder 9.1: J.G. work on Ioannis Benizelos’s History of Athens: typescript of J.G. work on the Ioannis Benizelos’s History:
Α. Βιβλιογραφία, Προλεγόμενα [Ο οίκος των Μπενιζέλων και η οσία Φιλοθέη (see also Box 10, folder 6 and Box 8.9 )], Εισαγωγή, Σημειώσεις εις Εισαγωγήν, Κατηγορητήριον κατά Χριστοφόρου Περραιβού
Folder 9.2: J.G. work on Ioannis Benizelos’s History of Athens: typescript of Ioannis Benizelos’s History as prepared for publication from J.G., notes, comments and proofs by J.G.:
Β. Εφημερίδες, Σημειώσεις εις Εφημερίδας, Παλαιά Ιστορία, Σημειώσεις εις Παλαιάν Ιστορίαν, Δοκίμια, Ιστορία Νέα, Σημειώσεις εις Ιστορίαν Νέαν
Folder 9.3: J.G. work on Ioannis Benizelos’s History of Athens: original historical works of J.G. as supplementary essays to Ioannis Benizelos’s History: Παρεκβολαί (n. 1-25):
[1.] Η Καισαριανή (printed)
2. Τρεις Αθηναίαι Αυτοκράτειραι
3. Ο Μοροζίνης εν Πελοποννήσω και εν Αθήναις 1685-1688 (printed)
4. Οι condottieri Sir John Hawkwood και Sigismundo Malatesta (duplicate, at the end of the volume)
5. Πειρατεία
6. Πρόξενοι και αλλοδαποί εν Αθήναις
7. Ιησουίται και Καπουκίνοι
8. L.F.S. Fauvel
9. Η Relation de l’Attique του Jean Giraud
10. Το κλίμα
11. Σχέδια και τείχη της πόλεως
12. Το ωρολόγιον της αγοράς
13. Πληθυσμός της πόλεως
[14.] Νομίσματα και σταθμά
15. Βοϊβόδες και Βεκκιάρδοι
16. Ήθος και χαρακτήρ
17. Εγχώριοι έριδες
18. Η γλώσσα
19. Αθηναίοι Μουσικοί
20. Εκκλησιαστικά
21. Δεισιδαιμονίαι και τέρατα
22. Δημήτριος Γαλανός (printed). See also f. 10.1
23. Βιογραφικά δοκίμια: Α. Μιχαήλ Ακομινάτος, Β. Χριστόφορος Άγγελος, Γ. Θεοδόσιος ο Κορυδαλλεύς, Δ. Αργυρός Μπεναλδής, Λομβάρδης, Frederick North-Earl of Guilford (all printed and published in Αθηναϊκή Ιστορία). The work on Frederic North-Guilford also typescript (at the end of the volume)
24. Απολογία των Ελλήνων
[25]. Της Επαναστάσεως πρώται εν Αθήναις ημέραι
BOX 10: Works by J.G.
Folder 10.1: Demetrius Galanos, The Greek Brahman: typescript paper by J.G. at the 3rd international congress of History of Religions held at Oxford on September 1908 about the life and work of the first Greek Indologist Demetrius Galanos. See also Box 9, folder 3, n.22.
Two offprints from “Νέα Ημέρα” with a text entitled «Δύο Διεθνείς Σύνοδοι» concerning J.G.’s paper on Demetrius Galanos, Trieste 1908
Folder 10.2: J.G.’s articles on the archaeological excavations in Greece published on “The Forum” (1896-1897) with handwritten notes, additions and corrections along with newspaper clippings on archaeological issues:
“Modern Archaeology: recent excavations in Greece”, May 1896
“Modern Archaeology: recent excavations in Greece-II”, August 1896
“Modern Archaeology: recent excavations in Greece-III”, November1896
“American excavations in Greece-II (=“American excavations in Greece: Ikaria, Anthedon, Thisbe”), March 1897
“American excavations in Greece: Plataia and Eretria”, June 1897
“Modern Archaeology: recent excavations in Greece-IV”, January 1897
“American excavations in Greece: Ikaria, Anthedon, Thisbe”, March 1897
Handwritten notes of J.G. entitled: Μαρτυρίαι περί της εν Ελλάδι αμελείας και φθοράς των Αρχαιοτήτων
Offprint from The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, vol. LVII, n.6, April 1899 of Rufus Richardson’s article (director of the American School at Athens) entitled “American discoveries at Corinth. Including a relic of St. Paul”
Folder 10.3: The biography of George Gennadius: notes, drafts and correspondence pertaining to George Gennadius and his biography:
-“Περί του μακαρίου πατρός Βιογραφικαί Σημειώσεις δοθήσαι τη κ. Edmonds”, handwritten, 1886
-“Short Biographical Notes relating to George Gennadius” send to Rev. Daniel Quinn (Catholic University of America, Washington) in order to write a report about the status of public education in Greece, handwritten, 1897; 2 letters from Daniel Quinn to J.G., 6 letters of J.G., 1897
-Handwritten notes by J.G. from his father’s reports about the public education sent by the former to the Ministry of Education
-“Βιογραφικαί του πατρός Σημειώσεις”: handwritten notebooks by J.G. collecting any kind of information and copies of documents about the life of George Gennadius
-A handwritten notebook containing the speech of M.G.Michailidis about George Gennadius at the Robert College of Constantinople on April 1908, 4 letters of M. Michailidis, 2 letters of J.G., 1 attach., 1907-1908
-A typescript catalogue containing the works of George Gennadius published and inedited as well, 1925
-A handwritten notebook by J.G. containing the detailed biography of his father, partially edited by S. Parasyrakis for the Ημερολόγιον (1901)
-1 letter of J.G. to Konstantinos Rados, president of the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece about the display of a painting depicting George Gennadius, 1927
-Correspondence with “Association Guillaume Budé – Société Les Belles Lettres” on financial issues concerning the edition of George Gennadius’s biography, 4 letters, 4 attach., 1927-1928
-1 letter of J.G. to an anonymous friend concerning the behavior of the “Rizareios Sxoli” of Athens toward the memory of George Gennadius, 1931
-Correspondence with Charalambos Catsalides owner of the editions Dodoni (Alexandria, Egypt) about the collaboration of J.G. to the forthcoming album Dodoni including a biography of George Gennadius, 5 letters, 1 telegram, 4 letters of J.G., 1931-1932
-A handwritten notebook from A. Goudas containing the French translation of George Gennadius’s biography, n.d.
-A printed program, edited from the Central Committee for the Centenary of the Greek Revolution and Revival, celebrating the centenary 1830-1930 in Epirus and honoring the Rizaris brothers, Neophytos Doukas and George Gennadius, a printed invitation for the festivities at Zagori (Epirus), a handwritten leaflet containing the members of the Ordinary Committee from Zagori for the erection of monuments in memory of the illustrious men of Zagori, 1930
Folder 10.4: The Greek studies in England: handwritten and typescript notes, newspaper clippings etc. relating to the introduction of Greeks studies in England, of the Christian religion etc.
A. Handwritten copies of letters by the famous English poet John Milton (1608-1674) to Leonardos Philaras (1596-1673, Athenian scholar, politician and diplomat to the French court); bibliographical notes on the history of classical studies in England and Ireland; newspaper clippings (“Times”, “Νέον Άστυ”, 1904, 1906, 1919) about John Colet (1467-1519, English Churchman and Renaissance humanist); the classicism in the Middle Ages; the importance of Greeks letters; front-pages of books; an article of Walter Raleigh on Tudor translations; 2 book request forms from the Library of the British Museum; 4 newspaper clippings of the Cypriot journal “Φωνή Κύπρου” with articles on the history of Humanism in Europe (1904); 2 newspaper clippings on Sandys’s book History of Classical Scholarship (“The Westminster Gazette”, 1904); 2 newspaper clippings on the history of Ireland (1903, 1904)
B. The introduction of the study of Greek in England: typescript article with handwritten corrections by J.G., 16 pages; Greek Studies in England before the Renaissance: typescript article with handwritten notes by J.G., 19 pages, 96 handwritten notes for both articles; The Pronunciation of Greek in England: typescript article with handwritten notes by J.G.
- The introduction of the Christian religion in England and Ireland: handwritten text and notes, mostly in Greek and part of these in English, about the introduction of the Christian religion in England and Ireland and the importance on this issue of the Greek Saint Theodoros from Tarsos, by J.G., 2 newspapers clippings with related bibliography
-Ancient Greek authors and the British Islands: handwritten notes, mostly in Greek, by J.G. about the description of British Islands by the ancient Greek authors
- Greek presence in England: handwritten notes by J.G. and newspaper clippings about the Greek presence in England in Renaissance and during the 19th century (reference to the life of Demetrios Vikelas)
Folder 10.5: Notes on the recent murders by brigands in Greece: manuscript and printed text by J.G. concerning the famous case of the capture and murder of English and Italian travelers by Greek brigands on April 1870 at Marathon (Dilessi) of Attica, 122 leaves ready for publication, May-June 1870
Folder 10.6: Ο οίκος των Μπενιζέλων και η Οσία Φιλοθέη: the historical work of J.G. on Benizelos’s family and the life of Saint Philothee the Athenian published on Ελληνισμός, issue 215 (March 1929), 216 (April 1929), 217 (May 1929), 218 (June 1929), 219 (July 1929), 220 (August 1929), 221 (September 1929) with his handwritten notes, corrections and additions projected for a new edition never published. See also Box 9, folder1 and Box 8, folder 9
Folder 10.7: The revival of the Olympian Games: article by J.G. published in Cosmopolis, April 1896, in form of printed proof with handwritten notes and corrections, a handwritten notebook with related notes, 6 book request forms from the Library of British Museum used by J.G., 1896
Folder 10.8: Unpublished handwritten speech by J.G., in the form of a notebook, delivered at the dinner of the “Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress” (a charitable and relief organization providing assistance to the war victims), London 1890
Folder 10.9: Περί Υδρεύσεως Αθηνών και Πειραιώς: historical essay on the water supply of ancient Athens, the importance of the water in the ancient civilization, the climate, the mountains and the rivers of Attica, divided in 4 chapters (Α. Η προς το ύδωρ αγάπη των Ελλήνων, Β. Υδραυλικά των Ελλήνων έργα, Γ. Πληθυσμός και Κλίμα της αρχαίας Αττικής, Δ. Τα πέριξ των Αθηνών όρη και ποταμοί): typescript with handwritten notes, additions and corrections by J.G. translated into Greek from the English original, 40 pages, published in Νέον Άστυ, ca. 1903-1905
Folder 10.10: Loukis Laras, Reminiscences of a Chioli Merchant during the Greece War of Indipendence, by D. Vikelas, translated for the Neohellenica by J. Gennadius, London 1880: handwritten book by J.G. with the English translation of Demetrius Vikelas’s novel “Loukis Laras”, with notes and corrections by Demetrius Vikelas and J.G., 219 pages, 1880. At the beginning of the book 1 letter of Demetrius Vikelas to J.G. with suggestions on the translation and the publication, 1880
Folder 10.11: “Τα «Ιωαννήτικα χειρόγραφα». Η διαρπαγή και η απεμπόλησις αυτών”: offprint from the magazine Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά, vol. 2, with a handwritten dedication of J.G., n.d.
-“Ιωάννου Γενναδίου, Συγγράμματα και δράσις Φιλολογική”: a typescript text of 29 pages by J.G. cataloguing per year his published works from 1870 to 1926, bound together with “Ιωάννου Γενναδίου, Δημόσιαι υπηρεσίαι” and “John Gennadius, A short account of the formation of my Library” [see also Box 11, folder 1 and Box 14, folder 5]
Folder 10.12: Typewritten copies prepared by J.G. of poems and extracts from various works by western European authors concerning the Greek War of Independence:
“An appeal to Europe on behalf of Greece written in May 1827”,“Modern Greece”, “Demetrius”, “Syra”, “Athena speaks”, “Emineh’s death”, “Leandro; or the vision’s prophecy”, “The Fate of Ipsara”, “The Sea Fight of Salona”, “Record of Woman or the death of Karaiskaki”, “Parga”, “Psiloriti”, “Marco Bozzaris”, “The siege of Missolonghi”, “Song of the Greek poet”, “Answer to the «Song of a Greek» by Lord Byron”, “The Violet Crown”, “Marathon”, “Athens”, “Hellas”, “For Greece and Crete”, “Rhigas, Hellenic poet and patriot”, “Temple of Theseus”, “Misolonghi”, “Eustache”, “Death of the klept”, “Preface to Shelley’s Hellas.”
BOX 11: Autobiographical notes, notes about his family, and personal documents
Folder 11.1: Biographical notes
- Autobiographical notes, typescript and handwritten, 1894-1922 (sent to the editor of New York Forum): among these 4 letters to J.G. (1912, 1918), 3 attachments (1912), 4 letters from J.G. (1892, 1902, 1912, 1918); a statement about himself in Washington and his ties with America [autobiographical text, 5 pages, Washington, December 6, 1921]. See also Box 11, folder 4
- Autobiographical notes, 1902 (draft, sent to the editor of the Greek Encyclopaedia)
- Autobiographical notes, 1902 (another version of the above mentioned text); “Σύντομοι Αυτοβιογραφικαί Σημειώσεις (από του 1902) εκ του προχείρου και εν τάχει συλλεγείσαι”: a typescript text of 40 pages by J.G. about his life from 1902 to 1925; a copy of a text from the Greek newspaper Αλήθεια (1870) about the J.G.’s publication in England “Η φωνή της Φιλοπατρίας ή Σημειώσεις επί των προσφάτων εν Ελλάδι σφαγών των ληστών”; a copy of a letter from William Cory (=Ionicus) about J.G. (1879); extract of a letter (copy) from Walter H. Page, the United States’ Ambassador in London, to Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, about the personality of J.G. (1914); a clipping from Cambridge Review about the life and the career of J.G. (1915)
- 2 letters of J.G. to S. Parasyrakis, London, 1897-1898 with extensive autobiographical notes
- “Ιωάννου Γενναδίου, Δημόσιαι υπηρεσίαι”: a list per year of his appointments from 1870 to 1925 [text bound together with “ Ιωάννου Γενναδίου, Συγγράμματα και δράσις Φιλολογική” and “John Gennadius, A short account of the formation of my Library” in Box 10, folder 11]
Folder 11.2: The family of J. Gennadius
- Notes and documents about the tomb of Prokopios Benizelos at the First Cemetery of Athens (4 letters, 2 attach., 3 letters and 1 telegram from J.G., 1931-1932)
- Doliana in Epirus: documents about the honors in memory to George Gennadius from the Koinotita of Doliana, the birthplace of the Gennadius’s family (4 letters, 3 attach., 4 telegrams, 2 letters and 2 telegrams of J.G., 1924-1929)
- One page biographical note of Goerge Gennadius in French (one copy), one copy of letter sent to George Gennadius (1824), one copy of letter send by G. Gennadius (1826), official call for the creation of School - call for teachers etc (1846) [3 copies], catalogue of books sent to G.G by his son Anastasios Gennadius from Germany (1854)
Folder 11.3: Honorary Diplomas
(the diplomas are located in a folder outside Box 11, on the self)
-Honorary diploma recognizing the excellent services of J.G. to Greek affairs, awarded by the Greek Committee in London, 1880 (leaf of parchment with handmade, colorful decoration); an invitation of a ceremony in honor of J.G. on behalf of the Greek Committee, 1880
- Official thank you letter and congratulations by the Committee of the Importers Dealers and others interested in the Dried Fruit Trade to J.G for his decisive contribution regarding the trade of Greek currants in England, London 1890 (two leaves of parchment, the first with handmade, colorful decoration); the document carries the original signatures of the Committee
- Official letter to J.G., expressing compassion on his revocation from the Ministry due to the financial difficulties of the Greek state, by the Greek communities of London, Manchester and Liverpool, 1893 (four leaves of parchment, the first with handmade decoration); the document carries the original signatures of the members of the Greek communities in London, Manchester and Liverpool (there is also a second copy on paper with original signatures, without decoration)
- Honorary diploma awarded by the “Ηθικοθρησκευτικός Σύλλογος Άγιος Ανδρέας εν Πάτραις”granting J.G. the honorary membership to the Society; a letter from the president and the secretary of the Society of Patras and the answer (copy) of J.G., 1899
- Honorary diploma offered to J.G. on the occasion of his marriage by the Greek community of London, with handmade colorful decoration [framed, oversized]; the document carries the original signatures of the members of the Greek community of London, 1902
- Honorary diploma as a lifelong member awarded by the “Η εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία”, 1904
- Honorary diploma on parchment as Doctor Iuris Utriusque awarded by St. Andrews University, 1906 (in its case); a letter from the University to J.G., 1906
- Official letter of thanks by the Mayor of Athens Spyros Merkouris on behalf of the Municipality of Athens (Δήμος Αθηναίων) emphasizing the aid offered by J.G. to the mayor during his sojourn in London, 1906
-Decree of the municipality council of Athens in honor to J.G. regarding the aid of J.G. to the mayor of Athens Spyros Merkouris during his sojourn in London and J.G.’s donation of 17 historical pictures of Athens (1835) to the city of Athens, 1906
- Honorary diploma from the “Φιλανθρωπική των Ηπειρωτών Αδελφότης εν Αθήναις” declaring J.G. as ordinary member of the brotherhood; a letter of the president and the secretary of the brotherhood and the answer of J.G., 1907; a leaflet containing the regulation of the brotherhood, 1902
- Honorary diploma on parchment awarded by the “Σύλλογος Αλληλοβοηθείας των υπαλλήλων Καφφενείων και Ζυθοπωλείων Πειραιώς” declaring J.G. as honorary president of the Society, 1907
- Honorary medal awarded by the “Ελληνικός Φιλολογικός Σύλλογος Κων/πόλεως”; a letter from the president and the secretary of the Hellenic Philological Society of Constantinople and the answer of J.G., 1908
- Honorary diploma by the music society “Αθηναϊκή Μανδολινάτα ” declaring J.G. as ordinary member of the society,1909; a letter from the president and the secretary of the society, a leaflet containing the regulation and two pamphlets about the society
- Honorary diploma by the “Πανηπειρωτικός Σύνδεσμος Το Ζάλογγον” declaring J.G. as a honorary member of the Union, 1910
- Honorary diploma awarded on the occasion of his retirement by the Greek community of London (two leaves of parchment, the first with manuscript artistic decoration); the document carries the names of the members of the Greek community in London, 1918 (in its case)
- Honorary diploma awarded on the occasion of his retirement by the Greek community of Manchester, 1918 (two leaves in form of a book with printed text and manuscript, artistic, and colorful decoration); the second leaf carries the names of the members of the Manchester Greek community (in its case)
- Honorary diploma on parchment as Doctor of Humane Letters awarded by Princeton University, 1922
- Honorary diploma on parchment as Doctor of Humane Letters awarded by George Washington University, 1922 (in its case); a letter from the president of George Washington University to J.G., 1922
- Honorary diploma for his membership in the “Greek-American Club of Washington”, D.C., 1922; included a honorary diploma for Florence Gennadius
- Honorary diploma for his membership in the “American Peace Society”, 1922; a copy of a letter of J.G. to the president of the “American Peace Society”, 1922; a letter of American Peace Society to J.G., 1925
- Honorary diploma on parchment as a fellow awarded by the “Educational Institute of Scotland”, 1925 (in its case)
- Honorary medal on the centenary of the Greek Independence awarded by Municipality of Messolongi (Δήμος Μεσολογγίου), 1930
Folder 11.4: “Mission in America”: documents relevant to the period J.G. served as a representative of Greece at the naval disarmament conference in Washington, D.C., 1921:
-Correspondence with the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Greek Legation in London and expenses (invoices-receipts) regarding J.G.’s request for payment:15 letters, 16 attach., 18 letters of J.G., 1921-1927
-Statement about himself in Washington, his ties with America [autobiographical text, 5 pages, Washington, December 6, 1921]. See also f. 11.1
-[Photocopies of documents from the British Foreign Office regarding J.G.’s appointment in America, 1921. Gift of V. Tsimpidaros]
Folder 11.5: Personal documents
- Testimonials on my Retirement: 19 letters, 1 attach., 1 photo, 4 telegrams, 5 letters of J.G. and 2 attach., 1 letter of Florence Gennadius to Lady Ralli: invitations, honors and gifts from the Greek Community in London, in Manchester and in Cardiff, thank you letter from the archbishop of Cyprus Cyril, 1918-1919
- Lord Charle Hardinge of Penshurst (ex-Viceroy of India): 3 letters, 1 newspaper clipping, 3 letters of J.G., 1918-1920
Ronald Graham: 1 letter, 1 letter of J.G., 1 attach., 1918
- Correction of my name in marriage registry (1 letter, London, 1903)
- Last wills of Joannes Gennadius and Florence Gennadius ( 1932, 1952)
The above texts are photocopies of the original documents and their transcription. Gift of K. Metaxas, November 1993
Folder 11.6: Printing, publishing and art houses: catalogues, advertisements, etc.
- J.G.’s ex libris. [There is a collection of ex libris at the Scrapbook 21.1]
- Anzeiger fur Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften aus dem Antiquariat Bernh. Liebisch, Leipsig, October 15, 1930
- Catalogue of water-color drawings of Athens and Corfu etc. by count Angelo T. Giallina, exhibited at the Galleries of messrs. Henry Graves and Co, Pall Mall, London, May 1891
-Informational leaflets about recently published books (Selection from Menander, W. Waddell, ed.,Oxford 1927, Anthologie des poetes Neogrecs, traduits en ver par Jean Michel, Paris 1924)
- A specimen print and a few personal remarks on Photogravure by Walter L. Colls, Fine Art publisher, London
- 10 invoices from Durrant’s Press Cuttings to J.G., 1928-1931
- Invitation to an exhibition of Modern Fine Printing and Editions-de-Luxe, London, 1932
-Informational leaflet about Elliot and Fry Ltd, Gallery of Art, London, 1923
- Catalogue of imprints and circular of I. D. Nerantzis printing house, Leipsig, 1889
- Visiting cards ( C. Butfield, Wilfred Merton, F. J. Newbery)
Folder 11.7: Societies, associations, universities: invitations, public lectures, programs etc.
- University of London, King’s College: leaflet on arrangements and public lectures, autumn 1919
- Loyalist’s League, Washington, D.C.: a petition from Greeks to the President of the U.S.A. H.E. Warren G. Harding about the European diplomacy and the role of America, New York, 1922
-The Anglican and Eastern Churches Association: an invitation to a meeting of the General Committee (1932)
-The Anglo-Hellenic League: Rules of the League (1914, 1931), an invitation to a meeting (1931)
- Association pour l’ encouragement des etudes grecques en France: informational leaflet about the annual subscription (1931)
- The British School of Archaeology in Athens: informational leaflet about the price and the contents of the recently published volume XXIX of the Annual of the School (1931), an invitation to the annual meeting of subscribers (1931)
- King’s College, University of London: announcements of lectures (1931, 1932)
- The Classical Association: program of the general meeting (1932)
- The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies: informational leaflets about meeting and the library (1931, 1932)
Folder 11.8: J. Gennadius’s travels: photo albums, photos and postcards
-Photoalbums: Cambridge (14 printed photos), Ricordo di Pompei (1925), Budapest, Souvenir Album of Loch Lomond, Salzburg-Hellbrunn-Berchtesgaden und Königsee, Zen der schönsten Asichten von Regensburg, Album von München mit 30 Ansichten, Königliches Schloss Herrenchiemsee (1922), Ricordo di Roma, Innsbruck, Frankfurt am Main, 20 Platino-print views of Edinburgh
-Photos: Venice 4 (1902), Trieste 2, Adelsberg 1 (1902), Constantinople 10 (1903)
-Postcards: Vesuvius 3, Milano 1, Pisa 1, Roma 13, Florence 8, Nurnberg 2, Salzburg 1, Leipzig 2, Heidelberg 4, Regensburg 1, York Minster 1, Cambridge 1, Edinburgh 1, Beograd 3
BOX 12: Personal notes, various personal papers and belongings – War Relief
Folder 12.1: Various notes written by J.G.
- Notes from Eugéne Asse’s “Les petits romantiques”: 9 handwritten leaves with the names of the poets and the titles of the poetical works dealing with Greece per year of publication from 1821 to 1830, n.d.
- Notes on books relating to the Greek War of Independence recorded by William Miller as contained in the Finlay Library in the “Annual of British School at Athens” (1923-1925), handwritten leaves, n.d.
- “Ψωροκώσταινα”: a typescript leave from Lambrynides’s article on the history of the woman called Psorokostaina at Nauplion in 1826, n.d.
- “A Scandal in the Committee for the Dinner to be given in Honour of the Greek Commercial Delegates at the Savoy”: a typescript leave in form of an appeal about the illegal activities of a Greek man in England, no signature, n.d.
Various notes and newspaper clippings:
-2 greeting cards of J.G. to Zlatano’s family, 1 letter of Florence Gennadius to Madame Zlatano, 1927 [Gift of Gregoris Maccas 1978], 2 visiting cards (Philip Argenti, Ioannis Vlachogiannis), handwritten notes about the history of the place name Kaisariani (Attica), a typescript page with corrections on a printed text, a printed page with a text on George Gennadius from the Alexandros Soutsos’s Histoire de la Revolution Grecque, Paris 1839, p. 419-421, 44 book request forms from the Library of the British Museum used by J.G. and handwritten notes about bibliography.
-Newspaper clippings: from a Greek newspaper article entitled “The humanistic education an argument of the disarmament conference,” n.d.; “Le premier appel en faveur des Grecs,” from the newspaper “Messager”, 1930, March 20; “Il y a cent ans. L’appel aux Américains de Pierre Mavromichalis, Bey du Magne”, from the newspaper “Messager d’ Athènes,” 1930, April 8; a small map of Africa showing the areas of European domination on the continent; a text from the Greek newspaper Atlantis on the plans for the establishment of an American University in Athens, 1924, July 24.
Folder 12.2: Varia (the last 4 items are located outside Box 12, on the shelf)
- Photographic reproductions of paintings (Guardi, Fragonard, Rembrandt, a portrait of W. Gladston (?)
- 1 receipt of book purchases from the booksellers John and E. Bumpus Ltd., London, 1896, March 26
- 7 posters from J. G.s’s campaign for the parliamentary elections of 1907 as a representative of Attica (one of them framed and hanging in -1)
- A sonnet by Christophe Plantin translated in German (“Das Glück auf dieser Welt”)
- Scrapbook with dry plants collected by his mother Artemis Benizelou-Gennadius and donated to J.G. for his birthday, 1880. On the first page a family photo of J.G. and a photo of George Gennadius’s portrait
- A walking cane
- A sword in its case
- The ribbon from a medal awarded to him
Folder 12.3: War Relief [digitized - 21MB]
- Balkan War Relief: correspondence, appeals and invitations concerning the aid of the Greek refugees (British Red Cross Balkan Fund, Society of American Women in London, The Hellenic Community of London General Relief Fund), 3 letters, 7 attach., 1912
- Florence Gennadius and Greek Ladies Relief Organizations: correspondence and documents concerning the Ladies Committee in London for the relief of Greek refugees presided by Florence Gennadius, receipts and expenditure of money and articles of the Red Cross and the General Relief Funds, λist of donors in London and Manchester, an appeal of the Pan-Hellenic Women Organization, an appeal to the Society of Hellenic Studies, 5 letters to Florence G., 11 attach., 2 photos, 3 letters of Florence G., 1 letter to J. G., 1912-1917
-Florence Gennadius and the Pan-Hellenic Women Organization (Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Γυναικών), 5 letters to Florence Gennadius, 1 newspaper clipping, 1 letter to J.G., 1 telegram, 2 letters of J.G., 2 attach., an appeal of the Pan-Hellenic Women Organization, an appeal in favor of the Greek girls refugees, a proposal in honor of Queen of Greece Olga, Queen Sophia and princesses Mary, Helen and Alice, 1913-1920
- War Relief to the refugees from Asia Minor (Near Eastern Committee-Rev. J. Douglas, Bishop of Tennessee Gailor, The Anglo-Hellenic League, an appeal for help to the refugees),
12 letters, 4 letters of J.G., 4 attach., 1922-1924
Folder 12.4: Near East Relief [digitized - 55MB]
-Newspaper clippings from American newspapers regarding the aid to the Christian people in Anatolia suffering from the Turkish actions, the famine etc. (1922)
-A printed appeal to the American people calling for aid entitled “The Aftermath” edited by: Foreign Department, National Board, Young Women’s Christian Associations in New York, n.d., leaflets of Near East Relief, volumes of the periodical edition The New Near East published by the Near East Relief (volumes VII, n. II, December 1921; vol. VII, n. IV, February 1922; vol. VII, n. V, March 1922; vol. VII, n. VI, April 1922; vol. VII, n. VII, May 1922; vol. VI, n. IX, June 1921)
-A printed Report of Near East Relief to the Congress of the U. S.A. for the year ending December 31, 1920
-4 letters to J.G. from Near East Relief, 3 letters of J.G., 1 circular letter of J.G. with other members of the Near East Relief to the Hellenism of the U.S.A. calling for humanitarian aid to the refugees, a visiting card of Andrew M. Brodie (national representative, Near East Relief), 1921
-A report about the Near East Relief work for the Greeks in Thrace and Anatolia, July 1st- December 31st, 1921 (26 typescript pages with detailed information regarding the aid offered to Greeks in several towns of the Turkey)
-A typescript Report to the Congress of the U.S.A. by Near East Relief for the year ending December 31th, 1921
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Joannes Gennadius Ppapers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
BOX 13: Greek communities outside the Greek state
Folder 13.1: The Balkans: Association of the Greeks from Bulgaria “Philippoupolis”: 1 letter, Athens, 1918, thank you letter to J.G. for his aid to the Greeks from Anatoliki Romylia (Bulgaria) informing the Europeans on the Bulgarian atrocities against the Greek population
-Association of the Greeks from Monastiri and surrounding area “E Karteria”: 1 letter, Thessaloniki, 1920, thank you letter to J.G. for his aid to the representatives of the Association of the Greeks from Monastiri (Bitol, Serbia) during their visit to European capitals
Folder 13.2: Aegean Islands: 1 letter, 4 receipts, 1 attach., 1912, about the foundation of the Aegean Islands Committee
—Chios: 4 letters, 1 letter of J.G., 1912, about the late Philip Argenti
Folder 13.3: Crete: mostly printed documents concerning the struggle of the Cretans against the Ottoman rule, handwrite notes of J.G., newspaper clippings, leaflets, Yspiloritis’s article “The situation in Crete”, J.G.’s article “Cretan struggles for liberty”, “Crete and Greece” in Papers of the Greek Committee n.1 (1897),1896-1897
Folder 13.4: Cyprus: “Archbishop of Cyprus and the Cyprus Mission”, 56 letters, 18 letters of J.G., 3 telegrams, 5 attach., 7 newspaper clippings: correspondence between J.G. and the Cypriote Patriotic Union at Athens, the Cypriote Association at Nicosia, the Archbishop of Cyprus Cyril, members of the Cyprus Mission, the newspaper “Voice of Cyprus” and the Cyprus Deputation in London about the Cyprus question, 1898-1932
Folder 13.5: Dodecanese: 18-1927: 9 letters, 4 letters of J.G., 4 attach., correspondence and memorandum from the Dodecanesian Delegation about the liberation of the islands from the Italian rule and the unification with Greece, 1918-1927
Folder 13.6: Greek communities in England: 3 letters, 4 attach. ( “Roll of Honour of the Hellenic Community of London”, a historical account of the Greek Community in Cardiff, an account of the Greek Community in Manchester), 1918
-Greek communities in India: 1 letter, 6 attach. ( a historical retrospection of the Greek presence in India from the 18th century, English translation of Indian documents concerning Greek activities in India, English translation of a Greek address to the East India Company of 1788 mentioning the names of Greek individuals and their origin living in India), 1932
-Greek communities in America: 1letter from the Central Association of Greeks from Thessaly living in America “Regas Ferraios” to J.G., New York, 1922
Folder 13.7: Epirus: 7 letters, 8 letters of J.G., 3 newspaper clippings, 5 attachments: a printed announcement of the Association “Αλληλοβοήθεια” (Solidarity); a printed appeal from the Brotherhood of the Greeks from Epirus living in Athens (Ηπειρωτική Αδελφότης); an article of J.G. in the Daily Telegraph about Epirus and Corfu; letters of the Metropolitan of Ioannina Spyridon Vlachos concerning the edition of the periodical Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά; correspondence about the question of the Greeks living in Northern Epirus; a typescript appeal of the Delegates of the Hellenic population of Northern Epirus; correspondence with the Committee of the inhabitants of Zagori about honors to the memory of George Gennadius, 1907-1930
Folder 13.8: Pontus: 13 letters, 3 attach. (typescript copy of Memorandum addressed to the Peace Conference in London from the delegates of the Greeks of Pontus on the Question of Pontus, correspondence with the Comité Central des Hellènes Irrédimés [Κεντρική Επιτροπή Αλυτρώτων Ελλήνων] and the National League of Pontus), 1918-1921
BOX 14: Correspondence and other documents concerning the donation, erection, inauguration, and organization of the Gennadeion
Folder 14.1: “Deed of Gift of the Gennadius Library to the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1922”: the original documents of the donation in the form of a book by John Alfred Donnison, notary public of the city of London signed by J.G, Florence Gennadius, the solicitors John G. Bristow, Henry Cooke and Alfred Carpmael, and William Caleb Loring, president of the Trustees of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, October 18, 1922. The document catalogues the numbered bookcases with the books, the rare bindings, and the paintings of the Library
- Correspondence with John G. Bristow, Henry Cooke and Alfred Carpmael, solicitors, about the donation of Gennadius’s collection to the American School of Classical Studies, the insurance of the items, their transportation from London to Piraeus and Athens, 66 letters, 4 attach. (Frederick P. Fish Trustee of the School, Bert H. Hill Director of the School, copy of the Indenture supplemental to the Deed of Gift) , 23 letters of J.G., Aug. 1,1922- Jan. 3, 1927
Folder 14.2: Correspondence with the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA)
- Correspondence with the Managing Committee of the ASCSA, 4 letters, 7 attach., 17 letters of J.G., 1922.
- Correspondence with Edward Capps (Princeton University, Chairman of the Managing Committee of ASCSA) about various aspects of the organization of the Library, 13 letters (copies), 9 attach. (among them a drawing of a wooden horizontal cabinet for the Gennadeion), 3 telegrams, 2 newspaper clippings (“Les fouilles de l’Agora” in “Le Messager d’Athenes”, 1929), 22 letters of J.G.(original and copies), 1926-1931. Some information on the discussions about the Greek law concerning the Agora excavations is included as well.
Folder 14.3: Correspondence with John V. Van Pelt and W. Stuart Thompson, architects, 22 letters, 1 attach., (“Specification for Report of the examination of the Gennadeion Library at London” ), 3 telegrams, 8 letters of J.G.,1922-1924 about the works of the erection of the Gennadeion in Athens
-Correspondence with Byron Shipping Company (M. Embiricos), 9 letters, 1 attach., 3 letters of J.G., 1923-1924 about the transportation of the Gennadius’s collection shipped from London to Piraeus (vessel “Maid of Hydra” from May 2 to May 23, 1924)
Folder 14.4: The opening ceremony of the Gennadeion
- Program of the Library’s inauguration ceremony as suggested by J. G., suggested list of guests in the ceremony, a drawing representing the sitting plan during the ceremony, 3 letters of J.G. to Bert H. Hill, director of ASCSA, 1 telegram, 1 letter of B. Hill to J.G., 1925-1926
- “Λόγος Πανηγυρικός”: J. G.s’s speech at the inauguration of the Library, 4 copies, Paris, 1926
Folder 14.5: Varia pertaining to bibliographical collections of the Library
- “A short account of the beginnings and of the growth of my library” [the same text also on Box 10, folder 11], “The sectional catalogue already compiled and suggestions for the Great Catalogue”, “Autographs, Engravings and minor collections”, “Hints on unpacking the cases”, by J. G., London, 1925
- Catalogue of books bound by bookbinders W. T. Morrell and Company before being packed with the rest for Athens and paid by the ASCSA, 4 invoices of Morrell, 1922-1923
- 258 cards cataloguing titles of medieval documents concerning the historical relations between Byzantium and Venice (Indices Librorum Pactorum, Index rerum spectantum Graecorum), n.d.
- Correspondence with Conrad Haebler (The Prussian Board of Education) and Ernst Crous (Preussische Staatbibliothek) about the Greek Incunabula at the Gennadeion, 1 letter to J.G., 2 letters of J.G. to Conrad Haebler and Ernst Crous, 1 attach.(“A list of Greek incunabula in the Gennadius Library”), 1925
- 1 letter of J.G. to Bert H. Hill, director of the ASCSA about the new additions J.G. made to the collection of the Library (after 1922), 1925
-A handwritten page with suggested proverbs for the inscription above the main entrance of the Gennadeion, n.d.
-“The Simonides forgeries”: 11 typescript pages about the life and the activities of Constantine Simonides, a notorious forger of manuscripts of 19th c., by J.G., n.d.
Folder 14.6: Architectural plans and designs for the Gennadeion
-Seven (7) photographs of the Gennadeion building model designed by the architects John V. Van Pelt and W. Stuart Thompson, in verso: “In publishing give credit to H. V. Duryea, 144 East 55th Street”, n.d.
-Two (2) building plans of the Gennadeion by John V. Van Pelt and W. Stuart Thompson, scale ¼ = 1-0 :
a. drawing number 229-10, first floor plan, November 22, 1922
b. drawing number 229-11, balcony plan, November 22, 1922
-Three (3) building plans in pencil of the Gennadius Library Houses, drawn by John V. Van Pelt and W. Stuart Thompson, n.d.:
a. Basement plan – Houses 1 and 2
b. First floor plan
c. Second floor plan
-Two detailed sketches of furniture designed by the building architects for use in the Gennadius Library, August 7, 1924
BOX 15: Handwritten catalogues of the "Library of George Gennadius"
Four handwritten catalogues by Joannes Gennadius, titled «Κατάλογος της Βιβλιοθήκης Γεωργίου Γενναδίου»: volumes Α, Β and Γ are bound. Volume Δ consists of loose oversize papers kept in a large green box (kept separately).
-Catalogue A: 38 leaves written on both sides; 1183 numbers - 34 leaves written on both sides (according to subjects), 1706 numbers.
-Catalogue B: According to subjects, 163 leaves, written on one side; 883 numbers (not completed).
-Catalogue Γ: According to subjects, 60 leaves written on both sides, 966 numbers and supplement.
-Catalogue Δ: 12+335+220p. Subjects; slips laid down on cartridge paper leaves.
BOX 16: Photographs of J. Gennadius and his family
Folder 1: Three photographs of J. G. with Florence Gennadius at the garden of the Gennadius Library,1926 (?)
Folder 2: One photo of J.G. and Florence Gennadius in the USA, Underwood and Underwood Studios, Washington
Folder 3: One photo of J.G. and Florence Gennadius, 1 photo of Florence Gennadius (H. Walter Barnett, London), 2 photos of Florence Gennadius the first with wishes for the New Year
(Harris and Ewing, Washington, 1921), 2 photos of J.G. the first addressed to A. Vouros with wishes for the New Year (Harris and Ewing, Washington, 1921)
Folder 4: One photo of an unidentified politician (A. Gaziades, Athens-Piraeus), 1 photo from a political conference (A. Gaziades, Athens-Piraeus), 1 photo of J. Rodler, officer of the Austrian army (E. Zamboni, Pola-Istria, 1912)
Folder 5: One photo of the Greek delegation at the Berlin Congress. The photo is signed by the members of the Greek delegation, among them J.G. (Loescher and Petsch, koeniglhof photographen, Berlin 1878)
Folder 6: One photo of J.G. in frame dedicated to his brother Panagiotis Gennadius (W. and D. Downey, London and Newcastle, n.d.)
Folder 7: Two photos of the interior of the Greek Church of Saint Nicolas in Liverpool (Moull and Morrison, Liverpool, n.d.) [DisjMemb #1508]
Folder 8: Photo of the Blessing of the Holy Oil by the Ecumenical Patriarch ( Andriomenos, Constantinople, 1903). The photo is stamped by “Ειρήνη, The Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Churches Union”
Folder 9: Photo of the J.G.’s tomb in London [a gift of professor Donald Nicol in 1990]
Folder 10: Photo in frame of Anastasios Gennadius, brother of J.G., n.d.
Folder 11: One photo with J.G., Florence Gennadius and a man in Greece
--1 photo of J.G. in a card with wishes for Christmas (Elliot and Fry, 1910),
--1 photo of Konstantinos Konstantopoulos (1893),
--1 photo with ladies sitting around a table,
--1 photo of J.G. with the traditional Greek costume, n.d. and
--1 photo of J.G. sited (E. Stern, Chertsey, about September 1889)
--3 photos of J.G. (2 with the traditional Greek costume and 1 with that of an academic),
Folder 12: Photo-portrait in frame of J.G. (1910) [DisjMemb# 1515]
Folder 13: Two photos (one framed) of J.G. with his mother Artemis Benizelou-Gennadius and his brother Panagiotis Gennadius, n.d.
Folder 14: Photo in frame of J.G. at the garden of his residence in London, n.d. [DisjMemb# 1518]
Folder 15: Photo in frame of J.G. with the traditional Greek costume, n.d. [DisjMemb# 1519]
Folder 16: Photo by A. J. Bailey of a caricature of John Gennadius
Folder 17: Three oversize photographs from the Peace Conference in London, December 1912-January 1913:
--The Delegates of the Balkan Allies at the London Peace Conference: Eleutherios Venizelos, J. G., Stephanos Skouloudis on behalf of Greece can be seen in the photograph indicated with numbers
--Two photographs from the reception during the London Peace Conference: Eleutherios Venizelos, Stephanos Skouloudis , J.G. and Florence Gennadius can be seen in the photographs indicated with numbers [located outside Box 16, on the shelf]
Folder 18: A red leather album with 19 photographs of J. G.s’ house (18 of the interior and 1 of the external) at 14 De Vere Gardens, Kensington, London. Bedford Lemere and Comp., photographers to the Queen, London, n.d. [kept separately]
Folder 19: Album with photos of J. G and Florence Gennadius. (Accession #2008)
BOX 17: Biographies written about J. Gennadius and the older catalogue of his archive
- D. M. Nicol, Joannes Gennadius – the man. A biographical sketch, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1990
- 13 loose typescript pages with the contents of files that comprised the Joannes Gennadius Papers before the re-organization of the archive. The cataloguing follows the original arrangement of the material which was conducted by J.G. Each page served as a table of contents for the corresponding file and was actually located in the file
- John Gennadius Papers: the first modern typescript catalogue of the Joannes Gennadius archive according to the above mentioned arrangement (divided into 14 files)
--A caricature drawing of J.G. from the magazine Vanity Fair, chromolithograph, with a printed text about the personality of J.G., 1888. A smaller drawing of J.G. from A.J. Bailey, photo-graphic artist at London, n.d.
[purchase from Witte, 1990]
Box 1
- Knight Silver Cross [#35]
- Grand Cross of the Order of the Redeemer, 1st. type [#36]
- Grand Commander's breast star, Order of the Redeemer, 2nd. Type [#37]
- Grand Commander's breast star, variant [#38]
- Grand Cross, Order of King George I [#41]
- Knight Bronze Cross, Order of King George I, variant [#42]
- Knight Bronze Cross, Order of King George I [#43]
- Medal of Military Merit, 1917, 4th. Class [#45]
- Silver Cross, Order of the Redeemer, unidentified Order of the Redeemer [#46]
- Russian silver medal with central white cross topped by chiastic batons. In very center crown surrounded by Russian inscription. Green wreath surrounds entire medallion. 8cm. diameter. [47]
- Russian silver medal with enamel cross in white, blue and red. Central medallion with a crown and the initials DI, surrounded by a Russian inscription. Diameter: 8cms. [#48]
- Russian enamel cross in blue, red and white, topped by a silver crown. Central medallion on both sides bearing inscriptions in Russian, on one side the initials DI, and a crown. Total height, 7 cms. [#49]
- Russian medal. Central white enamel cross, topped by a chiastic batons. Central medallion with monogram, crown, and Russian inscription. On reverse plain white enamel cross topped by round central medallion with a coat of arms. Entire metal encircled by a green enamel wreath, and topped by a crown attachment for suspension in red, white and gold. Total height: 7 cms. [#50]
-Large British silver star. Central white enamel cross, with central medallion bearing monogram, inscription (VICTORIA), and crown above. Total height, 9 cms. [#51]
Box 2
- Γερμανός Αρχιεπίσκοπος Πατρών, 1821. (one of a set of bronze medals in Commemoration of the War of Independence). [#3]
- Small bronze medal. On obverse head of the Comte de Chateaubriand; on reverse oak wreath surrounding inscription: LIBERTE DE LA PRESSE, 1833. [#8]
- Small bronze medal. Essay for Greek coinage. Only decorated on obverse, head of King George I., with inscription ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α' ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ. [#9]
-Commemorative medal of the Eifel Tower. Obverse: the Tower and surronding buildings in low relief, with inscriptions commemorating the work on the structure from 27 Janv. 1887-6 Mai 1889; Reverse: legend as follows: SOUVENIR DE MON ASCENSION AU SOMMET DE LA TOUR EIFFEL F.G. 15 OCTOB 1889. [#12]
-Medal commemorating the World's Columbian Exposition. Obverse: the U.S. Gov. Building in low relief, with identifying legend above, and measurments below. Reverse: Circular legend: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, UNITED STATES MINT EXHIBIT, surrounds the words: WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAGO, 1893. [#13]
- Large medal of Ali Pasha. Obverse: Bust of Ali Pasha with the legend MEHEMET ALI PACHA. Reverse, two crossed branches, above which is the legend FROM THE COMMITTEE THE FRIEND OF SCIENCE COMMERCE & ORDER WHO PROTECTED THE SUBJECTS AND PROPERTY OF ADVERSE POWERS AND KEPT OPEN THE OVERLAND ROUTE TO INDIA. 1840. [#20]
- Large medal: Russian commemoration of the campaign of 1829 showing St. Sophia. Obverse: Ayia Sophia in relief, with a legend in Russian. Reverse: the date 1829 at top. Below is a double headed eagle, and below this is a scene of a city, mountains, and the sea. [#21]
- Small Silver medal- Compte de Chateaubriand. Obverse: head of Chateaubriand in right profile; Reverse: an oak wreath surrounds the legend LIBERTE DE LA PRESSE 1833. [#22]
- Small Greek military medal. Obverse: Byzantine cross with crossed swords, inscribed, dates 1912-1913. Reverse: Floral wreath surrounds inscription MAKEDONIA HPEIROS ARCIPELAGOS. At the top is a crown and circle for suspension, suspended from white ribbon with central red vertical stripe, and flanking powder blue stripes. [#23]
- Small Greek military medal. Obverse: Byzantine cross with crossed swords, inscribed, dates 1912-1913. Reverse: Floral wreath surrounds inscription MAKEDONIA HPEIROS ARCIPELAGOS. At the top is a crown and circle for suspension. [#24]
- Small silver medal. Obverse: portraits of crowned male and female figures in left profile, George V and wife. Reverse: Initials G v R, topped by a crown. Below date. 22 June 1911, encircled by bead and reel. Suspended from blue ribbon with two central vertical red stripes. [#25]
- Large bronze medal. Obverse: Head of Byron in left profile, inscribed. Reverse: central branches, with menacing clouds above and inscribed below AFQITON AIEI. Sides of medal also inscribed. [#26]
- Small bronze medal, 1844. Obverse: Bust of Chateaubriand in 3/4 pose to the right, inscribed. Reverse: Central coat of arms framed by inscription: LA BRETAGNE HISTORIQUE PAR JULES JANIN. [#27]
- Small bronze medal commemorating the publishing of the complete works of Chateaubriand, 1851. Obverse: Bust of Chateaubriand in 3/4 pose to the right, inscribed. Reverse: Commemorative inscription. [#28]
- Large bronze medal, 1854. Obverse: Busts of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, inscribed. Reverse: Multifigural scene, central armed goddess, flanked by two female attendants, winged female figure holding trumpet and cornucopia flies above. Latin inscription: ORNATUR PROPRIIS INDUSTRIA DONIS. [#29]
- Large bronze medal with orange patina. Obverse: head of helmeted Athena in left profile. Reverse: Inscription ASSOCIATION POUR L'ENCOURAGEMENT DES ETUDES GRECQUES surrounding olive wreath. [#30]
- Large bronze disk with head of helmeted Athena in left profile, as in numbers 27 and 28. Underside undecorated and abraded. (test piece?). [#32]
- Large bronze disk Inscription ASSOCIATION POUR L'ENCOURAGEMENT DES ETUDES GRECQUES surrounding olive wreath, as in numbers 27 and 28. Underside undecorated and abraded. (test piece?). [#33]
-Small yellowish medal. Obverse: head of King Konstantine of Greece, 1913, inscribed. Reverse: Profile head of Byzantine Emperor Basileios II, 976-1025. Suspended from a frayed white ribbon, with a central green vertical stripe. [#34]
Box 3
-"ΕΥΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΣ ΑΡΓΕΝΤΗΣ ΕΓΕΝΝΗΘΗ ΕΝ ΧΙΩ 1776 ΕΘΑΝΑΤΩΘΗ ΕΝ ΒΕΛΙΓΡΑΔΙΩ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΡΗΓΑ ΦΕΡΑΙΟΥ 1798" Large bronze plaque(6a) and plaster cast (6b) of the same. On overse a bust in relief and inscription; on reverse a coat of arms and an inscription encircled by an oak and laurel wreath. [#6]
-Silver medal from the National Olympic Association. Obverse: Athena crowing a kneeling victor, with the legend: CIVIUM VIRES CIVITATIS VIS; Reverse: an oak wreath surrounds the legend: NATIONAL OLYMPIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTING PHYSICAL EDUCATION. The medal is suspended from a red, white and blue decorative ribbon, which itself hangs from a silver pin with oak leaves surrounding a flat oval space in which is inscribed: SHREWSBURY 1877. In a brown leather case with a gilt wreath and "NATIONAL OLYMPIAN ASSOCIATION" on the front. [#14]
-Gilt medal of the International Congress of Orientalists. Medal of Delegate to J.G. 1891. Obverse: central medallion with four symbols, encircled by the legend: CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL DES ORIENTALISTES. Reverse: central medallion with legend: NINTH MEETING LONDON I-II Sept. 1891, encircled by legend: PREMIERE SESSION OUVERTE A LA SORBONNE LE 1ER SEPTEMBRE 1873. In a small brown leather case with a blue velvet interior. [#15]
-Small silver medal of the Victoria Scholarship, Cyprus. Obverse: head of Victoria in low relief, encircled by the legend: THE.VICTORIA.SCHOLARSHIP.CYPRUS.VICTORIA.R.I.1897. Reverse: two crossed sheathes of wheat (?) above and below the words AIEN ARISTEUEIN, surrounded by the legend: FOUNDED IN THE 60TH. YEAR OF HER MAJESTY.BY SIR W.J. SENDALL K.C.M.G. HIGH COMMISSIONER. In a small brown leather case with a blue velvet interior. [#16]
Box 4
-Theseus Aegei Filius on obverse; and on reverse three males and one female around a table. On two circular plaques in greenish-bronze, in a brown rectangular case. [#2]
-Large bronze medal. Commemoration of the visit of the Sultan of Turkey to the city of London, 18 July, 1867. Obverse: head of the Sultan, encircled by a legend; Reverse: the City of London receiving Turkey with emblems of hospitality and festive welcome. In the background are represented St. Paul's cathedral and the Mosque of Sultan Ahmed in Constantinople. In Green leather box with gilt lettering on the front, commemorating the occasion. [#11]
-Small silver British army medal with ribbon. Crimea. Obverse: head of a young Queen Victoria with the legend: VICTORIA REGINA. Reverse: a winged victory crowning a Roma soldier, with the legend CRIMEA along the left side. The medal hangs from a turquoise ribbon, edged in yellow, covered by a silver decorative encasing with oak leaves, acorns, and the words: SEBASTOPOL INKERMANN ALMA. In a long brown leather case which is rounded on the lower edge. In gilt letters on the fron : OESTERR. KAISERLICHER ORDEN DER EISERNEN KRONE II. CLASSE. [#18]
Box 5
-Large (8 inch diameter, 6 1/2 inch height), antique (Greek?) bronze lamp, seven nozzles on three lion's feet, carved handles, head of pan and grotesque masks in center. -From the G.H. Vize sale 31 May, 1892. [#62]
-Bronze handle, decorated with ram's head on one end, and silenus head on the other. [#71]
Box 6
-Bronze figurine of Hermes wearing winged helmet, holding object in raised left hand. Broken off at feet. [#78]
-Bronze figurine of Isis holding cornucopia in left hand. She wears a tall diadem and mantle with characteristic knot. [#79]
Box 7
-Italian bronze cross on a Green marble stand. [#63]
-Old Epirote dagger with a silver handle in a green fish-skin case. [#66]
Box 8
-Small irregularly shaped wooden box with painted floral decoration on lid. [#82]
-Small brownish leather book case in two pieces bearing gilt decoration. [#83]
-Small wooden cup [#106]
Box 9
-Ancient Greek short sword said to be found in Northern Epirus. [#68]
Box 10
-A Bronze Empire style inkstand, which belonged to General Sir Richard Church, and which his nephew, Canon Chruch, presented to John Gennadius at Athens after the delivery of Gennadius' funeral oration on the General. It bears the inscription: "General Sir Richard Church, 1779 +8/20 III-1873." [#61]
-Gilt a jour ornament with antithetical putti holding garlands flanking a large floral wreath. [#73]
Box 11
-Greek Monastic delicately carved box-wood diptych, 3 1/2" by 4 1/2", with representations of the life of the Virgin in relief, inscriptions in Greek and the date ACNG (1693). [#54]
-Box-wood Crucifix, carved with great delicacy in a glazed gilt cube-frame. [#55]
-Box-wood carving of the Virgin within a circle, surrounded by four minor circles, with adoring angels, in a glazed gilt cube-frame. [#56]
-Miniature red-figure pyxis, round. Residue inside, lid decorated with tangent palmettes. [#70]
Box 12
-Old Russian bronze Crucifix in relief with figures of Tripterige above and and two figures on each side, in the Byzantine style, and with Slavonic inscriptions. [#58]
-Old Russian bronze gilt and enameled Diptych of the festival of Saints in ten compartments. [#59]
-Silver case for an icon 3 1/2 by 2 3/4 inches, with repousse figures and inscriptions, on the one side: AGHOS GHORGOS (sic) and on the other: AGHOS CARALMROS (sic); the figural panels are surrounded by ornamental borders. [#67]
-Rectangular tortoise shell plaque bearing incised and gilt decoration with central standing female figure seen through a window. In her right hand she holds a small bird. Decorative panel framed by floral band. Below is the inscription Iamaica 1674. [#74]
Box 13
-Misfired terracotta head of youthful Mercury, Late Roman? [#72]
-2 plastic bags (a and b) containing plaster casts of gems. [#88]
-22 small and 4 large white salt cellars, stamped on underside: "Reeves." [#89]
-Marble head of a man. The part from the nose and down is missing. Dimensions: Height 0.11 Length 0.12m [#103]
Box 14
-Flask of light red ware with circular medallion on each face, enclosing a figure with inscription Ο ΑΓΙΟΣ ΜΗΝΑΣ and symbols. Early Christian, of Alexandrian provenance. [#57]
Box 15
-Bust of Aristotle [#104]
Box 16
-Brown leather book case with embossed gilt floral decoration, and triangular projection from top. [#77]
Box 17
-Blue Anax Cigarette box with various coins. [#76]
Box 18
-Box of various types of ink stamps, including a collection of ancient Greek sculptural types along with a set of their gilt impressions on blue leather [#80]
Box 19
-Box with 7 metal plates for stamping books in the Gennadius Collection [#81]
Box 20
-Box containing various books, (children's books, notebooks, 1 book with a collection of feathers) [#86]
Box 21
-Icon. Russian religious icon in gilded wood frame. Date unknown. A number of saints are depicted. Dimensions with the frame: Height 31. Length 27. Dimensions of icon: Height: 11. Length 8. Materials of construction: wood, egg tempera.[#113]
Box 22
-Icon. Russian religious icon in gilded wood frame. Date unknown. It depicts a saint (name is not provided). Dimensions with the frame: Height 31. Length 27. Dimensions of icon: Height 13. Length 11. Materials of construction: wood. egg tempera.[#112]
Box 23
-A mahogany cabinet 12 x 9 and 6 1/2 deep containing, in 7 trays, plaster relief reproductions of the 7 cartoons of Raphel, executed by John Henning the artist. With a set of photographic reproductions of the same. [#92]
Box 24
- Stained wood cabinet 16 3/4 x 12 1/2 " and 5 inches deep, containing 7 trays, on which are fixed 243 plaster reproductions of the Poniatowski gems executed in the "most delicate and perfect manner," and described in a volume. (Note. See GLRare Book A 711 - the volume accompanied the cabinet) [93]
Box 25
-Icon. [#113]
Box 26
-Large box containing 5 empty decorative book covers in various materials. [#85]
Box 27a
-Large black stepped picture frame with gilt trim containing a deep relief of an elderly male seated figure in right profile reading a book. Executed in a red wax. Concerved in 2021 [#97]
Box 27b
-Large wooden frame with tondo of male face in left profile, executed in white plaster cast, and set against blue velvet. Concerved in 2021 [#99]
Box 28
-Thomason's Elgin medals-fourty eight 1 7/8 diameter bronze medals, each reproducing on the obverse one of the Elgin marbles, and all on the reverse the Royal Arms of England and the dedication of the medals to George IV. A complete set of this most rare collection, in a green case (17 1/2 inches by 13 3/4) in the form of a book, classic gilt borders o the sides, with a gild medaillion of King George in the center [#1]
Box 29
Silver tray ink stand [#115]
Box 30
-A series of 24 plaster casts, 16 measuring 2 1/2 by 9" and 8 measuring 2 1/2 by 4", reproducing in reduced scale the whole of the Parthenon frieze in a "most delicate and perfect restoration." Executed by the sculptor John Henning (1771-1851). The casts are set in thin walnut cut mounts, glazed and enclosed in four mahogany, book-shaped cases, (a-d),covered with purple Morocco gold tooled back, and lettered. The cases bear the trade-ticket of W and W Handford, makers, 1 Chapman Street, Islington, as well as the signature of "Henning Artist, 192 Quince Row, Pentonville." The casts are the earliest made from the moulds and show the sharpness and elegence of the execution. This valuable colletion took Henning 12 years of diligent labor to complete. [#91]
Box 31
-A series of 24 plaster casts, 16 measuring 2 1/2 by 9" and 8 measuring 2 1/2 by 4", reproducing in reduced scale the whole of the Parthenon frieze in a "most delicate and perfect restoration." Executed by the sculptor John Henning (1771-1851). The casts are set in thin walnut cut mounts, glazed and enclosed in four mahogany, book-shaped cases, (a-d),covered with purple Morocco gold tooled back, and lettered. The cases bear the trade-ticket of W and W Handford, makers, 1 Chapman Street, Islington, as well as the signature of "Henning Artist, 192 Quince Row, Pentonville." The casts are the earliest made from the moulds and show the sharpness and elegence of the execution. This valuable colletion took Henning 12 years of diligent labor to complete. [#91]
Box 32
-A series of 24 plaster casts, 16 measuring 2 1/2 by 9" and 8 measuring 2 1/2 by 4", reproducing in reduced scale the whole of the Parthenon frieze in a "most delicate and perfect restoration." Executed by the sculptor John Henning (1771-1851). The casts are set in thin walnut cut mounts, glazed and enclosed in four mahogany, book-shaped cases, (a-d),covered with purple Morocco gold tooled back, and lettered. The cases bear the trade-ticket of W and W Handford, makers, 1 Chapman Street, Islington, as well as the signature of "Henning Artist, 192 Quince Row, Pentonville." The casts are the earliest made from the moulds and show the sharpness and elegence of the execution. This valuable colletion took Henning 12 years of diligent labor to complete. [#91]
Box 33
-A series of 24 plaster casts, 16 measuring 2 1/2 by 9" and 8 measuring 2 1/2 by 4", reproducing in reduced scale the whole of the Parthenon frieze in a "most delicate and perfect restoration." Executed by the sculptor John Henning (1771-1851). The casts are set in thin walnut cut mounts, glazed and enclosed in four mahogany, book-shaped cases, (a-d),covered with purple Morocco gold tooled back, and lettered. The cases bear the trade-ticket of W and W Handford, makers, 1 Chapman Street, Islington, as well as the signature of "Henning Artist, 192 Quince Row, Pentonville." The casts are the earliest made from the moulds and show the sharpness and elegence of the execution. This valuable colletion took Henning 12 years of diligent labor to complete. [#91]
Box 34
-Stained wood cabinet 16 3/4 x 12 1/2 " and 5 inches deep, containing 7 trays, on which are fixed 243 plaster reproductions of the Poniatowski gems executed in the "most delicate and perfect manner," and described in an accompanying (now missing) volume. [#93]
Box 35
-Mahogany cabinet 16 3/4" by 11 1/2," and 7 1/4 " deep containing, in 8 trays 48 plaster casts representing the Parthenon frieze and the frieze of the Apollo temple at Bassae; by John Henning. [#90]
Box 36
-Black wooden chest with 5 drawers. [#98] - Conserved (2020) and on display at the Mandylas Room
Box 37
-Wooden Clock. [#111]
Box 38
-Large inkstand with red marble base, and standing bronze figure of the Aphrodite from Melos. [#94]
Box 39
-Bronze statue of Goddess Athena on top of larnax. Gift to JG by the Hellenic Community of London on his retirement from the Diplomatic Service. [#116]
Box 40
-Small wooden book case. [#100]
Box 41
-Honorary medal awarded to Florence Gennadius. [#101]
-Silver tray-inkstand bearing the following inscription: "ΤΩ ΚΥΡΙΩ ΙΩΑΝΝΗ ΓΕΝΝΑΔΙΩ ΔΩΡΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΛΟΝΔΙΝΩ ΝΕΩΝ ΦΙΛΩΝ ΑΥΤΟΥ. ΕΝ ΛΟΝΔΙΝΩ 1/13 ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 1881'' [#69]
-Old Persian portable inkstand with red tube, bronze with and inscription inlaid in silver. [#64]
-Silver cartridge case as used by the Armatols with repouse ornaments, 4 x 3 1/2 inches, 1 1/4 inches deep. [#65]
-Old Russian bronze Triptych of the Saviour, the Virgin and the Baptist, in the primitive Byzantine style, relief with blue and white enamel. [#60]
-Large British white enamel cross. Central large round medallion with monogram and inscription (VICTORIA) topped by crown. Total height, 7 cms. [#52]
-Large French silver star. In the center large round medallion with female head in right profile surrounded by inscription. 1870. Attached to blood red large decorative ribbon. Total height, 10 cms. [#53]
-Grand Cross, Order of the Redeemer, 2nd. type*, without studding [#39]
-Grand Cross, Order of King George [#40]
-Large silver medal commemoration John Gennadius' contribution to the association for the encouragement of Greek studies. Obverse: head of helmeted Athena in left profile. Reverse: Inscription ASSOCIATION POUR L'ENCOURAGEMENT DES ETUDES GRECQUES surrounding olive wreath. Within the wreath is inscribed: JEAN GENNADIOS DONATEUR 1878. [#31]
-Large bronze medal, ΦΙΛΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ. ΠΕΝΤΗΚΟΝΤΑΕΤΗΡΙΔΙ" 1886. Obverse: Seated Athena holding out a wreath crown to the left, encircled by legend in Greek as above. Reverse: wreath encircling central medallion with legend: ΕΠΙ ΤΗ ΠΕΝΤΗΚΟΝΤΑΕΤΗΡΙΔΙ, 1886. [#17]
-ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΘΕΜΕΛΙΩΣΙ", 1839. Bronze. On obverse bust of King Otto; on reverse the University building in relief and the legend "ΤΟΙΣ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΑΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ". [#4]
-ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΘΕΜΕΛΙΩΣΙ", 1839. Bronze in a gilt frame. On obverse bust of King Otto; on reverse the University building in relief and the legend "ΤΟΙΣ ΣΥΝΔΡΟΜΗΤΑΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ". [#5]
-Small bronze medal commemorating the battle at Navarino: on obverse head of Athena and commemorative inscription; on reverse three tangent crowns, with intermittant crosses, and the names of three admirals of Navarino: Codrington, De Rigny and Heiden, 1827. [#7]
-Large bronze medal. Commemoration of the visit of King George of Greece to the City of London, 16 June 1880. Obverse: head of King George, encircled by the legend "GEORGE 1st. KING OF THE HELLENES"; Reverse: multifigural scene in relief. In a black leather box with gilt lettering on the front, commemorating the occasion. [#10]
Box 42
-J.G. Academic gown [#102] - Conserved (2020) and stored at -2.
Box 43
-J.G. Sword [105] - Flat storage (-1)
Box 44
-J.G. Diplomatic attire [#107] - Conserved (2019) and stored at -1.
Box 45
-Two chairs [#108] displayed at the John Mandylas Room.
Boxes 46-47
- Electrotypes of John Henning's miniarure copy of the Pathenon frieze and the Phygaleia frieze. [#96]
-Set of three wooden panels covered in blue velvet displaying gilt ornaments. Some ornaments can be seen as missing, due to their impressions in the velvet. [#95] - Related to the Henning friezes. Stored in three custom-made boxes, one on flat storage (-1)
Box 48
-Large wooden cross with inlaid carved Christain scenes on blue velvet [#109] - Conserved (2020) and stored at -1.
Box 49
- J.G. wooden chest [#110]
Box 50
Empty cases and ribbons of medals
Box 51
Two albums with samples of paper marks and two samples of Joannes Gennadius's book plates
Box 52
-Ceramic plate. The first ceramic plate manufactured in Greece (Syra) with the portraits of King George I and Queen Olga. [PLEASE NOTE: THE ITEM APPEARS IN THE ORIGINAL LIST OF JG “Catalogue of Plaster Casts, Medals, Coins, Insignia and various other objects which form some minor collections accompanying the Gennadius Library. 14 De Vere Gardens. October, 1923”] [#115]
Box 53
- A wax medallion of George Canning in a gilted circle and a lacquered frame [PLEASE NOTE: THE ITEM APPEARS IN THE ORIGINAL LIST OF JG “Catalogue of Plaster Casts, Medals, Coins, Insignia and various other objects which form some minor collections accompanying the Gennadius Library. 14 De Vere Gardens. October, 1923”] [#116]
- Icon depicting a group of seven Russian Saints who hold the icon of Trinity. Icon dimensions 0.14 x 0.11 frame dimensions 0. 30 x 0. 27 [#117]
- Icon depicting Ioannes Chrysostomos and other figures. Icon dimensions 0.14 X 0.11 frame dimensions 0. 30 x 0. 27 [#118]
Box 54
- Relief in gold of an elderly male figure, right profile, in a round picture frame [#119]
- Relief in gold of an elderly male figure, left profile, in a round picture frame [#120]