ASCSA Student Papers
Index to the School Papers 1882-1991
Unpublished Papers of ASCSA Students in Alphabetical Order
Note: Their digitization is in progress. The papers are tightly bound in volumes, therefore their digitization may be problematic (wavy pages).
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Unpublished Papers of ASCSA Students, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Allen, F.D. “0n Greek Versification in Inscriptions,” IV (1885-86), pp. 35-204.
Allen, R.E. “The Confiscation Lists,” 1952
Andrews, E.R. "History of Samos 700 B.C.-70 A.D.” 1929
Andrews, Κ. “The Medieval Fortifications of Corone (Chapter I of Castles of the Morea),” 1949
Arnold, M.L. “Embroidered Garments in Greek Antiquity,” 1906
Ashby, N.L. “Votive Offerings to the Mother of the Gods,” 1952
Avery, Harry C. “Medieval Aigosthena. Some Measurements and Observations,” 1954
Bacon, H.H. “Foreign Names in Greek Tragedy,” 1953
Bacon, R. “Demetrius of Phalerum,” 1935
Ballantyne, G. “The Use of Kaleo in Pausanias,” 1932
Banta, J. “Mycenaean Fibulae,” 1926
Bellinger, A.R. “An Argive Hoard,” 1925
Bellinger, C.B. and A.R., “Coins Found at Nemea 1925,” 1925
Bembow, P. F. “A Catalogue of Attic Black Figured Epinetra,” 1972-73
Benardete, S. “An Unedited M3, of Aeschylus at Mt. Athos,” 1953
Benjamin, A.S. “Ostrakophilologia,” 1949
Bennet, F.M. “The Function of Conventionalism and Realism in Archaic Greek Sculpture,” 1907
Bennett, W.H. III, ’’The Date of the Earliest Coins,” 1958
Besi, H. “A Survey of the Thisbe Area,” 1955
Besl, V. and P. Wiegand, ’’Topographical Problems in the Acharnae Region,” 1952
Bevier, L., ’’The Olympieion at Athens,” I (1882-83), pp. 181-212
Bishop, C. “An Archaic Head,” 1930
Blaicher, S.B. “A Survey of the Island of Seriphos,” 1951
Blank, D. L. “A Layman’s Guide to the Mössbauer Effect and its Application to Studies of Ancient Pottery,” 1974-75.
Blegen, C.W. “Excavations to the Southwest of Kyparissi,” 1911
Boggess, W.F., “The Oriental Transmission of Aristotle's Poetics,” 1963
Bowman, S., “Jewish Epitaphs in Mistra,” 1971-1972
Bridges, A. P. “The Athenian Treaty with Samos, ML 56,” 1977-78
Brownson, C.L. ’’Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria 1891-1895. The Theatre, 1891: Cavea, Orchestra, and Underground Passage,” VI (1890-97), pp. 89-103.
Brownson, C.L. “Excavations and Discoveries at the Argive Heraeum, 1892-1895. Excavations in 1892,” VI (1890-97), pp. 225-245.
Brownson, C.L. and C.H. Young, ’’Further Excavations in the Theatre at Sicyon in 1891,” VI (1890-97), pp. 10-22.
Brownson, C.L., “The Relation of the Archaic Pediment-Reliefs of the Acropolis to Vase-Painting,” VI (1890-97), pp. 302-315.
Boyd, D., ’’Dragon-Houses: Hymettos, Styra, Karystos, Caria,” 1971-72
Broe, H.V. and C.A. Robinson, Jr., ’’Excavations at Nemea 1924, Catalogue of Coins,” 1924
Broe, H.V. and C.A. Robinson, Jr., ’’Excavations at Phlius 1924, Catalogue of Coins,” 1924
Bruere, R.T, “Some Considerations on Roman 'Triumphal Arches,” 1937-1938
Bryson, E.A.E., ’’The Relationship of Nc to the Old Tradition and the Later Recensions of Aeschylus,” 1955
Buck, C.D. and F.B. Tarbell, "Discoveries at Anthedon in 1889. Inscriptions from Anthedon,” V (1886-1890), pp. 206-223.
Buck, C.D., "Discoveries in the Attic Deme of Ikaria, 1888,” V (1886-1890), pp. 43-134
Buck, R.J., "Classification and Distribution of Matt-painted Pottery," 1954
Bullard, C., "The Boy Jockey," 1935
Burrell, B. “A Numismatic Inquiry into Antandros in the Troad,” 1975-76
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Unpublished Papers of ASCSA Students, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Cahill, N. D. “The Sardis Campaign of 1985,” 1985-86
Caldwell, M.B. “Twelve Unpublished Terracottas in the Robinson Collection,” 1957
Caperton, M. "The ‘Stage’ in Menander,” 1929
Capps, E. "Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. The Theatre, 1894,” VI (1890-97), pp. 135-143.
Capps, E. “The Chorus in the Later Greek Drama, with Reference to the Stage- Question," VI (1890-97), pp. 392-430.
Capps, F. "Similarities in the Rural Life of Ancient and Modern Greece," 1929
Cargill, J.L. Jr. “Suggested Corrections for Some Well-known Greek Epigraphical Texts,” 1973-74
Carpenter, J.D. and A.C. Mueller, "A Catalogue of the Collection of Antiquities of the late Carl William Blegen," 1971-72.
Carpenter, M. "A Metrical Study of Three Poems of Romanos," 1926
Carroll, K. K. “Two Suggested Emendations in the Text of the Athenaion Politeia of Aristotle,” 1972-73.
Case, N. O. “Early Thraco-Macedonian Coinage: The so-called Coins of Lete,” 1985-86
Carter, J.C. "The Sculptors of Epidauros," 1964-65
Chase, E.L. "Bronze and Terra Cotta Figurine Technique in the Fifth Century B.C.," 1953
Christ, M. R. “Danger and its Rewards: A Study in Athenian Self-Preservation,” 1985-86
Clarke, J.T. "The Athenian Pnyx, Survey and Notes," IV (1885-86), pp. 205-260.
Clay, D. "The Daggers at Agamemnon 714-715," 1964
Cleland, E.W. "The Distribution of the Minyan Ring-Stemmed Goblet,” 1950
Cohen, E.E. "The Dikai Emporikai: A Study of the Commercial Maritime Courts at Athens in the Fourth Century B.C.," 1962
Cole, D. "A Locrian Citadel," 1971-72
Cooper, N. “The Roof Tile System of the Temple of Apolo Bassai,” 1973-74
Cox, H.D. "The Church of St. Theodore at Athens," 1925
Crow, J.M. "The Athenian Pnyx," IV (1885-86), pp. 205-260.
Culley, G.R. "The Restoration of Sacred Monuments in Augustan Athens (IG 2/3 1035),”1969-70.
Cushing, W.L. "The Theatre of Thoricus, Supplementary Report," IV (1885-86), pp. 23-34.
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Unpublished Papers of ASCSA Students, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Darbishire, R.S. "Archaic Apollo," 1927
Darbishire, R.S. "Illusion of Labor and Rest at an Excavation of Mycenaean tombs (verse)," 1927
Darbishire, R.S. "In Praise of Classical Study," 1927
Darbishire, R.S. "Odopoiesis. Notes for a Study of Communications in Greece," 1927
Darbishire, R.S. "Prologue for the Prometheus Revival at Delphi," 1927
Darbishire, R.S. "Uses of Archaeology and the Study of History in Greece,” 1927
Davis, J. “The Shaft Grave Period at Brauron,” 1974-75
Davis, P.H. "The Alliance of Athens with Perdiccas II of Macedonia in B.C. 423/2," 1924
Davis, P.H. "The Athenian Cleruchy in Lesbos, B.C. 427... I.G. I, 96," 1924
Davis, P.H. "The Campaign of Cromnus (364 B.C.) and the Arcadian Tribe Aegytae," 1924
Davison, J.M. "A New Attic Geometric Workshop: The Birdseed Painter," 1955
De Cou, H.F. "The Frieze of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates at Athens," VI (1890-97), pp. 316-329.
Dengate, C. "White Ground Lekythoi in the National Museum: A Study of the Development in Drapery Draughtsmanship," 1965-66.
Dengate, J. "The Identification and Dating of the Coins from the Excavations at Porto Cheli: 1962 and 1965 seasons," 1965-66.
Dewey, D. "Architectural Details in Greek Vase Painting,” 1933
Dewey, D. "The Temple in the Lower City of Orchomenos in Arcadia,” 1933
Dierckx, H. “The Hip Roof and the Introduction of the Pediment,” 1989-90
Dobbins, J. J. and R. F. Rhodes, “The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Acropolis,” 1974-75
Donaldson, Κ. "A Pebble Mosaic in Piraeus,” 1950
Donaldson, Κ. “A Pebble Mosaic in Piraeus,” 1951
Dow, E. “Digest of Various Works on Byzantine Painting,” 1935
Dow, E. “The Parthenon Frieze and the Spectator,” 1933
Dow, S. “Attic Decrees of the Archon Koroibos (306/5 B.C.),” 1932
Doyle, E.J. "An Archaeological Survey of Antiquities in Northern Euboea with some notes on Aliveri," 1953
Draper, S. “A Preliminary Catalogue of the ASC Osteology Collection,” 1988-89
Dufner, C. “Some Observations on the Pace of George Gemistus Pletho in Byzantine and Western Philosophy,” 1978-79
Eals, N.R. “Notes on the Post-Minoan Griffin,” 1971-72
Earle, M.L. “Excavations at the Theatre of Sikyon. Supplementary Report” V (1886-90), pp. 20-26.
Earle, M.L. “Excavations in the Theatre at Sicyon in 1891,” VI (1890-97), pp. 1-9.
Earle, M.L. “A New Sikyonian Inscription,” V (1886-90), pp. 39-42.
Earle, M.L. “A Sikyonian Statue,” V (1886-90), pp. 27-38.
Eliot, C.W.J. "Leipsydrion - An Attic Fort on Parnes,” 1953
Erler, J. “Smells in the Iliad and the Odyssey,” 1989-90
Evans, J.A. “Digenes Akritas: Observations on a Byzantine Epic,” 1978-79
Evans, J.A.S. “A Study of the Epigraphical Style of Athenian Inscriptions from the Fourth to the First Century before Christ,” 1955
Ewbank, J. “Fable, Parody and Allegory in Aristophanes’ Peace,” 1977-78
Ewbank, L.C. “Plutarch’s Use of Inscriptions in the Fifth-century Greek Lives,” 1977-78
Feaver, D.D. “Corinth at the Time of the Apostle Saint Paul, 50-52 A.D.,” 1952
Fiesel, B. “Shapes of Vases shown in Vase painting (Agora Excavations Collection)” 1951
Figueira, S.G. “Alcmaeon of Croton,” 1976-77
Floyd, E.D. “Meter and Content in Pindar’s Thirteenth Olympian,” 1961
Fluck, E. “Love-Names on Greek Vases,” 1933
Fossum, A. “Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. The Theatre, 1891: The Stage Building,” VI (1890-97), pp. 76-89.
Fowler, H.N. “The Erechtheion at Athens,” I (1882-83), pp. 213-236.
Foundethakis, M.G. “A Monor Study of the Monument of Agippa and Two Other Pergamene Pedestals Dedicated in Athens During the Second Century B.C.” 1989-90
French, E. “The Phokikon,” 1955
Garth, C. “Byzantine Culture - Civilization,” 1935
Gavares, C. “Cythera,” 1934
Getz, P. “Two Groups of Name-Epithet Combinations in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite,” 1962
Getz Preziosi, P. “The Unfinished Colossal Kouroi of Naxos,” 1963.
Gifford, N.M. “The Attic Foot,” 1923
Glass, S.L. “A Bibliography of Works on Athenian Topography since Judeich2,” 1960
Goggin, M.C. “Hadrian in Athens,” 1931
Goodell, T.D. and T.W. Heermance, “Grave-Monuments from Athens,” VI (1890-97), pp. 431-446.
Goodwin, W.W. "The Battle of Salamis,” I (1882-83), pp. 237-262.
Gordon, R. “On Determining the Dates of the Olympieion Capitals in Athens,” 1972-73
Goucher, L.S. “Some Aspects of Delphi,” 1926
Gould, S.H. "Notes on an Asklepieion Inventory,” 1934
Graham, D. W. “NOOS from Theognis to Parmenides,” 1975-76
Grandjouan, C. "Report on Work Done at the Agora (Spring and Summer, 1951), 1951
Gruen, P. “Achilles1 Return: The Concept of Theme re-examined,” 1971-72.
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Unpublished Papers of ASCSA Students, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Haggard, P. “Secretaries of the Athenian Boole in the Fifth Century,” 1926
Hall, J.G. “The Hero and the Common Man in Homer,” 1959
Hansen, H.D. “The Aleuadae - a Thessalian Noble Family,” 1924
Hansen, H.D. “The Ancient Sites between Triccala and Larissa in Thessaly,” 1924
Harrington, H. “A Few Subjects on Roman Lamps,” 1933
Harrison, E.B. "Observations on the Griffin-Cauldron,” 1949
Harward, J. “A Mycenaean Gold Stemmed Cup in the Benaki Museum,” 1973-74
Harwood, C.A. “Sherds from the Acropolis North Slope,” 1933
Haskell, H.W. “Large, Coarse Ware Cretan and Cycladic Stirrup Jars,” 1975-76
Heath, M.C. "A Decorative Motive in Early Helladic Painted Pottery," 1954
Heermance, T .W. "Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1995. Fragment of a Dated Panathenaic Amphora," VI (1890-97), pp. 158-161.
Heermance, T.W. and R.B. Richardson, “Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891- 1895. Inscriptions, 1895,” VI (1890-97), pp. 183-205.
Heermance, T.W. "Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. The Theatre, 1895,” VI (1890-97), pp. 144-158.
Heermance, T.W. and T.D. Goodell, "Grave-Monuments from Athens," VI (1890-97), pp. 431-446
Hersom, S.M. "A Fragment of an Archaic Terracotta Tripod Vase with Stamped Decoration," 1950.
Herz, N. "Stones of, the Athenian Agora," 1952
Hooper, R.J. "The Image of the Mountain in the Bacchae," 1961
Hope, R·. "Athens in the Age of Cicero," 1953
Houska, J. M. “The Votive Reliefs from the Aslepieion in Athens,” 1976-77
Howe, E. J. “Saint Demetrius: Soldier of Folklore,” 1972-73
Hubbe, R.O. "Some Decrees from the Precinct of Asclepius at Athens," 1955
Hughes, B. "Demosthenes 54. Some Archaeological Notes," 1952
Hunt, W.I. "Discoveries at Plataia. Notes on the Battlefield of Plataia," V (1886-90), pp. 271-283
Hurwit, J. M. “Attitude and Illusionism in the Iliad,” 1973-74
Hussey, G.B. "Greek Sculptured Crowns and Crown-Inscriptions," V (1886-90), pp. 135-161.
Jameson, V. and M. "An Archaeological and Topographical Survey of the Hermionid," 1950
Jones, F. "Naxos and Its Contribution to Greek Sculpture," 1926
Jones, N. F. "Topography and Strategy of the Battle of Amphipolis in 422 B.C." 1973-1974
Johnston, A. "Eggs in Tombs," 1928
Kagan, D. "The Origin and Purposes of Ostracism," 1959
Kallemeyn, S. "A Typologic and Topographic Survey of Greek Temple Plans," 1971-72
Kallet-Marx, L. “The Financing of the Parthenon,” 1985-86
Kallet-Marx, R. “The Evangelistria Watchtower and the Defense of the Zagara Pass,” 1985-86
Kazazis, D. B. “A Brief Glossary of Greek Archaeological Terms,” 1978-79
Kelly, I.R. "The Friezes of the Temple of Nemesis at Rhamnous," 1937-38
Kelly, T. "The Calavrian Amphictiony," 1963
Kennelly, J. “Athenian Motivations in the Peace of Philokrates,” 1990-91
Kitchell, K. F. Jr. “Harpocrates, Gellius, and Catulus 74,” 1972-73
Kohler, E. "Archaic Carved Ivories. A Chapter: Ephesian Artemision," 1950
Kolar, B.C. "The Water Supply of Pylos and Sphacteria," 1933
Komi, M. Z. "Attic Pseudo-Red Figure Vases,” 1952
Kreps, C.H. III. “The Language of Religious Pollution in Aeschylus,” 1985-86
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Unpublished Papers of ASCSA Students, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Lane, E. “Notes for a re-study of the God Men," 1961
Lawrence, P.A. “Five Tomb Groups from the Corinthia," 1961
Lebowich, R.J. "The Votive Offerings at the Asclepieion at Corinth. An Interpretation of their Significance and of Temple Medicine," 1961
Lewis, J.M. “Notes on Attic Vocalism," IV (1885-86), pp. 261-277
Libman, L. “The Terra Cottas of Greece and Asia Minor in their Relation to the Greek Theater and its Drama," 1934
Little, B. “LH IIIC Settlement in Attica,” 1976-77
Livermore, G. "Where was the Metroon on Delos?" 1954
Lo, MaoTe. "OEDIPODEIA," 1934
Loening, T.C. ““The Autobiographical Speeches of Lysias and the Biographical Tradition,” 1977-78
Lowry, H. and E. Smith, "A Survey of Mountain Top Sanctuaries in Attica with an Appendix on the Fortifications of Attica," 1954
Mayor, H. "List of Archaic Marble Fragments in the Acropolis Museum Found to Join," 1927-1928
McCann, A.M. "A Study in the Development of the Nude Male Figure in the Early Classical Period from 480 to 150 B.C." 1955
McCarthy, B. "Herodes Atticus," 1926
McCredie, J.R. and A. Steinberg, "Archaeological Exploration in Southern Boeotia," 1959
McCredie, J.R. "Patroklos’s Island,” 1962
McCredie, J.R., M.R. Jones and A. Steinberg, "Prasiai. A Survey of the Koroni Peninsula,” 1959
MacKay, P.A. "Topographical Survey of Byzantine Antiquities in Western Macedonia," 1961
McMurtry, W.J. "Excavations at the Theatre of Sikyon," V (1886-90), pp. 1-20.
McNeal, R.A. "Anaphe. Home of the Strangford Apollo," 1965-66
Madden, J. D. “The Authenticity of Clement of Alexandria’s Peri Pronoias,” 1972-73
Malz, G. "ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΩΝ in Greek Building Inscriptions," 1930
Martin, D. G. “SEG 15.254 and Pausanias 7.16.9-10: A Study in Some Problems in the History of the Achaean League,” 1973-74
Martin, Thomas R. “Inscriptions at Corinth,” 1974-75
Mayor, H. “List of Archaic Marble Fragments in the Acropolis Museum found to join," 1927
Meader, C.L. and C. Waldstein, "Excavations at Sparta, 1893," VI (1890-97), pp. 206-221.
Merriam, A.C. "Appendix. Inscriptions from Ikaria, Nos. 8 and 9," V (1886-90), pp. 313-314
Miller, W. "The Theatre of Thoricus, Preliminary Report," IV (1885-86), pp. 1-10.
Mills, S. “Medea and Dianeira: A Comparison of Euripides’ Medea and Sophocles’ Trachiniae,” 1972-73
Mitchell, C. "A Tripod Base at the Athenian Agora," 1952
Mommsen, T. "A Greek Fragment of the Edict of Diocletian, from Plataia," V (1886-90), pp. 302-312.
Morgan, C.H. "The Dates of Lysippos," 1929
Morgan, K.A. “Methodology and the Power of the Post in Pindar,” 1989-91
Mueller, A.C. and J.D. Carpenter, "A Catalogue of the Collection of Antiquities of the late Carl William Blegen," 1971-72
Munn, J.B. "Notes on the Military History and the Fortifications of Corinth," 1913
Munn, M. H. “Excavation at the Dema Tower: Preliminary Report,” 1977-78
Munn, M. H. “Miscellaneous Antiquities in and near the Aigaleos-Parnes Gap,” 1977-78
Murphy, C.T. "Investigations on the Site of Gortys," 1932
Muscarella, O.W. "The Oriental Origin of Siren Cauldron Attachments," 1959
Neils, P. "An Akroterion from the Temple of Ares in the Athenian Agora," 1952
Nevius, V. “Corinthian Pottery and Architectural Terracottas in the Archaic Period,” 1989-90
Noe, Sydney P. "Summary of Coins found at Colophon 1921," 1923
Oberhelman, S. M. “A Methodology for the Interpretation of Anciet Dream-Cures,” 1978-79
Ogden, D.F., "Thorikos. A Fresh Survey of the Site with Chart and Plans," 1960
Olmstead, C.M. "Studies on Drapery of the Transitional Period," 1937-38 [contains an unidentified aerial photo at end of book]
Olson, S. D. “Architectural Development in the Mycenaean Palace at Pylos,” 1985-86
Patterson, C. “The Population of Athens at the Time of the Persian Wars,” 1974-75
Pedley, J.G. "An Attic Grave Stele in the Fogg Museum," 1964
Petruso, K.M. “Marks on some Minoan Balance Weights and their Interpretation,” 1975-76
Pickard, J. "Dionysus en Limnais" VI (1890-97), pp. 330-356.
Pippin, A.M. "The Chabrias Monument in the Athenian Agora," 1957
Poland, W.C. "A Sepulchral Inscription from Athens," VI (1890-97), pp. 357-363
Pollitt, J.J. "A Study of the Ancient Remains at Kastri, near Ammotopos, in Epirus," 1958
Powell, B. “Trips in Euboea," 1899
Preyer, B. "Herodotus and Delphi," 1963
Reesor, M. "The Local Divisions of Attica," 1950
Rexine, J.E. "0 Anthropos, e physis, kai o theos en te demotike poiesei ton Ellenon," 1952
Richardson, R.B. "Discoveries at Plataea in 1890s. Votive Inscription," VI (1890-97, pp. 24-39.
Richardson, R.B., "Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. Eretria: A Historical Sketch," VI (1890-97), pp. 59-69.
Richardson, R.B., "Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. The Gymnasium, 1895,” VI (1890-97), pp. 162-182
Richardson, R.B., "Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. Inscriptions, 1891," VI (1890-97), pp. 69-76.
Richardson, R.B. and T.W. Heermance, "Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. Inscriptions, 1895," VI (1890-97), pp. 183-205.
Richardson, R.B. “Excavations and Discoveries at Eretria, 1891-1895. A Temple in Eretria (1894)," VI (1890-97), pp. 123-134.
Richardson, R.B. and J.R. Wheeler, "Excavations and Discoveries at the Argive Heraeum, 1892-1895. Inscriptions," VI (1890-97), pp. 272-298.
Richardson, R.B. "Excavations and Discoveries at the Argive Heraeum, 1892- 1895. Stamped Tiles," VI (1890-97), pp. 261-271 and 299-301.
Richardson, R.B. "A Torso from Daphne," VI (1890-97), pp. 364-373.
Richardson, R.B., "A Sacrificial Calendar from the Epakria," VI (1890-97), pp. 374- 391.
Rider, C. "Prehistoric Inscribed Vases," 1950
Robinson, C.A. Jr. and H.V. Broe, "Excavations at Nemea 1924. Catalogue of Coins," 1924
Robinson, C.A. Jr. and H.V. Broe, "Excavations at Phlius 1924. Catalogue of Coins," 1924
Rolfe, J.C. "An inscribed Tombstone from Boiotia,” V (1886-90), p. 252.
Rolfe, J.C. "Discoveries at Anthedon in 1889," V (1886-90), pp. 194-205.
Rolfe, J.C. and F.B. Tarbell, "Discoveries at Plataia in I889. Inscriptions from Plataia," V (1886-90), pp. 248-251.
Rolfe, J.C. and F.B. Tarbell, "Discoveries at Plataia in 1889. A Hew Fragment of the Preamble to Diocletian’s Edict, ‘De Pretiis Rerum Venalium," V (1886-90), pp. 233-244.
Rolfe, J.C., C. Waldstein, and F.B. Tarbell, "Discoveries at Plataia in 1889. Report on Excavations at Plataia in 1889," V (1886-90), pp. 244-247.
Rolfe, J.C. and F.B. Tarbell, "Discoveries at Thisbe in 1889. Inscriptions from Thisbe," V (1886-90), pp. 225-232.
Rolfe, J.C. "Discoveries at Thisbe in I889. Report on Excavations," V (1886- 90), pp. 224-225.
Rooney, J.K. "Seven Against Thebes: Drama of Resolution," 1964
Rosen, F.H. "Report on Collection of Isthmian Testimonia: List of Card-File of Isthmian Testimonia," 1956
Ross, E.S. "Plato on Art in The Republic" 1959
Rupprecht, A.A. "Roman Honorary Columns in Athens," 1957
Ruter, W.L. "Seating Arrangements in the Theater of Dionysos," 1934
Sand, F. “The Haimon Painter,” 1975-76
Sanborn, C.A.R. S. "The Site of Opous,” 1911
Scaife, A. R. “Alexander I in the Histories of Herodotos,” 1985-86
Scholten, J. B. “The Acquisition and Defense of Delphi, 301-279,” 1985-86
Schwenk, C. “IG II2 333: A New Text,” 1972-73
Scoufopoulos, N. "The Topography and Antiquities of Kalauria and Sphaeria," 1961
Segal, C.P. "Pindar and Greek Sculptures Aspects of the Development of the Moral Ideal in Greece from 500 to 450 B.C.," 1958
Shapiro, K.D. “A Family Gathering at Rhamnous? Who’s Who on the Nemesis Base,” 1989-91
Sickinger, J. and N. Vogeikoff, “Leagros Kalos: A Second Look,” 1989-90
Sismondo, B.M. "Notes on the So-called Apollo Patroos by Euphranor," 1956
Smith, E. and H. Lowry, "A Survey of Mountain-Top Sanctuaries in Attica with an Appendix on the Fortifications of Attica," 1954
Spence, M., "Border Country in and around the Argolid," 1954
Spiegel, D. "Finds Near Philippi," 1951
Spiegel, D. "Jewish Epitaphs in the Epigraphical Museum at Athens," 1951
Steinberg, A. and J.R. McCredie, "Archaeological Explorations in Southern Boeotia," 1959
Steinberg, A., M.R. Jones and J.R. McCredie, "Prasiai: A Survey of the Koroni Peninsula," 1959
Steiner, A. R. “Attic Cylinder Lekythoi at Corinth and their Local Imitations,” 1978-79
Sterrett, J.R.S. "An Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor during the summer of 1884," II (1883-84), pp. 1-90.
Sterrett, J.R.S. "Inscriptions of Assos," I (1882-83), pp. 1-90.
Sterrett, J.R.S. "Inscriptions of Tralleis," I (1882-83), pp. 91-120.
Sterrett, J.R.S. "The Wolfe Expedition to Babylonia,” III (1884-85), pp. 443-448.
Sterrett, J.R.S. "The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor,” III (1884-85, pp. 1-432.
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