Gorham P. Stevens Papers

Collection Number: GR ASCSA GPS 003
Name(s) of Creator(s): Gorham P. Stevens (1876-1963)
Title: Gorham P. Stevens Papers
Date [bulk]: 1899-1950
Date [inclusive]:
Language(s): English
Summary: The collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, drafts, original drawings, architectural sketches, scrapbooks, zinc plates, notes, and photographs.
Quantity: 4,43 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift of Gorham P. Stevens Estate, 1963
Information about Access: The collection is available for research
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Gorham P. Stevens Papers (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Gorham P. Stevens)
Notes: Amalia G. Kakissis processed the collection and prepared the finding-aid in 1997.
For more information, please contact the Archives at:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
Phone: +30 213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
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Born in New York in 1876, Gorham Phillips Stevens received his B.S. (1898) and MS (1899) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). While working at the architectural firm of McKim, Mead and White, Stevens was given the opportunity to study in Europe. Stevens’ introduction to the American School of Classical Studies (ASCSA) came when he was appointed as the first Fellow in Architecture at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens in 1903-1905. In 1906 he married Annette Notaras. After a few years back at McKim, Mead, and White, he was offered a one year appointment as Director of the American Academy in Rome in 1912. In 1913 he took the place of Acting Director in the absences of the new director, Jesse Benedict Carter. After the death of Carter in 1917, Stevens was again appointed Director of the Academy and stayed on until 1932.
After retiring from the Academy, Stevens moved to Greece with his wife Annette to continue his work on classical architecture. In 1939 he was appointed Director of the American School until 1941, but stayed on as Acting Director throughout World War II, and in 1947 was made Honorary Architect, a post he kept until his death in 1963. Most of Steven’s papers document his professional life and devotion to Classical Architecture.
Gorham P. Stevens died in Athens on March 15, 1963. By the terms of his will he left the American School his original drawings of Athenian and Corinthian buildings, his archaeological library, a bronze group (“Actaeon”) by Paul Manship, his car, and $50,000 for a fellowship in architecture.
1876, Aug. 14. Born in Staten Island, New York
1894 Admitted into Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1898 Received BS at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1899 Received MS at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1899-1901 Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris
1902-1903 Worked at the Architectural firm: McKim, Mead,and White in New York
1903-1905 Fellow in Architecture at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
1906 Married Annette Notaras
1906-1912 At McKim, Mead, and White
1912-1913 First appointed as Director of the American Academy in Rome
1913-1917 Acting Director of American Academy in Rome
1917-1918 Captain of the American Red Cross
1917-1932 Director of the American Academy in Rome
1927 Erechtheum: Measured, Drawn and Restored by Gorham Phillips Stevens, Lacey Davis Caskey, Harold North Fowler, James Morton Paton (editor)
1939-1941 Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
1941-1947 Acting Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
1947-1963 Honorary Architect of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
1960 Awarded medal for Outstanding Service from the American Academy in Rome
1963 Died in Athens, buried in the First Cemetery
1964 Fellowship established at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens with a preference to architectural students
Stevens, G.P., “The East Wall of the Erechtheum,” AJA 10 (1906) 47-71.
—————, “Cornice of the Temple of Athena Nike” AJA 12 (1908) 398-405.
Fowler, H. and J. R. Wheeler, in collaboration with Stevens, G. P., Handbook of Greek Archaeology (1909)
Stevens, G. P., “The ceiling of the Opisthodomus of the Theseum” AJA 15 (1911) 18-23.
Stevens, G.P., “Entasis of Roman columns” MAAR 4 (1924) 121-152.
Van Buren, A.W. and Stevens, G.P., “The Aqua Alsietina on the Janiculum” MAAR 6 (1927) 137-146.
Stevens, G.P., J. Wheeler and L.D. Caskey, (edited by J. Paton), Erechtheum, Measured, Drawn and Restored (Cambridge, Mass.1927)
Stevens, G.P., “The volute of the capital of the temple of Athena at Priene” MAAR 9 (1931) 135-144.
Stevens, G.P., “A small primitive bronze group of either Greek or Etruscan origin” BASM IV, no. 6 (1934) 27.
————-, “The Fountain of Peirene in the time of Herodes Atticus” AJA 38 (1934) 55-58.
————-, “Concerning the curvature of the steps of the Parthenon” AJA 38 (1934) 533-542.
————-, “Periclean Entrance Court to Akropolis” Hesperia 5 (1936) 443-520.
————-, Setting of the Periclean Parthenon-Hesperia Supplement III (1940)
————-, “Sills of the Grilles of the Pronaos and Opisthodomus of the Parthenon” Hesperia 11 (1942) 354-364.
————-, “The Curve of the North Stylobate of the Parthenon” Hesperia 12 (1943) 135-143.
Raubitschek, A.E. and Stevens, G.P., “The Pedestal of the Athena Promachos” Hesperia 15 (1946) 107-114.
Stevens, G.P., “Northeast corner of the Parthenon” Hesperia 15 (1946) 1-26
————-, “Architectural Studies concerning the Acropolis of Athens” Hesperia 15 (1946) 73-106.
————-, “Plaster model of the Acropolis of Athens: Restoration of the end of the first century BC” BCH LXX (1946) 557-559 (cf. Athenian Agora Archives for heliotypes of some drawings and 1 pencil drawing PD#1654)
Stevens, G.P. and Vanderpool, E., “An inscribed Kouros base” Hesperia Supplement VIII (1949).
Stevens, G.P., “A Doorsill from the Library of Pantainos” Hesperia 18 (1949) 269- 274.
————-, “Some remarks upon the interior of the Hephaisteion” Hesperia 19 (1950) 143-164.
————-, “Grilles of the Hephaisteion” Hesperia 19 (1950) 165-173.
————-, “A tile standard in the Agora of Ancient Athens” Hesperia 19 (1950) 174- 187.
————-, “A silver three-obol piece from Athens” Archaeology 4, no. 2 (14) (1951) 104-105.
————-, “Poros Tripods of the Acropolis of Athens” in Studies presented to David M.Robinson I, edited by G. Mylonas (1951) 331-335.
————-, “The fountain of Peirene at Corinth in Hellenistic times" AEph (1953-54) 45-49.
Stevens, G.P. and Vanderpool, E., “Lintel with painted lioness” Hesperia 23 (1954) 169-184.
Stevens, G.P., Restoration of Classical Buildings, Athens 1951, 1952.
————-, “Remarks on the Colossal Chryselephantine statue of Athena in the Parthenon” Hesperia 24 (1955) 240-276.
————-, “The volute of the capital of the temple of Athena at Priene II: a machine for drawing any column between twenty and sixty feet in height” MAAR 24 (1956) 35-37.
————-, “How the Parthenos was made” Hesperia 26 (1957) 350-361.
————-, “Concerning the Parthenos” Hesperia 30 (1961) 1-7.
————-, “Concerning the Impressiveness of the Parthenon” AJA 66 (1962) 337-338.
Van Buren, A.W. and Stevens, G.P., “The Aqua Traiana and the Mills on the Janiculum” MAAR 1 (1917) 59-61.
Van Buren, A.W. and Stevens, G.P., “Antiquities of the Janiculum” MAAR 11 (1933) 69-79.
AEph: Archaeologiki Ephemeris
AJA: American Journal of Archaeology
BASM: Bollettino della Associazione Internazionale di Studi Mediterranei. Rome
BCH: Bulletin de Correspondence Hellenique
Erechtheum: Stevens, G.P., J. Wheeler and L.D. Caskey, (edited by J. Paton), Erechtheum, measured, drawn and restored (Cambridge, Mass.1927)
MAAR: Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
The Gorham P. Stevens Papers contain correspondence, manuscripts, drafts, original drawings, architectural sketches, scrapbooks, zinc plates, notes, and photographs.
The collection is divided into nine series: Series I: Correspondence; Series II: Athenian Agora; Series III: Akropolis; Series IV: Other Architectural Works; Series V: Personal Notes, Papers and Drawings; Series VI: Rome. Series VII: Photographs; Series VIII: Personal Belongings; Series IX: Secondary Material.
Series I: Correspondence is divided into two sections: General Correspondence and Erechtheum Correspondence. The first contains G. P. Stevens's letters of introduction and various letters from acquaintances of Stevens asking for employment of relatives during WWII (1943-44). Other letters are largely professional on various topics mostly dated in the years 1938-1942 when Stevens was Director of the American School: requests of the Managing Committee of the School, details about protecting the school during WWII, on personnel of the School, a documentary filmed in Greece, publications of Stevens, marketing a book of Nikolaos Balanos, relations with other foreign schools, and permits (for Stevens's directorship, see also the Administrative Records of the School)
The second section of Stevens’s correspondence concerns the writing and publication of The Erechtheum: Drawn, Measured and Restored (1927) by G. P. Stevens, J. Wheeler, L. D. Caskey, and edited by J.M. Paton. The letters, which span a period of twenty years (1904-27), are mostly between Stevens, Bert Hodge Hill and James Morton Paton. Hill was not credited with co-authoring the book, although the others heavily relied on him for additional information. James M. Paton suggested that some of this correspondence be saved and given to the American School, thus, the main reason why Stevens’s papers contain letters which originally belonged to one of the other authors, and not Stevens himself. For further reference on the Erechtheum correspondence and notes of this series see also Bert H. Hill Papers.
Series II: The Athenian Agora. In the 1950’s Gorham P. Stevens also collaborated with the Agora Excavations while he was Honorary Architect of the School. This series contains his proposals for making a park in the Ancient Agora, including landscaping plans, expenses, notes from the meetings of the Greek Agora Committee, notes on the maintenance of the park, various pamphlets, and photos.
In conjunction with the Agora Park Project came the dedication of the newly reconstructed Stoa of Attalos, largely funded by J. D. Rockefeller. Stevens made the drawings for the benches, wooden stairs, the dedication monument to the contributors of the Stoa, the postcard and stamp of the Stoa. This series also includes various correspondence, expenses and notes related to the Stoa of Attalos.
With the initiative of G. P. Stevens, the Greek Agora Committee undertook a project to make a miniature replica of the Athena Promachos statue to be presented to J. D. Rockefeller in recognition of his enormous contribution to the restoration of the Stoa of Attalos. Rockefeller was presented with a silver statuette of Athena Promachos sculpted by John Notaras and based on Stevens’s drawings. Also included in this series are the various notes on expenses and receipts for the statuette, correspondence with the various people involved in its presentation and photos of the finished product.
Lastly, the series contains calculations and drawings Stevens made of the Temple of Hephaistos, most likely associated with the articles he produced for Hesperia (cf. “Some remarks about the interior of the Hephaisteion” Hesperia 19 (1950) 143-164), as well as drawings of other Agora subjects including a map of the Plaka/Monastiraki area from an unknown author.
Series III: The Akropolis Series contains notes from Stevens’s on-site lectures at the Akropolis, a picture of the Parthenon frieze installed in the then new Akropolis museum, manuscripts and photos for sections of his article, “Architectural Studies concerning the Athenian Akropolis” Hesperia 15 (1946) 73-106, many original drawings concerning subjects on the Akropolis (including large scale layout of the Akropolis and Parthenon), and an offprint for the article “Poros Tripods of the Acropolis of Athens” in Studies Presented to David Robinson I (1951) 331-335 with one original drawing in possession; notes, sketches, calculations, and reviews of the article “Periclean Entrance Court of the Akropolis” Hesperia 15 (1946) 443-520; notes, sketches of the ramp and Propylaia, as well as Peisistratos' ramp and Propylaia of 437 BC; an annotated offprint of his article “Cornice of the Temple of Athena Nike,” AJA 12 (1908) 398-405; notes on the curvature of the steps of the Parthenon [cf. AJA 38 (1934) 533-42], many notes and correspondence with Constantine Caratheodory, who had written some earlier works on curvature; a manuscript, sketches, and notes for an article on curvature in honor of Gisela Richter (“Concerning the Impressiveness of the Parthenon,” AJA 66 [1962] 337-38).
This series also contains two folders, which Stevens made himself, of original drawings: one for the Setting of the Periclean Parthenon, Hesperia Suppl. 3 [1936], and the other for “Sills of the Grilles of the Pronaos and Opistodomus of the Parthenon” Hesperia 11 (1942) 354-364 and “Architectural Studies” Hesperia 15 (1946) 73-106. Stevens wrote the following instructions on the folders: “to be given to the American School” or “to be destroyed at my death”. Both folders are preserved.
Included in the remaining papers of the series are a manuscript, calculations, notes and photos of “Sills of the Grilles of the Pronaos and Opostodomus of the Parthenon”; photos of the Setting of the Periclean Parthenon; original drawings and various material for the article “Northeast Corner of the Parthenon” Hesperia 15 (1946) 1-26, including earlier manuscripts (“Precinct of Zeus Polieus”[1942], “NE corner of the Parthenon”[1944] and notes for “Precinct of Pandion”[1945]) all of which were merged for the publication of the 1946 Hesperia article; a rubbing of the Dietrephes Base inscription on the Akropolis; and notes on the origins of the “HAY” inscription (carved on the stylobate of the opisthodomus of the Parthenon, under the columns). Stevens had intended to publish the inscription, but he was uncertain of its authenticity. His research resulted in various notes, correspondence, and sketches.
Stevens also made an extensive study of the Athena statues on the Akropolis writing three articles: “The Pedestal of the Athena Promachos” Hesperia 15 (1946) 107-114, “Remarks on the Colossal Chryselephantine statue of Athena in the Parthenon” Hesperia 24 (1955) 240-276 and “Concerning the Parthenos” Hesperia 30 (1961) 1-7. The collection contains the original manuscripts of the 1946 Hesperia article, first written in 1941, under the title “Monument of the Promachos,” and the 1961 article entitled “Support under the right hand of the Parthenos.” Included with these manuscripts are various photographs, notes, calculations, offprints and numerous original drawings.
The Akropolis Series also contains correspondence, proposals, plans, newspaper clippings, and notes from the garden around the Akropolis—a project initiated by Stevens and realized with the financial help of the foreign archaeological schools in Athens.
Finally, the papers on the Erechtheum constitute the largest part of the Akropolis series. As mentioned above, James Morton Paton, editor of The Erechtheum: Drawn, Measured and Restored (1927) proposed that as much of the correspondence, notes and sketches associated with the writing of the book should be saved and given to the American School of Classical Studies. The idea for the book, which took approximately 20 years to finish, was formulated by Theodore Woolsey Heermance, Director of ASCSA 1903-1905 (cf. Theodore W. Heermance Papers). Heermance had the book in mind when he chose Stevens as the first Fellow in Architecture, with the agreement that the architect would draft the drawings for the book. Heermance died suddenly in 1905 while writing chapter one and so various authors continued his work after his death. Stevens contributed to writing chapters one and two; Bert Hodge Hill, as mentioned above, gathered most of the information; Lacey Caskey wrote on the inscriptions; Harold North Fowler wrote on the sculpture (later edited by Carl Blegen); and James M. Paton contributed with the History of the Erechtheum as well as the Appendices for the book.
With respect to the Erechtheum, the Akropolis series contains, among others, a manuscript entitled “Remains of the Pre-Erechtheum” by Leicester B. Holland; manuscripts entitled “Foundation and Crepis”, and “Construction”; a set of 153 sheets of calculations, drawings and notes on various parts of the building; blueprints; squeezes and rubbings of some of the inscriptions; notes and an annotated offprint of the chapter on the inscriptions; a review of W. Dörpfeld’s article on the Erechtheum (1904) and an offprint of Πρακτικά της επί του Ερεχθείου Επιτροπής (1853) [the lithographs from the Πρακτικά were removed by Stevens to form part of his aforementioned set of calculations]; annotated proofs and original drawings which did not make the final publication; various publication notes pertaining to the book, including two versions of a table and list originally made by T.W. Heermance and prepared by James M. Paton entitled “Attributions of ancient names to the different parts of the Erechtheum.”; most of the original drawings for the figures in the publication (some drawings by William Dinsmoor and L.B. Holland); original drawings of two articles pertaining to the Erechtheum by B.H.Hill and L.D. Caskey (some of which were used in the book); various miscellaneous original drawings including two by L.B Holland, a unique (unpublished) geological survey map of the levels of the rocks inside the Erechtheum by J.M. Paton; large scale offprints with annotations of the plates (the original drawings of plates 1-32 were purchased by the University of Cincinnati); and large scale drawings and plan of the Erechtheum.
Series IV: Other Architectural Works contains papers related to Stevens’s work on other projects besides the Agora and the Akropolis; original drawings, notes, photos and correspondence related to Stevens’ work on Corinth, mainly the Peirene Fountain, sketches, and an offprint of a plan of the Isthmia starting lines; the Lion of Amphipolis landscaping plans (another project which Stevens undertook in the early 1950s), drawings, proposals, notes, receipts and itemization of work, and photos of the completed work (for further information see also Lion of Amphipolis Landscaping in Administrative Records); drawings, correspondence and sketches pertaining to the construction of the Henry C. Ulen Memorial at the Marathon Dam (1955); designs of signs for the Gennadius library (1941) as well as notes from librarian S.H. Weber; a manuscript, mock-up plates, photos and sketches for an article on Byzantine Churches (publication unknown).
Lastly included in the series are manuscripts, notes, prints, agreement papers and original drawings for the book Restorations of Classical Buildings, published in honor of Stevens (1955, 1958). The set of drawings in the file is incomplete since some have originally been used in other publications or the originals have been placed elsewhere, such as the “Propylon of the Acropolis in Athens, ca. 488-437 B.C.” (figure 4) which is housed in the Archives of the American School, the “Group of the Promachos” is located in the house of the American Schoolâs Director, and the “Fountain of Peirene, Corinth: Second Century B.C.” is housed in Corinth.
Series V: Personal Notes, Papers and Drawings contains personal memos, programs, postcards, sketches for postcards, and clippings; two manuscripts on the Mines of Laurium, both unpublished, including original drawing of tools; a copy of H.A. Thompson's paper on itinerant temples of Attica (1961); charts and notes on contraction joints in Marathon Dam; lithographs given to Stevens by Walcot; material from Steven's directorship during World War II, such as annual reports and finances, receipts and expenses, loans and money transfers, notes for protection of the American and British School. This series also includes original drawings of various things including furnishings, a plan for a device for drawing volute capitals, a drawing and rubbing by Francis H. Bacon, a drawing for the Blegen house (9 Ploutarchou), and a reconstruction drawing of the Trojan horse; rubbings of wall glass and pavement; and mounted photos of an imaginary building dedicated to Stevens.
Series VI: The Rome series includes Stevens's remnants of his years in Rome (1912-1934). Various drawings including furniture, temples in Rome, plans of the villas Giulia, Mirafore, Count Elia, and Medici, as well as offprints of “Casino at Hadrian’s Villa” and “Thermae, Leptis Magna, Tripolitania”; three copies of a manuscript with photos and blueprints on Italian Doorways; prints from an article published in Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome (1931); notes for reading lists and quizzes for students, a guide book of Imperial Rome (with a map) by P. Bigot in 1911 along with a newspaper article on the book, various offprints; a booklet titled Information on Methods of Painting and Colors (1925, 1928) along with correspondence and translations with Tito Venturini Papari, Director of the Scuola Preparatoria alle Arti Ornamentale, Rome. This booklet was written in conjunction with the Erechtheum book, and it resulted from a need to describe terms in the Appendix of the Erechtheum book. For more information on the booklet see also Series I, Box 2, Folder 3 (correspondence between Stevens and Paton, Nov. 23, 1925). For more information about G.P. Stevens’s years at the American Academy in Rome, check with the Library of the American Academy in Rome, which houses Stevens's diaries (1911-1934), as well as copies of some correspondence. For Stevens's official correspondence from the years at the Academy (1914-1934), see Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Series VII: The Photographs series contains various photos and print negatives in Stevens’s possesion, the majority being of the Akropolis; photos by Francis H. Bacon (1928-1929) of the “Poseidon” of Artemision, the bronze horse and jockey, and other archaeological subjects; Erechtheum photos used in publication, duplicates and photos from the German Institute and British Museum, various photos not used in the publication; negatives (including the ones of Stevens working on the plaster model of the Akropolis (1941)—currently housed in the Stoa of Attalos). Only some of the negatives (cf. Photo Archive) have been identified in the Stevens catalog.
Series VIII: Personal Belongings Series is composed of the many scrapbooks G.P. Stevens assembled over the years, beginning in 1899. The scrapbooks contain photos of building plans, original drawings, sketches, photos of architecture, clippings of architecture and statues, watercolors, and one notebook with architectural notes on Athenian monuments. The subjects in the scrapbooks include: Italy, Kerameikos, Akropolis, Constantinople, Egypt, Spain and Portugal. Also included in this series are zinc plates of many of Stevens's original drawings and various copper name plates of Gorham and Annette Stevens.
Series IX: Secondary Material consists of a photocopy of a sketched portrait of G. P. Stevens by his nephew Konstandinos Nikolaos Decavallas and photocopies of personalized ex libris for family members. Also included are photographs of Gorham and Annette Stevens as well as a family portrait of Annette and her sisters (Julia, Loukia, Smaragda and Lena) donated by his niece Dr. Anna Manuelides (Chitzanides).
Series I: Correspondence
Box 1
Folder 1: Letters of Introduction
Folder 2: Correspondence A-I
Agathodes, A (address card)
Aldrich, Chester
American Embassy-England
Balanos, Nikolaos
British School of Archaeology
Boehringer, Erich
Bloesch, E.
Broneer, Oscar
Broneer, Verna
Capps, Edward
Chicharro, Edoardo
Colling, Patricia M.
Combouropoulos, Vasilios
Crosby, H. Lamar
Dunn, James B.
Fairbanks, Charis (Mrs. Frank P.)
Garland, Paul
Harrisiades, D.
Hartwig, John George
Hill, Bert Hodge
Folder 3: Correspondence J-W
Jackson, Charles
Kemp, L.C.
Kendall, William
Lake, Kirsopp
Lamond, Felix
Lemerele, Paul
Libertini, Guido (card)
Livorness, N.E.
Lord, Louis
Mac Veagh, Lincoln
Mark, Kenneth J.
Marshall, Wm. A.
McCabe, Anne (secretary of Lucy Shoe)
Merritt, Benjamin D.
Ministry of Culture-Greece
Mittler & Sohn
Morison, George
Nachfolgen, H.
Niebol, Helen
Orlandos, Anastasios
Papageorge, Sophocles
Parsons, A.W.
Paton, James M.
Richter, Gisela
Robinson, David M.
Rosselot, Robert F.
Shafer, J.F.
Shear, Theodor Leslie
Shelley, Joseph M.
Souyouldjoglou, Michael C.(card)
Stillwell, Richard
Svoronos, D.S.
Theophanides, Stavros
Thompson, Dorothy
Thompson, Homer A.
Vanderpool, Joan
Walter, Otto
Box 2
Correspondence concerning the Erechtheum
Folder 1: Correspondence between G. P. Stevens and B.H. Hill (1907-25)
* correspondence between B.H. Hill and J.M. Paton via Stevens (1923)
* copies of letters to Caskey and Paton given to Stevens
Folder 2: Correspondence between Stevens and James Morton Paton (1911-1922)
* Paton to Stevens 1911-2
* Stevens to Paton 1912-1916
* Stevens to/from Paton 1920-1922
Folder 3: Correspondence between Stevens and J.M. Paton (1923-1927)
* Paton to Stevens-1923-1924
* Stevens to Paton-1923-1924
* Paton to Stevens-1925-1927
* Stevens to Paton-1925-1926
Folder 4: Correspondence with various people (1904-1926)
Alinari, D.
Capps, E.
Caskey, L.D.
Chase, G.H.
Dinsmoor, W.B.
Dörpfeld, W.
Fletcher, H.M.
Fowler, H.N.
Heermance, T.W
Holland, L. B.
Schneider, H.
Shelley, Joseph M
Van Buren, A.W.
Washburn, O.
Wheeler, J .R.
Woods, H. D.
Series II: Athenian Agora
Box 3
Folder 1: Ancient Agora as a Park (1953-1961)
* proposals, landscaping plans, and expenses
* correspondence and notes on the maintenance of the Agora Park
* correspondence for funding of the Park and dedication of Stoa of Attalos
* program for the 75th anniversary of ASCSA
* Greek Agora Committee meeting notes, correspondence
* pamphlets, photos, plans
Folder 2: Stoa of Attalos (1956-1957)
* benches in the Stoa: correspondence, expenses, sketches, and notes
* sketches of wooden stairs
* dedication monument for contributors; related correspondence
* sketches for a stamp and postcard of the Stoa of Attalos, and newspaper clippings.
* various sketches, photos and correspondence.
* drawings (32) [kept separately]
honorary plaque to contributors of Stoa of Attalos
Stoa benches and stairs
Stoa of Attalos
Folder 3: Silver Statuette of Athena Promachos (given to John D. Rockefeller Jr. for his contribution to the restoration of the Stoa of Attalos.)
* various notes and receipts
* correspondence with Carlos Petrucci in Rome, S. Marinatos, J.D. Rockefeller, W. Canaday, A. Agathodes, and J. Notaras.
* sketches and plans of statuette and base by John Notaras.
* photos of statuette in plaster and silver, and on exhibit.
Folder 4: Agora Miscellaneous
* calculations of ceilings and coffers in the Temple of Hephaistos
* photos and notes concerning the article “Lintel with painted lioness” in Hesperia 23 (1954)
* various drawings (24) [kept separately]
-for inscription of King Paul the First (1954)
-for article,“Doorsill from the Library of Pantainos” in Hesperia 18 (1946) (including mock up plate)
-for article, “Lintel with painted lioness” in Hesperia 23 (1954) (including mockup plate and offprint)
-map of the Plaka/Monastiraki area
-drawings of the Temple of Hephaistos
-inscription in honor of J.D. Rockefeller (1961) [Roll]
Folder 5: Stoa of Attalos and Agora Landscaping (1948 -1953)
Expenses' estimates, draft sketches, working notes and correspondence (G.P. Stevens with Ward M. Canaday and others)
Folder 6: Stoa of Attalos and Agora Landscaping (January - June 1954)
Correspondence (G.P. Stevens with Ward M. Canaday, Ralph E. Griswold, John L. Caskey) and drafts of correspondence, working notes and draft sketches, Greek Agora Committee correspondence and notes (May - June 1954)
Folder 7: Stoa of Attalos and Agora Landscaping (June - December 1954)
Correspondence (G.P. Stevens with Ward M. Canaday, Ralph E. Griswold, Greek Agora Committee, Jack L. Caskey, Charles Morgan ) and drafts of correspondence, working notes
Folder 8 Stoa of Attalos and Agora Landscaping (January - May 1955)
Correspondence (G.P. Stevens with Ward M. Canaday, Ralph E. Griswold, Greek Agora Committee, Jack L. Caskey, Charles Morgan ) and drafts of correspondence, working notes
Folder 9 Stoa of Attalos and Agora Landscaping (June - December 1955)
Correspondence (G.P. Stevens with Ward M. Canaday, Ralph E. Griswold, Greek Agora Committee, Homer Thompson, Dorothy Burr Thompson ) and drafts of correspondence, working notes
Folder 10 Stoa of Attalos and Agora Landscaping (1956)
Correspondence (G.P. Stevens with Ward M. Canaday, Ralph E. Griswold, Greek Agora Committee) and drafts of correspondence, working notes
Series III: Akropolis
Box 4
Folder 1: Akropolis General
* Akropolis talks: notes, photos, off print of Greek article.
* “Poros tripods of the Acropolis of Athens,” in Studies presented to David M. Robinson I (1951):off print and pencil drawing.
* various notes, calculations and sketches of rock cuttings associated with the Athena Promachos base and foundations of Ergane(?) (1938)
* manuscripts and photos (PhA N# 0208, 0209, 0218, 0222, 0266) for sections of “Architectural Studies of the Athenian Acropolis” in Hesperia 15 (1946).
* various original drawings (35) [kept separately]
-sketches concerning various architectural members and sculptures on the Akropolis
-layout plan of Akropolis [oversize]
-various sketches of Akropolis [Rolls, kept separately]
-full-size rubbing of an inscription on the Dietrephes base on the Akropolis IG I2 527 [cf. Raubischek, A.E. Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis (1949)]
-copy of plan of the Akropolis with two areas (A, B) in the Chalkotheke marked in red: "Red shows where Greek Government permitted excavations G.P.S, Feb. 1938"
Folder 2: Propylaia
* notes, sketches, calculations of ramp and propylaia in general
* sketches of ramp and Propylaia of Peisistratos (437 BC).
Periclean Entrance Court of the Akropolis—Hesperia 5 (1936)
* annotated off print (some pages missing)
* reviews in various publications
* annotated offprints of some sections of article
* photos of figures used in publication
* negatives (PhA N# 0210, 0212, 0214, 0215, 0217, 0219, 0255)
* original drawings (25) [kept separately]
Folder 3: Temple of Nike
* “The Cornice of the Temple of Athena Nike”; offprint from AJA 12(1908)
* unpublished original drawings for the small staircase leading to the Nike Bastion (4) [kept separately]
Folder 4: Parthenon: Varia
* “Concerning the curvature of the steps of the Parthenon,” AJA 38 (1934); annotated offprint; calculations and notes; correspondence with Prof. Constantine Caratheodory; original drawings (6) [kept separately]
* “Concerning the impressiveness of the Parthenon” AJA 66 (1962); manuscripts; various sketches, notes and calculations; mock up plate; original drawings (6) [kept separately]
* Photographs (various of Parthenon, photos by B.H. Hill [1938] and for French article on curvature
* “HAY” inscription (1959-1961)
-correspondence, sketches, notes, and photos (PhA N# 0272)
* “Curve of the North Stylobate of the Parthenon," Hesperia 12 (1943)
-original drawings (4) [kept separately]
* Various original drawings (5) [kept separately]
-various sketches concerning the Parthenon
-layout plan of the Parthenon [oversize]
Folder 5: Parthenon: Periclean
* Setting of the Periclean Parthenon, Hesperia Supplement III (1940); photos of figures (PhA N# 0105,0106,0108-0111); and original drawings (44) [kept separately]
* “Sills of the Grilles of the Pronaos and Opisthodomus of the Parthenon,” Hesperia 11(1942); manuscript; calculations, notes and sketches (1940-41); and photos (PhA N# 0112, 0259)
* “Northeast Corner of the Parthenon,” Hesperia 15 (1946)
-Precinct of Zeus Polieus (1942): manuscript
-Northeast Corner of the Parthenon (1944): manuscript and notes
-Precinct of Pandion (1945): note
-original drawings (30) [kept separately]
Folder 6: Statues of Athena on Akropolis
* “The Pedestal of Athena Promachos,“ Hesperia 15 (1946); manuscript entitled “Monument of the Promachos” (1941); photos; notes; and original drawings (13) [kept separately]
* “Remarks on the Colossal Chryselephantine statue of Athena in the Parthenon,” Hesperia 24 (1955); manuscript; calculations of wooden roofing over cella of the Parthenon; correspondence, notes, sketches; and original drawings (24) [kept separately]
* “Concerning the Parthenos statue,“Hesperia 30 (1961)
-manuscripts entitled “Support under the right hand of the Parthenos”; correspondence, notes, sketches, photos, mock-up of plates; offprints from BCH LXXXI- LXXXI-1957 II and Wissenschafliche Zeitschrift der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald; various original drawings pertaining to the Athena statues (11) [kept separately]
Folder 7: Original drawings for the articles “Sills of the Grilles of the Pronaos and Opisthodomus of the Parthenon" and “Architectural Studies of the Athenian Akropolis”(34)[kept separately]
Folder 8: Garden around the Akropolis
* proposal for landscaping around the Akropolis (1955-1959)
* various drafts of proposals, notes, correspondence, and newspaper clippings
Box 5
Folder 1 Manuscripts and notes of “Remains of the Pre-Erechtheum” AJA 28 (1924) 1-23; L. B. Holland, “Foundations and Crepis” and"Construction”; handwritten notes on various topics
Folder 2 Calculations, notes and original drawings [kept separately] on figures of the Erechtheum (#2-89)
Folder 3 Calculations, notes and original drawings [kept separately] on figures (#90-152)
Folder 4 Blueprints (plan of L. B. Holland included)
Folder 5 Notebook and mock-up of figures
Folder 6 Annotated photos of plates (1-33)
Folder 7 Annotated book of proofs of plates and figures of the Erechtheum
Folder 8 Notes and photos on “Inscription” chapter of the Erechtheum; annotated offprints of “Inscription” chapter
Folder 9 Squeezes and rubbings of inscriptions from the Erechtheum
Folder 10 Review of W. Doerpfeld’s article on the Erechtheum in Suddeutsche Bauzeitung (1904) and offprint of Πρακτικά της επί του Ερεχθείου Επιτροπής (1853)
Folder 11 Annotated offprints (20); annotated proofs (29) [kept separately]; original drawings NOT used in final publication (10) [kept separately]; various sketches, studies and offprints pertaining to the Erechtheum (60) [kept separately]
Folder 12 Publication notes
* notes on the Erechtheum history, photos of plates 11and 12 are annotated
* notes on plates 2-12 between Hill and Stevens (originally with letter of 2-11-25)
* sketches and notes between Hill and Stevens (1918)
* various notes and sketches between Hill and Stevens
* various notes on text drawings and plates (various authors?)
* table and list by T.W. Heermance (edited by J.M. Paton)
* sketches of different phases of the Erechtheum (6)
* various small sketches of the Erechtheum exchanged between Stevens and Hill (65)
Folder 13 Original drawings (90) [kept separately, Flat Storage, drawers #76-79] corresponding to figures in the publication of the Erechtheum
Folder 14 Original drawings (11) [kept separately] concerning two articles:
“The Metopon in the Erechtheum” AJA 12 (1908) 184-197; and
“Notes on the Erechtheum” AJA 14 (1910) 291-297.
Folder 15 Miscellaneous (18) [kept separately]
* diagrams of volutes by Richard Bradbury
* various fragile photos of Erechtheum
* large scale drawing by L. B. Holland- plan of area North of Erechtheum (E. of N.P.) showing Mycenaean walls now buried (1924) [oversize]
* attributions of ancient names to the different parts of the Erechtheum; table by T.W. Heermance, edited by J.M. Paton.
* drawing of elevations of the Pandroseum rock
* collage entitled ΠΑΡΘΕΝΟΥ ΦΙΛΑΣ ΦΙΛΟΙ
* original geological survey map of the levels of the rocks inside the Erechtheum by James Paton
* study of Ionic capital
* study of Caryatid
* jamb bases from W. cross wall of the Erechtheum (drawn and traced by L. B. Holland)
Folder 16 Various (66) [kept separately]
* large scale offprints of plates 3-54 from the Erechtheum, with annotations
* offprints of Inscriptions Chapter
* mock-up of plates with photos for the Erechtheum.
Folder 17 Large scale original drawings of the Erechtheum (14) [kept separately]
Large scale plan of the Erechtheum [oversize]
Series IV: Other Architectural Works
Box 6
Folder 1: Corinth: Peirene Fountain
* sketches, notes
* correspondence with Bert Hodge Hill (1932-34)
* photos of reconstruction drawing (PhA N# 0274)
* original drawings (15) [kept separately]
Isthmia starting lines (1955)
* sketches, offprint of plan
Folder 2: Lion of Amphipolis: plans for landscaping (1952-1954)
* proposal, notes, receipts and itemization of work done
* correspondence; photos (PhA N# 0276-0285)
* original drawings (19) [kept separately]
Folder 3: Monument to Henry C. Ulen at Marathon Dam (1955)
* correspondence; notes; sketch
* original drawings (11) [kept separately]
Folder 4: Gennadius Library
* designs for library sign (1941)
* notes concerning the Gennadius Library from S. H. Weber
Folder 5: Byzantine Churches (publication unknown)
* manuscript, mock-up of plates, sketches (1938)
* photos and pamphlet (PhA N# 0199, 0201, 0213)
Folder 6: Restoration of Classical Buildings
* 3 manuscripts of first edition (1953-1954)
* notes, prints, agreement papers for publication of second edition
* 3 copies of second edition (1958)
* negatives (PhA N# 0213, 0216, 0221, 0261, 0266, 0275, 0276)
* some original drawings for the publication (5) [kept separately]
Series V: Personal Notes, Papers and Drawings
Box 7
Folder 1: Personal File
* personal notes (1922, 1938-41)
* speech for French School Centennial (1947)
* Editorial to newspaper about the Stadium of Herodus Atticus (1959)
* Eulogy of Tracy Peck (1921)
* program for American Institute of Architects (1917)
* various clippings, photos, postcards
* sketches featuring the Ge statue from the Akropolis and the Trojan horse for postcards, offprints
* original drawings of Solonos monument in Cyprus (1953) (sculpted by John Notaras) (28) [kept separately]
* original drawings of tomb plans for Stevens and wife (1952), sketch of another unidentified tomb (6) [kept separately]
Folder 2: Walcot: lithographs (1925-1939?)
Folder 3: World War II Reports (1939-1944)
* loans and money transfers
* receipts and expenses
* papers for Americans in Greece during the war
* utilities for the American School (winter 1943-1944)
* notes involving protection of the American School
* plans for barracks for the American and British School
* annual report and financial situation of School (1943-1944)
Folder 4: The Mines of Laurium
* manuscripts (unpublished ?)
The Mines of Laurium in Antiquity
The Ancient Silver Mines in Laurium
* original drawings of tools, notes
Folder 5: H. A.Thompson's paper on itinerant temples of Attica: copy (1961)
Folder 6: Charts and notes on contraction joints at Marathon Dam
Folder 7: Miscellaneous Original Drawings (17) [kept separately]
* drawings of a table
* drawing of dictionary stand and case
* drawing of grille of hot water engine in Loring Hall
* drawings of a lamp [Roll]
* unidentified sketch [Roll]
* plan for a device for drawing a volute capital like that of the Temple of Athena at Priene (cf. MAAR 1956) [Roll]
* drawing and rubbing by F.H. Bacon for Stevens (1928-29)
* sketch of unidentified theater
* drawing for the Blegen House on Ploutarchou Street [Roll]
* drawing of a building with initials R[ichard] S[tilwell] at corner (given to Stevens?)
* reconstruction drawing of the Trojan horse
* various sketches
Folder 8 Rubbings (6) [kept separately]
* Montreal wall-glass
* Cappella Palatina wall-glass
* Restoration of Montreal pavement
* Montreal pavement
* Rubbing of inscription dating 485 BC
Folder 9 Mounted photos of an imaginary building to Stevens (5) [kept separately]
Series VI: Rome
Box 8
Folder 1: Italian Doorways
* manuscript (3 copies)
* blueprints with some photos (40) [kept separately]
Folder 2: American Academy in Rome
* offprints of article in MAAR (1931) about volutes of capitals
* notes about reading lists and problems for students
* guide book of Imperial Rome with map (1911) by P. Bigot, newspaper article about the guide book
* offprints
Folder 3: Information on Methods of Painting and Colors: booklet (1925,1928) correspondence and translations with Tito Venturini Papari, Director of the Scuola Preparatoria alle Arti Ornamentale, Rome.
Folder 4: Original drawings (52) [kept separately]
* sketches of chairs, benches, railings, etc in Rome
* sketches and notes of various temples in Rome (possibly for article “Entasis of Roman Columns"MAAR 1924)
* plan of the Villa Giulia
* plans of the Villa Mirafiore
* drawing of Mr. Cortesi’s fireplace-Peperion from Viterbo
* plan of Count Elia’s Villa
* general plan of Villa Medici, Rome
* offprints of “Casino at Hadrianâs Villa” and Thermae, Leptis Magna, and Tripolitania
Series VII: Photographs
Box 9
Folder 1: Various photos; print negatives; negatives (cf. Photo Archive)
Folder 2: “Poseidon” of Artemision, bronze horse and jockey (original prints and reprints) and other photos taken by F.H. Bacon (1928-1929)
Folder 3: Glass negatives (8) related to the construction of the Manhattan Municipal Building by McKim, Mead, and White, 1909-1912
Box 10 Mounted photos used in publication of the Erechtheum
Box 11 Photos used in publication of the Erechtheum
Box 12 Erechtheum: duplicates, German Institute and British Museum photos
Box 13 Erechtheum: various photos not used for publication
Series VIII: Personal Belongings
Box 14
Scrapbook 1: photos of building plans, and original drawings (1905)
Scrapbook 2: original drawings and sketches (1899-1905)
Scrapbook 3: original drawings, sketches, and squeezes (1906-1924)
Scrapbook 4: photos of architecture
Box 15
Scrapbook 1: clippings of architecture and statues, original sketches and watercolors
Scrapbook 2: clippings of architecture and statues
Scrapbook 3: architectural notes pertaining to subjects in Athens
Scrapbook 4: clippings of architecture
Box 16
Scrapbook 1: photos of architecture in Italy
Scrapbook 2: photos of architecture in Italy
Box 17
Scrapbook 1: photos of architecture in Italy
Scrapbook 2: photos of architecture in Italy
Scrapbook 3: photos of architecture from Akropolis, Kerameikos, Constantinople, Egypt, Spain and Portugal
Box 18 Zinc plates 1-13
Box 19 Zinc plates 14-29
Box 20 Zinc plates 30-43 with some offprints
Box 21 Zinc plates 44-50, copper name plates
Box 22
Prize Drawings
Box 23
Prize Drawings
Series IX: Miscellaneous (including gifts)
Box 24
Folder 1: Photocopies
* sketched portrait of Gorham P. Stevens 2/2/43
-(drawn and donated by G.P.Stevens’s nephew Konstandinos N. Decavallas, Prof. Emeritus National Technical University of Athens [Polytechnion] and Honorary fellow of the American Institute of Archaeology)
* photocopies of personalized ex libris drawn by Stevens for:
-Nikolaos and Ettus Decavallas
-Elias, Elica, Annette, and Julia Hitzanides
(donated by G. P. Stevens's niece, Dr. Anna Manuelides-Chitzanidis)
Folder 2: Photographs
* 10 reprints of Gorham and Annette Stevens, donated by Dr. Anna Manuelides-Chitzanidis (CN-11-0041 and 0042)
* Photograph of Gorham P. Stevens lecturing on the Acropolis to members of the American School, January 1939 (gift of Donald Begg, June 2022).
Folder 3: Offprint (E. J. Johnson 2020. "The Villa Giulia as a Perfomance Space," Artibus et Historiae 82, 227-248.)